Saturdays 1/1


A/N: Ravi is 10, Hongbin is 9 and Hyuk is 7. Carry on.


Saturdays are always hectic in the VIXX household. Leo dreads Saturdays, there's always sports games to go to and groceries to buy. Most Saturdays he can handle the stress of a lost jersey or N misplacing everything he owns but there are those few Saturdays that are too much for him. This is one of those Saturdays, when Kenjumma (as the kids so fondly call him) comes down, making the noise twice as loud and the kids twice as rowdy and three times as hard to calm down.


But Leo tries to stand the- well everything, because today is a special day. Today is the first game of the soccer season that Hongbin will be actively playing in and to say the 9 year old is excited (and nervous) would be an understatement. And Hongbin, with his dimples and his bright smile and his contagious attitude, rubbed off on the rest of the family so much even Ravi was jittery.


Hongbin also rubbed off on N, which means Leo was kept up until 2 this morning listening to his worried ramblings about not bringing enough sandwiches or the wrong flavor Gatorade or Hongbin's jersey being dirty. It wasn't until after N checked the food three times and did an extra 4 loads of laundry and went to the nearest convenience store to buy milk at midnight (because a 7 year old Hyuk will not eat breakfast unless white milk is accompanying it), that he finally went to sleep.


So, Leo's running on very little sleep and having to drive while the other occupants of the large SUV decide to have very loud and very random contests to see who can sing the loudest (thanks Ken) insure that he is not smiling by the time they get to the soccer field. Leo parks and Ken takes Ravi and Hyuk to find good seats while N gives Hongbin a pep-talk to prevent him from throwing up in the backseat. When Hongbin is no longer in danger of blowing his breakfast they gather up the signs and lunch and head to where Ken and the kids are.


It's harder to find the three than it should have been, there's more people at this game than there usually is and Ken told Hyuk and Ravi that hiding from Leo would be a fun game. It's not until Leo plops down the cooler and signs with a scowl that they realize just how bad an idea it was, grinning sheepishly up at him and Leo can't stay too mad. Ken's not safe from his glare, however, and is banished to the row of bleachers behind the rest of the family for the time being.


Leo doesn't even bother trying to get Hyuk and Ravi to shut up, knowing it'll take N coming back from dropping Hongbin off with the rest of the team for them to stop bothering him. They much prefer N's excited reactions to their stories than Leo's blank stares anyway.


The game is relatively uneventful, but Hongbin plays hard. Running as fast as his little legs can take him and being really careful not to foul anyone. He even scores a goal, and for as hard as Hongbin plays, the family cheers twice as hard, waving their obnoxiously large and brightly colored banners (Ken and Hyuk get told to put them down by an ahjumma once or twice) and screaming until Leo knows he's going to be brewing a lot of tea for a lot of sore throats when they get home.


Hongbin looks at them and pumps his fists when the players take a break for half-time and Leo can't help but smile, because even though Ken is here and he had to put up with N last night, he's really proud of Hongbin.


Hongbin's team ends up losing by 3 points but Ken and N tell him it's okay and it's not about winning, it's about having fun and Ravi gives him his popsicle and Hongbin dimples and runs off with the other two kids. Leo watches them race to the car with a grin until he feels an arm around his shoulder and a hand in his. Ken and N are on either side of him with matching smiles and Leo can't help but smile back, eyes creasing and teeth showing.


Leo knows that he's going to need the entirety of Sunday to recuperate from everything that has happened and will, undoubtedly, go wrong for the rest of the day but for now he has his best friend and his other half and three wonderfully bratty kids and he couldn't be happier.


Until 20 minutes later when Ken slips an ice-cube down the back of his shirt while he's driving, that is.


A/N: Did it ? What is fluff? idek. I don't ship nXleo AT ALL unless BROtp but Keo wouldn't really fit right so Neo it was. I love the idea of kid VIXX, it just seems so cute. Sorry if this was bad, I tried to keep my writing style which was hard because fluff doesn't really carry a lot of deep emotion so.

Anyway comment! Let me know if you want more VIXX family or kid!VIXX in the future. <3

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Chapter 1: I think this can be considered as fluff! Just a simple narrative about the VIXX family's day feels comfortable enough, and you can pick out the dynamics in the group (at least for the adults) through their small interactions. I really like how you chose to omit explicit dialogue here, choosing to rely purely on the narrative to highlight the relationships and to move the plot forward. The result is a smoother overall flow, and a story that is both light and easy to digest. Also, brilliant ending line! Really makes the whole story go a full circle! (Poor Taekwoon will never catch a break with Jaehwan around~) Lovely work as usual!
Chapter 1: OMG THIS THE CUTEST THING EVER! Please make this a series, it would be adorable! You could write all the way from their childhood to when they graduate IT WOULD BE FABULOUS
Chapter 1: I agree with aznbunnie! You should make it into a series! :D
Chapter 1: I love your writing this was soooooo cute absolutely adorable ! ;________; All the feels I'm getting at one in the morning ugh
butterscotchaa #5
Chapter 1: Hjkadfgghaaa I love it so much please write more! >w<
Chapter 1: We need this to be a series omg. WRITE OT GUUUUURL. CAN YOU IMAGINE THE FEELS. DUDE APPA LEO TO THE RESCUE. FRIKKEN PLAYGROUND FIGHTS AND STUFF ECT. Yeaaaah even thou I ship Keo I couldn't see anyone other than N being the umma. Ken can just be the love able eccentric Kenjumma. Hasjlfsadhkzgk SEEQUEL PLEASE.
Chapter 1: Lol stupid ken! This was cute,,,,,,, BUT their should be either a sequel or a totally diff story bout ravi and n. Ravi is a bad boy in school while N is just that new kid that everyone seems to love! And then they meet and fall in love!!!<3
Chapter 1: this is so adorable!
'kenjumma' haha~
Chapter 1: OMG! That was so cute! and the end was so Ken XDD loved it!