Those unexpected red eyes.

빗소리 | Rain Sound.

 After finishing the story, I felt something terrible. I quickly looked at her. Her eyes turned shiny red, it looked like blood. I felt like puking. 

-Who are you...? I finally asked
-Daddy, it's me, Hanna, why are you asking? She showed an innocent face
-Had you been acting all this time? I was tearing up
-STOP PRETENDING! I yelled out

A little laugh was heard, she was smirking. 
-Well, well, I guess it's time for you to know what truly happened back then. 
-What are you talking about? 

-Mother was a real angel, she lived in Paradise, but one day she got curious and went down to earth. The most funny part of it was, she got . by a policeman. I guess she met you there, but there is a law about angels may not fall in love with any humans. She just simply did, and when he heard about it, she was summoned back to Paradise with force. Guess what? Shortly, she got banned from Paradise and exiled to Hell. Few months later, I was born, but she died, which made all her memories mine. Babies cry when they born don't they? Well I remained silent, about how sad this story was. As I learned to walk and talk, I decided to look for you. I knew I really looked like her​, so I knew calling you daddy would do the right stuff. 

A tear fell from my eye, this made me feel bad and miss her even more. She approached me, wiped away my tear and smiled saying:
-But don't worry daddy, we'll finally live together forever, only us together. You are mine. Forever mine...

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