The Beginning And The Shadow

My Shadow And I


I was wearing my hanbok. It was a new year and I came back from work. I worked as a salesman in a clothing store, women clothing store. I think that the owners of the store chose me for this job because of my long hair. My hair is very long, a light brown long hair. I made my way toward my house. I live alone since my grandfather's death last year. I opened the door and locked it after me. I made my way toward the kitchen.

After making pancakes, I put the pancakes on a plate and walked toward the living room. I the TV and watched the news. "Today, about four o'clock in the afternoon" Said the TV news announcer "A shadow penetrated to our world and killed a young boy named Park Kyung". I turned off the TV. This is the second time that a shadow penetrates our world and killing a human! I heard someone rings the doorbell. I went to open the door, wondering who's at the door at this hour. I opened the door and in front of me stood two policemen. "Yes?" I asked. "Who are you? Who are you looking for?"."Hello little girl, you must be his girlfriend or his sister. Is your boyfriend or brother, Kim Ukwon here?" The handsome one asked. "Eh..I'm sorry. I am Kim Ukwon" I said a little embraced and blushing hard. Did they thought I was a girl?.  "Oh, we didn't know that Kim Ukwon is a girl. We thought that Kim Ukwon will be a boy, that's what your grandfather told us" The one with the deep voice said. "I am a boy" I said, a little hurt. They opened their mouths in shock "What?!" They shouted together. "Am I looking like a girl to you?" I asked a little angrily. "Y-Yeah" The handsome one said, looking at the floor. The one with the deep voice just nodded in agreement. "So…" I said, trying to change the subject we are talking about. "Why do you search for me? Do you need something?"."It was an order from the chief of police, your grandfather… Before he died…"  Said the one with the deep voice. "Yeah, your grandfather told us before his death that when it will be the second time that a shadow will kill a human we should look after you and tell you the orders from your grandfather" Said the handsome one. "O-Okay" I said "What is his orders?" "For telling you that," said the handsome one.  "We need you to come with us to the police station" continued the one with the deep voice. I put some pancakes in my lunch bag and locked the door after me. They took me to their car. I entered the car and sat in the back seat. The officer with the deep voice sat beside me and the handsome officer began to drive. "Could you please tell me your names?" I asked, wanting to stop calling them in my mind with the nicknames "Handsome" and "Deep-voice". "I'm Pyo Jihoon" said the one with the deep voice. "And the one who is driving is Ahn Jaehyo" He smiled at me.


We, I mean… Humans live on Earth, more specifically on the bright and sunny side of it. Earth has two halves, half dark and half light.  On the dark half, living the shadows. Legends told that the shadows always tried to kill people and there are proofs for that. There are pictures, old manuscripts and even testimonies from people who saw shadows. But for some reason, none of us, the humans wanted to believe. We knew we were living on the Earth's bright side but we didn't want to know more than that. And unfortunately, a year ago, a shadow invaded to our world and attacked one of the humans and now, it was the second time that an incident from that kind happened.

Grandpa always used to say that the shadow is the other half of the human. Each person has a shadow in the shadows world, the dark part of the Earth.  One day, the shadows will try to take over our world. Grandpa said that the shadows think that people are bad. The shadows are saying that people are bad, that people are terrible human beings full of light, terrible light that must be destroyed. I've always been curious. I always wanted to see or meet my shadow, my other half. When I tried to imagine him he strikes to me as tall handsome and strong one. Grandpa told me that they, the shadows look like humans.  But unlike humans, the shadows have burgundy purple eyes and their eyes are glowing in the dark. Shadows can "get out" of their human bodies and then they look like a black humans figures on the wall, the sidewalk and the floor. I always dreamed of my shadow. In my dreams my shadow wasn't bad. My shadow was tall, muscular and handsome and he looked at me fondly when he spreads his arms towards me. I couldn't see his face in my dream. I ran to him and all I heard was a whisper. He whispered my name with his lips, almost touching my ear. My shadow was a man. I felt he was protecting me but unfortunately it was a dream. But damn! It felt so real! The feeling was so real and my heart was racing as this man hugged me in my dream. The feeling… It felt so warm but as grandpa told me every shadow wants to kill his other half, his person. So, my shadow wants to kill me. When a shadow killing a human, he leaves the "Flower" mark in the victim's hand but every shadow kills his own person and no more than that.


We arrived at the police station. We entered to the police station through a yellow door, a huge door. I followed them until we came to a small room with three chairs. I sat in front of Jihoon and Jaehyo. "Your grandfather told us there is no point to explain the shadow's issue to you because you already know it; you know almost everything about it" Jaehyo said, looking at me and smiling. "Your grandfather had done many studies about the shadows and luckily managed to find out who is your shadow. Since you are his lovely grandson he went to the shadows world and found out who is your shadow but since he's back from the shadows world, from his journey there, he became very ill and unfortunately he died" Jihoon said with a deep sad voice, almost crying. "He didn't tell me it was a journey to the other world, the shadows world" I said a little shocked "All he told me was that he was going to a nice trip as a vacation from his job". "Oh no, he didn't want you to worry about him so he didn't tell you where he was going" said Jaehyo, thinking a little. I put my hand on my forehead in anxiously. "Then...Can you please tell me about my shadow?" I asked softly. "Sure. Your shadow is a shadow that stands out, he doesn't like to make contact with the other shadows. He wants silence, he doesn't like to be with the other shadows and he is not very social". "So… Is he a good shadow?" I asked. "We don't know but you need to be careful because usually shadows are no good" Jihoon warned. "Who is he? And how can I protect myself from him?" I asked a little scared."Oh," said Jaehyo

"His name is Lee Minhyuk"

A\N: My new story ! Cuz I'm 'bout to finish my first story

Hope U liked it and thank U for reading it 

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Chapter 2: uhuh Yukwon is the only one left with the special lights.. it meand he have to kill bbomb O.O this is getting interesting :D
Chapter 2: ding dong~ this is sweet! *^* so so interesting! damn! i would like more~ update soon dear author-nim... FIGHTING! :3
Chapter 1: ugh... this is interesting :D *hugs*
This sounds exciting!!~ By the way, it's coming, not comming hhehehe I can help you correct your spelling if you want :D hhehhehe