A Usual Morning

Living the Past

AN: Umm.. hi. Please comment and whatever if you feel like xD

It was the next morning, only a few hours after the blonde's nightmares. The sun was already shining brightly, the early birds chirping cheerfully. Yet the boy couldn't be as happy as them. He already knew that this day was going to be the same as others.  

Kibim cringed visible when he noticed why he felt like that. A small, dark car had crashed into a tree. Its windshield was pretty much gone, though if he looked at it a bit more closely, the only recognizable thing in it was the passenger seat.

The ambulance was there already, but they didn't seem to be in a hurry anymore. The car's driver was lying on the pavement, unmoving.


The boy bit into his lower lip and sighed, looking around. Expect for the paramedics and a small girl that was sobbing in the arms of a guy who was around Kibum's age, he was the only one there, and even they seemed to be going now. "What a sight."He muttered as he looked at the young, lifeless woman from a few meters as he wasn't allowed to go closer. The long, dark-haired girl's chest had been pierced by a shard of glass. Blood was still sipping out of the blood, joining the puddle on the ground. 

"It'd be a pity to let you die."He muttered as he hid behind a tree,closing his eyes. He concentrated on going back in time, knowing that no one had noticed him falling onto his knees, his figure slowly fading.

When Kibum opened his eyes, he was at the same place, but the car wasn't there yet. A happy couple was walking down the street, not caring that they were on the road. The brown-haired girl's small puppy was following them, soft yaps escaping it whenever it tripped over its short legs. Having seen accidents like this before, the blonde already knew what he had to do. Smirking a little to himself, he walked and bumped into the girl, making sure that she wouldn't notice him slipping her dog's leash out of her hand.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry."He muttered with a fake, well-mastered smile as the puppy ran off, barking happily. The girl's boyfriend glared at him happily and ran after the animal that fortunately was running on the pavement and not the road.

The girl just nodded a little and followed the other two. The blonde boy walked off the road and watched as the small, dark car passed him, heading towards the city center.

This time, it didn't crash.

Kibum let out a relieved sigh as he felt himself crash onto the ground in the place he had went back in time, his hands shaking a little. He felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him. He was already used to it though, so he pushed himself off the ground slowly and continued going to school, feeling weak as ever. "But at least I saved someone."He thought, a very small genuine smile dancing on his lips. 

Staggering a little, he considered heading home. The fact that he couldn't sleep at night and that now he had used much of his energy to save the girl that would never even realize that she had died and had been given a what Kibum like the call second chance - because in a sense, it was one - was seriously making him too tired. The skinny blonde wanted to go back home, fall into his bed and sleep. For hours or maybe even days.

And still he soon reached his school, only to be greeted by a few people. He smiled weakly, not wanting to talk with them since he just wasn't in the mood to pretend that he was happy. And normal. 

"Hyung!" He heard an all-too-familiar voice chirped as he was almost tackled to the ground by Taemin. The boy grinned at his friend, oblivious to how tired the other looked. "Guess what I did yesterday!"He giggled when Kibum smiled at him softly, his eyes hiding a little of the shine they used to when he was younger.

Taemin was truly his best friend. Maybe because he was one of the first he had saved, maybe because he was truly a cute boy, even if he could be quite annoying at times. Kibum wasn't sure, but he did like the boy in a sense. Of course, not like that, because he had never liked anyone like that before. He wasn't sure why, but it was like his abilities sort of didn't let him love anyone truly anymore. He could tolerate his friends and be pretty close to them, but that didn't mean that he could fall in love.

He had never felt the butterflies Taemin was at the moment rambling about because apparently he had met a boy he liked. His heart never pounded loudly just because he saw someone. 

"And then he asked me out."Taemin sighed dreamily as he finished his little speech about his soon-to-be-boyfriend, failing to notice that his friend had more or less zoned off. 

"That's great."Kibum muttered with a half smile before slowly walking to his classroom, followed by the younger who was staring ahead, daydreaming about his new crush. He was so spaced out that he bumped into a few people, always apologizing before following the blonde.

"And, did anything interesting happen to you?"The younger asked as they both sat down. Though Taemin was younger, he was in a few of Kibum's classes since he was pretty smart for his age and had skipped a grade. The blonde sometimes wondered how someone so infantile - and sweet - could be so sharp. It was a little weird, honestly.

"No, nothing had happened."The elder said as he laid his head on his desk, a yawn escaping his dry lips. "My mom was out again by the time I woke up, but yeah, that's all."He finished, smiling a little when he heard Taemin scoot closer to him with his chair 

"That's not much."The younger giggled, looking up when the bell rang. "Um, have you studied for the test?"He asked, biting into his lower lip. "I don't really get one of the formulas and..."

"What test?"Kibum wondered out loud, his tired eyes widening."."

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Chapter 2: *-* time travler Kim Kibum *-*
I pity him for some reason :/ and of course I am curious about jjongs role :D
naznew #2
Chapter 2: Gomawo updated..
kibum save one life from dead.. i wonder the reaper is not angry to kibum because well.. that people suppose to died..
kibum forget the test because he busy thinking about his life...LOL
Please update again if you can..
interesting !!!!
Chapter 2: he... I'm curious about when Jjong comes into the picture...
naznew #5
Chapter 1: seem interesting..i can't wait to read the continuous..hwaiting~
wheres-my-cookie #6
Chapter 1: This story sounds good! I will be waiting for your next update!! ^^
BeleniKate #7
Chapter 1: This seems interesting! I love your fics ^^
I look forward to the next one adhfakjd :3