Red umbrella of fate.

빗소리 | Rain Sound.

I thought it would be, again, a boring day, but I was wrong, it was a day that I would never forget. 

My umbrella was hiding me from the god's tears, until I crossed an alley. I heard crying, but I felt that it was calling for me, so I approached. The noise came under a big basket. I removed the basket to find her shirtless. At first she was really scared that I'll bring harm to her, but I used my umbrella to cover her from the rain, and she slowly stopped crying. 
-W-what happened? I gulped
She simply shook her head and faced away. She seemed like a lost puppy, so I naturally patted her head without knowing. She was shocked, but it was also her first time smiling to me. I finally decided to bring her to the police station. I was piggybacking her, but we were getting wet from the rain, so I had no choice but to tell her to hold the red umbrella. 
-I'll bring you to somewhere safe okay? But can you hold the umbrella for us? 
She simply nodded and held the umbrella as I requested

The police station wasn't that far, plus I usually take this path to head home, which was even greater. 
-Here we are, the police station, I'll stay with you the whole time okay? So don't get scared, I whispered to her
I didn't know why, but it made her more frightened, and she shook her head. 
-Don't worry! Everything would be alright! I tried to calm her down
She kept on shaking her head, but I didn't care and walked toward the entrance. Suddenly, she bit me hard. I shouted out of pain, and she stopped. I looked at her waiting for an explanation of this act, but she turned her head away and looked sorry, so I forgave her. 
-Let's head to my house then? I sighed
She quickly nodded her head while smiling. 

As we entered in my house, I put her down, and shortly landed her a towel and clothes to change with.
-Go in the bathroom and take a shower,I pointed

I never understood what's wrong with waiting girls, but after that long waiting, I finally knew how my friends felt. She got out after an hour, but it was the first time I clearly looked at her. She had pale skin, which matched my white chemise. She may not have that hot body, but the way she was, it pleased me. 
-It took you long, I stick my tongue out
She wanted to talk, but hesitated then simply nodded. 
-Are you hungry? I prepared some food
She nodded again and followed me to the eating table. We sat down and started eating, it was really awkward because she wasn't talking and when I asked questions she only replied by nodding or shaking her head. 
-You're not a talker aren't you? 
She finished her bowl, and stared at me. 
-W-what's wrong? I got nervous
She pointed at and did an 'X' with her fingers while shaking her head. 
-Y-you can't talk? I widened my eyes
She nodded, once again. I was really surprised. She looked so pretty, but sadly she couldn't talk. 
-I should really bring you to the police station then, I frowned
She widened her eyes and shook her head. She did hand signs trying to tell me something. 
-I... Here.... Don't tell me you want to actually stay here to stay with me! I widened my eyes this time
She smiled and bowed, but I sighed. Actually, I felt great someone was staying with me, but it had to be a pretty girl. 
-Fine... But oh right, you know how to use a hand phone right? I showed her my iPhone. 
She shook her head, and titled her head wondering what I was holding. I sighed again, did she come from the past like the person in the dramas did? 
-I'll teach you then, but you at least know how to type Korean right? I showed her my text messages.
She slowly shook her heading, while feeling sorry. 
-I guess I should teach you like a kid, but seriously, where are you from? I face palmed
She pointed the roof and sweetly smiled.
-An angel...? 

She stick her tongue out and showed an 'I don't know' move. I pouted and started teaching her about my smart phone. She actually knew how to write Korean and read, but she couldn't understand how we typed them out. There's a lot that she knows, just not technology. 

As days passed, she started understanding technology and could chat with me by sending me messages. We had a lot of fun, but also I think she started getting weight because of the food I am giving her. I would go out every day for work and come back to cook for her. We went shopping for her, she obviously needed girl clothes. She would actually sometimes spend a whole day at the cafe I work. I even brought her to watch movies. I wish she actually liked me. 

We were in love and had so much fun for a month, until the day I asked her an important question.
-Will you stay here forever? I held her hands
She smiled, but I could see in her eyes that, she will leave one day. I fakely smiled and changed the conversation.
The worst happened, she left on the next day, on the day we exactly knew each other for 3 months. 

Of course, I didn't just leave things that they were, I looked for her, everyday, everywhere. I didn't care when my clothes were wet and drenched, I just kept on looking for her, to the movie theater we went to, but she wasn't there. If only she knew how much loneliness was scary, maybe she wouldn't leave me. I wondered if what she ever said was true. She was from the sky, an angel... 


5 years passed... 
I still sometimes look for her, I would draw her out, but would erase it after. After work, I waited to cross the street, wondering if I should just die like this, life isn't even interesting after that she left. The green light finally showed, and I stopped my thoughts to cross the street. Suddenly, a little girl had my attention, she looked familiar. I thought it was simply my imaginations until she pronounce a word, no, it meant so much as a word; Daddy. 

Yes, it was Hanna, we were both on the middle of the street. I didn't know why, but I directly went hugging her. She just reminded me so much of her. Like that, I started taking care of Hanna as if she was my daughter. 


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