Chapter 12

The Reign of Darkness

The Cost of a Sacrifice


Sungjin and Jungryeol had barely gotten out of the cave when the storm suddenly stopped. They looked up and saw the sparks and the light and felt the same relief everyone did. A tortured scream echoed from inside the cave, but it sounded distant and insignificant, till it just faded and stopped.

Sungjin tore away from her uncle’s grip and ran back into the cave. In contrast to its dark walls only few moments ago, the stone seemed to have been showered with sunshine. The dome-shaped room was glowing on its own. The dead bodies were gone, and so were the pile of burnt sticks and the crimson stains on the floor. It smelled fresh and clean, just like the first breath of spring. The room was almost empty, save for a smoking cloak that belonged to the missing sorcerer.

Sungjin was about to take a step forward when a mirage started materializing between her and the cloak. She froze and watched as it grew solid and was even more taken aback.


The Sun Warrior looked at her and smiled. “So you’ve heard of me too?”

When Sungjin didn’t reply, Kris turned away from her and kneeled to touch the dark cloak. It erupted in flames at his touch, and it vanished from view.

“Where did he go?” asked Sungjin.

“Things made from evil cannot tolerate a sacrifice so pure,” Kris said solemnly. “The sorcerer, as well as his mirror, is no more.”

At the mention of the sacrifice, Sungjin’s eyes widened. “My brother!”

At the mention of his name, the glowing entity floated back into the crater. The hot light made Sungjin shield her eyes, but Kris stood motionless as he watched. The figure slowly went down and the light dimmed at once, and there at the dead center of the cave is the crumpled body of Lee Sungjong.


Sungjin rushed to his side, and for a moment she thought he was alive. The wounds and cuts all over his body were all gone and his face looked as if he were sleeping deeply. But just as soon as the light faded around him, the warmth left his skin. Sungjin touched him and froze; his body was cold and undeniably lifeless.

“I’m sorry, Sungjin.”

Then the poor girl, tired from her terrible ordeal for the day, fainted.


“Sungjin… Sungjin…”

Sungjin opened her eyes a crack and shut them again, overwhelmed by the light around her.

“Sungjin, get up.”

The voice calling her had a distant sound to it. It was like they were in a hollow cave: it rang out all around her and bounced off invisible walls.

Sungjin tried opening her eyes again, a little bit at a time. There was a face hovering over her, and it took her a while to recognize it. But when she did, she immediately threw her arms around him.


Sungjong chuckled. “Hello, dear sister.”

“B-but, I… I thought you were d-dead…” whispered Sungjin.

Sungjong looked at her while smiling gently. That face always assured her that everything would be okay. And he would always say—

“Things are rough, I know. But there will always be a rainbow after the rain, and there’s always a silver lining amongst the darkest clouds. Everything will be okay, even if I’m not beside you.”

“Where will you be going?” she asked.

“Some place far away where I will live on forever and ever,” he replied.

Sungjin sniffled. “Won’t I ever see you again?”

Sungjong pulled his dear little sister in a tight hug, and held her as if he’d never let go. “No, but I’ll be watching over you always. I’ll make sure of that.”

“What if I miss you too much?” Sungjin was crying uncontrollably now. “I can’t even last a month without you, much less forever.” Sungjong gently her hair and murmured softly in her ear.

“I’ll always be with you,” he said. “With every step you take; every time you lie down and every time you get up; every time the wind blows you’ll hear me. I’ll never completely leave you, Sungjin. I’m always right here.”

With that, he touched the space over her heart. Sungjin was still crying, but she put on a smile.

“I’ll miss you so much,” she said shakily. “I love you, Sungjong oppa.”

“I love you twice over, Lee Sungjin.”


“Sungjin… Sungjin!”

Sungjin opened her eyes. Her uncle was looking down at her with concern. She looked past his head and saw a wooden roof. Curtains fluttered quietly to her right, and her uncle’s worried face was at her left.

“U-uncle…?” she murmured and tried to get up. Jungryeol stopped her by the shoulders and laid her down again.

“You’re not completely well yet,” he said. “Just rest.”

“Wh-what happened?”

“You fainted in the cave, and—something—brought us to the nearest village healers,” explained Jungryeol. His eyebrows creased with the difficulty to remember. “You’ve been asleep for about a day and a half.”

Sungjin slowly nodded. Then she remembered something painful and started tearing up.

“He’s gone. My brother is gone.”

Jungryeol inched his chair closer to Sungjin’s bed and the traumatized girl’s hair. “Everything he did, he did to save and protect you. Your brother loved you more than life itself. Seeing you cry because he sacrificed himself for you wouldn’t make him too happy, wherever he is.”

Sungjin hiccupped and sniffed, wiping her tears. “All the same, I cry because I’ll miss him terribly. It won’t be the same without him. Nothing would ever be the same again.”

“Because of your brother’s selfless sacrifice, the whole world was given a clean slate. Everyone will be starting over, including you and me. Doesn’t this lift your spirit?”

Sungjin’s brows met at the center as she clenched both her fists. “It just hurts too much.”

“I understand how you’re feeling,” said Jungryeol with a silent sigh. “Do you want me to leave you alone, to think?”

“No, uncle, please,” said Sungjin and grabbed her uncle’s hand. She looked up at him with wide, scared eyes. “Please stay. I don’t want to be alone.”

Jungryeol nodded, understanding. “It’s alright. I won’t leave you.” He caressed her hair until she fell asleep again. He looked out into the window and couldn’t help a couple of tears escaping his eyes.

You are the bravest man I’ve ever known, Lee Sungjong. Your sacrifice will never be in vain. May you rest in peace.

The End.

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TRoD: I finally finished it! But I haven't edited it yet, so that's while I'll be doing for the next few days. :))


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Chapter 12: Wow. Just. Amazing. I couldn't stop reading and yet its already 12AM and I have school in a few hours. This story gave me shivers but it was so good ! I just knew Sungjong was the one to save the whole thing because of the foreshadowing you did. It was really great ! I just hope I won't get a nightmare since I'm reading it before sleeping. Aigoo. But yeah. Really cried in the end. Sungjin must stay strong and be happy for her brother. Gosh ! Such a great read ! Loved it !
Breathtaking story, all I can say honestly. ^^