Chapter 7

The Reign of Darkness

Journey to the Center of the World


While it is a mystery to most of the people where the ill-fated men disappeared to after being touched by the black curse, I intend to let you know, for we shall follow the journey of the last of the four, Lee Sungjong.

Sungjong set out northward with no solid idea on where he should go; all he knew was that he had to as far from their village as possible. He followed the North Star by night and the sun’s trips across the sky by day. He passed through a dense forest, some highs and lows, valleys and hills, until he got to the next Southern village. He stopped a bit for some grub and rest, before thinking of how he ought to go on with this trip.

Sungjong recalled his uncle’s long-since told story: of the making of the mirror, the curse, the mountain…

Then he sat up straight. Could it be? Should I head over to the Mountain? It’s highly probable; there’s no other place this shard is related.

 He looked around for someone he could ask for directions; someone, well, old enough to have live through that time. He was in a quiet inn in which he grabbed some refreshments. There weren’t many people coming in and out of it, but there was the manager of the inn.

She was standing by the counter and observing people. When Sungjong cast a glance at her, he discovered that she had been staring him down. Before he could stand up and talk to her, she walked over to him and stood beside his table. Sungjong gulped and cleared his throat.


“May I help you, young man?” she asked. “You don’t look like you’re very certain of where you’re headed.”

Sungjong composed himself. “A sharp eye you have, ma’am,” he replied courteously. “Indeed, I haven’t been in these parts in my life. And I am on a journey to somewhere I’m not quite sure of. But a minute ago I thought of an option on where to go. Do you, perhaps, know anything about The Mountain?”

The woman in question furrowed her eyebrows for a moment’s thought, and then her forehead straightened out.

“Are you referring to the mountain where terrible things have happened in the past?” she said. Her voice dropped to a whisper and she sat herself in front of Sungjong.

“That is exactly what I had in mind, ma’am,” replied Sungjong. “I was wondering if you could give me directions to it.”

The woman sized Sungjong up. “You don’t look old enough to have been born at that time. How do you know of the Mountain? We avoid telling the story to our children.”

“My uncle told me of the story,” he said briskly. “And I’m almost sure that is where I’m supposed to be headed.”

“If you know so much about it and the dangers circling it, why go?” she asked, suspicious all at once.

“It’s… a private matter, ma’am,” said Sungjong, immediately on guard. He refused to say any more information about his trip.

The woman sighed and sat back. “I’d hate to get you in trouble, lad.”

“I won’t hold it against you, ma’am. But it’s really important that I finish my business there as quickly as possible. Someone is waiting for me back home.”

The woman nodded understandingly and proceeded to give him directions.

“Since you’re coming from the South, all you have to do is go on north until you find a mountain so tall that its peak reaches the skies and is obscured from view. When you get there, I don’t know what you have to do but I advise you to finish quickly and get as far from the place as soon as you can. And you mustn’t haunt me if anything bad happens to you there, you understand?”

Sungjong chuckled softly. “I understand, ma’am. Thank you so much for this. I’ll remember this as a favor done by a good woman.”

He stood and nodded politely before heading out. North, and whatever comes after it. I’m definitely not ready for what might happen. But then again, I have no choice.


It took a three-day journey for Sungjong to reach his destination, but when he got the place, he had no more doubt that this was it and this was where he was supposed to go. He took a deep breath and braced himself. Okay, Sungjong, here’s what you’re going to do: climb the unattainable, deposit the mirror, and climb back down. Oh, and don’t die.

The mountain rose above him like a great earth giant. He could barely make out a way up, much less make out the top of it, for it was covered by dark swirling clouds. Lightning cracked and thunder boomed from somewhere at the top. There was no trace of trees or living things all the way up; just sharp crags and loose stones. Sungjong gulped, suddenly unsure of what he was about to attempt.

“Not really exciting, is it?” he muttered to himself. After some thinking, he made his way to the foot of the mountain. No, you will accomplish this mission and come back alive. For Sungjin. And thus he began the long climb.


The path was as treacherous as it looked. One might say that the path he took was the safest, but if one looked closely, it was as dangerous as any other way. The beginning was easy enough; Sungjong quickly found a trail that had probably been used once or twice by daring climbers and mountain goats (because those who climbed the Mountain never live long enough to climb it again). The climb was rather easy at the start; the only problem were the loose pebbles, and once in a while a rock or two would fall from somewhere above him.

But as Sungjong got up higher, the terrain grew more difficult. Once or twice he had to pass by around the very side of the Mountain, and the trail became as thin as half his foot. It didn’t help that the rocks gave way under him, either. He had to hug the mountainside to prevent him from falling to his death. He also had to apply some rock-climbing skills, for the trail stopped and to get any higher he had to climb a wall-like part of the mountain. Some of the rocks he grasped and stepped on weren’t any use; they only broke off and fell. Once he slipped and hung on only by his right arm. His entire cloth bag fell off his left arm and all he could do was stare until he couldn’t see it anymore. But he managed to pull himself up and climb halfway, and when he finally came to a flat part he sat (as far from the edge as possible) and rested.

Sungjong panted, not from tiredness, but from the fear and relief of what he just accomplished. He felt his body got sore all of a sudden from all the force he exerted hauling himself up the ledge he now sat on. Shoot. I didn’t think I’d get this far; thought I'd die back there. But only half-way more to go. The only comforting thing I could hold on to is that the cave where this all started couldn’t be at the peak (because that just can’t be possible). Maybe just a little bit below the top, but that’s enough.

With halting breaths (because the air had grown thinner as he got higher) he took out the leather pouch from his pocket. Good thing he had minded not to put it with the bag. He untied it and gazed at the mirror inside.

This whole adventure is because of a shard of an enchanted mirror. What does it do? Why doesn’t it affect me?


Night fell and Sungjong decided to spend the night where he was. No use going on up and falling right off because of a misstep.

He cleared the flat surface as much as possible and used an arm as his pillow. He hung the pouch around his neck and went to sleep.

Out of sheer tiredness, he didn’t feel the mirror vibrating against his chest. A silent voice—as quiet as the passing breeze—spoke gloatingly.

Not affected, eh? I’m not satisfied with your performance yet, Lee Sungjong. Your trip had been far too easy. Wait and see what this adventure has in store for you. Oh yes, it has a lot more surprises than what you’ve already had. Be patient, boy, and beware.

But, oblivious to further threats, Sungjong slept on and had sweet dreams about his home and his little sister.

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TRoD: I finally finished it! But I haven't edited it yet, so that's while I'll be doing for the next few days. :))


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Chapter 12: Wow. Just. Amazing. I couldn't stop reading and yet its already 12AM and I have school in a few hours. This story gave me shivers but it was so good ! I just knew Sungjong was the one to save the whole thing because of the foreshadowing you did. It was really great ! I just hope I won't get a nightmare since I'm reading it before sleeping. Aigoo. But yeah. Really cried in the end. Sungjin must stay strong and be happy for her brother. Gosh ! Such a great read ! Loved it !
Breathtaking story, all I can say honestly. ^^