Big Top

Big Top




Kyuhyun was already sleeping albeit shallowly for he was immediately awakened by grunting and screaming voices, a few items crashing to the floor and sounds of slapping skin against skin.  He strained himself while frowning to clearly hear what the voices were saying and what the noise was about. He was surprised when the first clear word he heard was his name.



                “How could you do this!!!How could you do this to meeeee!!!” said a screeching voice.


Another voice trying to calm down the raging one ,“Stop shouting we don’t have to let everyone hear about this.”


                “ you! You don’t really care what others will say! You only think with your !” said the livid voice he now recognized as his brother’s, Heechul.


The other voice was still trying to calm down his brother who now he knows without a doubt is Siwon. “Please let’s talk about this calmly now. We might wake him up.”


There was a brief moment of silence. Then he could hear the voices again but this time in a more normal tone and now Kyuhyun can’t understand the words that were being said although he can still hear the anger in his older brother’s voice so he stood, walked to the door and opened it slightly. His brother’s room was opposite his and he was tempted to walk over and press his ear on the door. He almost did that when the door to the other room opened and out came Siwon.  Both of them were caught in surprise they stood rooted in place and staring at each other.


It was broken only when Heechul noticed that Siwon was still standing in the doorway of his room.


                “What the hell are you still standing there for? Leave!”


Siwon cast Kyuhyun a sad longing look and walked with leaden steps towards the stairs, down the steps stopping by the front door to pick up the scattered things from his knapsack off the floor.


Kyuhyun followed the man’s steps with his eyes which he didn’t know was now shedding tears. “Siwon..Siwon.” a voice was crying out. “S-siwon!” it was desperate, trying to be heard. “SIWON!” he himself was startled to realize it was him calling out the man in the foyer but he couldn’t care less, he bounded down the stairs, stumbling on the last few steps falling on his knees in front of Siwon.


The young boy cried openly and louder now not because of his scraped knee but because of the hurt he’s feeling in his chest.


                “S-siwooon, don’t leave…please!!” Kyuhyun crawled towards Siwon’s legs and clutched at one, trying to keep him in place.


                “Kyuhyun! Stop that! You don’t know what you’re doing!” Heechul shouted but it was done more to be heard than to express anger. He made a promise on their mother’s grave that he’ll love his brother unconditionally and never get angry with him even if he acts like a brat. Even in this situation? Heechul asked himself. They cheated on me behind my back and I still need to be calm with my brother. What kind of a fool am I? 


Kyuhyun continued crying, clutching on Siwon’s leg. Siwon just stood there dumbfounded and heart breaking at the sight of Kyuhyun  being like that.


                “Kyuhyun, please get up.” Siwon cooed in a gentle voice.


                “Siwooon! Take me with you!” the boy implored.


Heechul managed  to unclasp Kyuhyun’s hands from Siwon’s legs. Kyuhyun struggled when he saw Siwon zipping closed his bag while walking away but his brother held him firmly.


Someday, Kyuhyun. Someday. Siwon bitterly thought as he wipes away his own tears.



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ohmysuperjunior #1
awww wonkyuuu :( but at the same time, i feel horrible for heechul as well :o
Chapter 1: Btw... Where is this??? O_o
Chapter 1: Actually this is the first time I don't know who to feel sorry for. Heechul becuz they cheated on him or WonKyu becuz they have to be separated. :/
please update soon ^^
a new one :D
I'll start reading the first chapter,I shouldn't have read the comments below *glups*
Chapter 1: It's heartbreaking.... :(
hit0rigurashi #6
subscribed! it doesn't matter if you're taking your sweet time updating your other fics, but i will surely pester for updates on this one everyday til you get fed up and you either update asap or block me on twitter :P
Chapter 1: they will meet again, right ???
please make a happy ending *_*
Chapter 1: Wow! This looks interesting.... Can't wit for the next chapter.... Pls update soon
Cutekyufan1996 #9
Chapter 1: Omg, love the plot . Update soon^^
Saravy #10
Chapter 1: Update this please! ^^ I need to know what's going was pretty short, so please update! Thank you!!