chapter 1: when i met her (kenny pov)

wanna do

my name is kenny. im just an average californian that applied as an exchange student for korea for colledge. my dream is to work in an international company. well anyway when i met her, she changed my life. i was so tired from class that i started to spaceout throughout the day. i slowly truged onto my usual train to get home and looked out the window waching people speed past as the train moved. before i knew it though, i fell asleep and passed my usual stop. when i woke up i was already an gangnam. usually, mature adults would get off and look for another train buuuuuuttttt.....well..... i FREAKED OUT. i didnt know what to do and i didnt know how to get home. I felt a tap on my right shoulder and a soft, beautiful voice asked

" are you ok?". I slowly turned around to see a beautiful girl that i instantly fell in love with.

"" i was so startled and embarresed that my cheeks became as read as an tomato.

"HAHAHAHA!" her laugh was so pretty that it messed up my mind even more. 

"are you lost?" she asked me.

"ya you know how to get to Changwon?"

"yes i do actually. you take A4 train from here but those done run again until tomorrow. and its getting late....are you hungry? lets go get some dinner! i know a REALLY good place! come on!" then she grabbed onto my hand and pulled/ran to an unknown destination.



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