Because of Me

Living the Past

AN:Hi everyone ^^ Initially, I wanted to wait for the poster before posting the first chap, but I had "great" ideas or what about it :D So... Yeah, I hope that you will enjoy it <3

"Dad!" A tallish blonde haired boy shouted, his voice echoing in the hospital's waiting room. A choked sob left his lips as he glanced at his sobbing mother. The petite woman seemed even tinier than usually. "Mom, what happened?" The boy asked weakly, his voice wavering as he watched his mother sink onto the floor, only supported by the off-white wall she had been leaning against. It was obvious that something was really wrong. His mother never really called him when he was in school. And only half an hour before, his phone rang. He could still recall his mother's weak, strangled whisper as she told him that something was wrong and he had to go to the hospital.

He was still panting a bit from running so quickly. Never before had he ran this rapidly, and he knew it. He had been having those weird feelings that something was off with his father. And now... He had to realize that he had been right. He wished he hadn't.

"He... He's sick, Kibum... Very sick..."She whispered after a few moments of silence. She didn't want to tell her son that his father was going to leave them very, very soon. She couldn't even think of being without him... And it was all her fault... She should have noticed. She had no idea how blind she had been. There were so many signs of him being sick. His weak heart, those attacks.. She should have known. And now... He was going to leave them because of her ing mistake. She wished that she could go back in time, to change everything. But she couldn't...

Feline, brown eyes shot open as a weak, strangled whimper left pink, dry lips. The owner of the stunning eyes blinked for a few times, tears running down his red cheeks. "Again..."He thought, the thoughts of that day he had to relive many times in the past still on his mind. His father had been the only person he couldn't save. He had done everything in order to help him... Really..

But no... Nothing helped... And it hurt. Much more than anything in Kibum's weird, weird world consisting mostly of fragmented memories of the true and fake past...

The boy glanced at his alarm, a small frown pulling at his lips as he realized that it was still so early in the night. And today, since it had at least passed midnight by now, was Saturday. The day he'd been detested more and more since his father had passed away.

A tear trickled down his cheek as he remembered feeling so much sorrow and grief. He could see his mother's petite, but once strong figure collapse as they had been told the news.

"I'm sorry, Mrs Kim. You're husband had passed away."The doctor said, not brave enough to look the woman in the eye. A cry left her lips as the facts had slowly sunk in, her trembling hands searching for support. Kibum was there to hold her up, his eyes filled with shock.

"Liar."He hissed at the man in front of him, his feline eyes shooting daggers towards the balding man. His lips trembled as he lead his mother to a chair, trying to soother her that everything was alright.

The boy shook his head quickly, trying to get rid of those dreaded memories. But he had seen them too much... They were engraved into his mind. Every single time he closed his eyes, he would see these, or something very similar to them.

Even when awake, he dreamt of the past. But not only this past.

Sometimes, it was cute little Taemin's shaking body in his arms as his soul left the younger boy slowly. He could hear himself crying then, begging his friend to wake up. He had been the one to cause this. He was the one told Taemin to jump down.

Sometimes, he could see other people. like the guy with weird, blue hair and dark eyes. He went to Kibum's school, and one day, some idiot wanted to have a fight with him in front of an open window. Kibum was there, amongst the crowd when both males fell out, dying the moment they reached the ground.

The blonde boy let out a soft, desperate cry, turning onto his stomach. He buried his face in his pillow, tears already soaking it's silky material. "Why did you have to leave?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "Why?"

Suddenly, he giggled. It was a broken, soft sound as he clung to the pillow, soft hiccups leaving his moist lips.

"I'm so pathetic..."He thought, gripping his blue sheets with all of his strength. "I was able to save everyone else, even if they were sick. But not him. Why? Why did he leave? Why?"

He was sobbing hysterically the moment the last coherent thoughts left his mind. He felt so ing weak, and he hated it so much. He suddenly heard footsteps, and he knew that his mother went downstairs to get some sleeping pills. She had been doing this since that day... Kibum doubted that she had slept well since the incident.

He didn't like what his mother had become. From the always cheerful, sweet businesswoman who had quitted work when she got pregnant with her baby boy she had changed into a stoic lady, barely saying anything even to her own son.

She had been working almost non-stop since the funeral. Kibum could still remember when she told him that she had to work. He was around thirteen that time, still struck by his father's death.

And he could only nod to her, reaching out to hug her one more time.

Since then, the woman's only free days were Saturdays. Kibum would usually stay in his room, and she would sit in the living room. They would both stare ahead, reliving those memories they wished to forget so much.

But the boy had so much more of them, and still, his woman ignored his cries, his soft pleas for them to stop. She wasn't herself anymore. Only work mattered now...

"But it's not her fault."Kibum thought, a bitter chuckle escaping his lips. "He died because of me."

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Chapter 2: *-* time travler Kim Kibum *-*
I pity him for some reason :/ and of course I am curious about jjongs role :D
naznew #2
Chapter 2: Gomawo updated..
kibum save one life from dead.. i wonder the reaper is not angry to kibum because well.. that people suppose to died..
kibum forget the test because he busy thinking about his life...LOL
Please update again if you can..
interesting !!!!
Chapter 2: he... I'm curious about when Jjong comes into the picture...
naznew #5
Chapter 1: seem interesting..i can't wait to read the continuous..hwaiting~
wheres-my-cookie #6
Chapter 1: This story sounds good! I will be waiting for your next update!! ^^
BeleniKate #7
Chapter 1: This seems interesting! I love your fics ^^
I look forward to the next one adhfakjd :3