Chapter 14

First Heartbreak

As the sun peered through your tent the next morning you woke up groggily in a weird sleeping position. Still not fully awake you slowly and carefully looked down to find a foot planted on your stomach. You attempted to move it but it would just find another place to settle on, which happens to be your face.

No wonder why my back is in pain. Who's foot is this? This person has horrible sleeping habits..

You slightly raise your head to take a peek at the owner and found Hana sleeping peacefully snuggling closer to her pillow. Carefully you removed it from your face and quickly scrambled out of the tent, but not before checking if she woke up. Thankfully she was still asleep but her foot found another victim, Eunsook. It's a good thing Eunsook was a deep sleeper otherwise someone would have to get hurt.

"Mianhae Eunsook-ah.." You whispered.

The day was glorious with a blue sky and soft breeze. You stretched leaving your tent and cringed when you heard your back make a cracking sound. You were so used to sleeping on a matress instead of a sleeping bag on hard ground. Usually you would wake up to the sound of your alarm clock not a foot on your face.

"Oh Eunnie you're awake!! Hehe~ I was going to wake you up." Kikwang said approaching you

"Don't worry about that, I think your sister took your position."

"I'm guessing you found out about her sleeping habits?" He said sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.

"You knew and you didn't warn me? Gee.. some friend you are. My shoulders are stiff and my back hurts due your sister's foot." You pouted, pointing at where it hurts.

"Ahh.. so that's what happened. Here I'll give you a massage."

"Oh. You don't have to, it doesn't hurt that much." You said waving your hands in front of you.

Kikwang simply sat you down at a nearby log and began working on your back. You tried to stand up and decline his offer.

"It's my way of appologizing for my sister. Now sit." He said pushing you back down.

This time you stayed still and allowed him to massage you. You still didn't want him to do it but knowing Kikwang's stubborness, there was no point in arguing. You watched the leaves sway back and forth as you felt your muscles start to loosen up. Kikwang saw your tense expression slowly fading away and was glad you were feeling better. This moment was perfect and relaxing until..

"Oh it's the Kwangso couple." You quickly snapped out of your daze and stood up at the sound of Ms.Kim's voice. Your cheeks flushed red which you tried to hide behind a wall of hair.

"Oh!! Eunso's blushing!!"

"We're not-"

"Don't worry i'm a cool teacher, i'll pretend I didn't see anything.." she said slowly backing away.

When she was completely out of sight. "Aishh!! Why does everyone think we're a couple!!"

"What's wrong with that? We're cute together." Kikwang said slinging and arm over your shoulder.

"You're lucky I am weak at the moment otherwise I would have kicked you."

"Hmm.. should I take advantage of you right now?" Kikwang questioned resting his index finger on his chin.

You sent him a death glare.

"Okay okay fine."

When everyone was awake and freshened up everyone was called near the beach for a little gathering.

"Okay kids," Ms. Kim began to speak. "We have prepared activities to do throughout the day and to start our first activity of the trip we are going to hold three legged race. Everyone find a partner or else they will be chosen for you. You and your partner will be tied together at the ankle and will race against other pairs. The first pair.. or couple," Your teacher eyed you and Kikwang. "that finishes first wil get a box of snacks and not have to participate in the next activity. The last pair... will have to perform a special dance at our talent show."

Everyone started looking for their partners.

You started looking for Eunsook but it was really hard considering the fact that no one wanted to perform, when you finally spotted her in the crowd of students you immediately attacked her from behind.

"Eunsook let's be partners!!" You smiled cheerfully.

"Sorry Eunso.. but I already have a partner."

"Eh? Who?" It suprised you because you always paired up with her.

Suddenly Doojoon appeared with a piece of rope in his hand. He looked at you cautiously. "Eunso are you trying to steal my partner?"

You glanced back and forth suspiciously between them as a smile threatened to appear on your face.

"Nope. She's all yours.. i'll just find another partner. Good luck!!" You happily skipped off leaving the "partners" together.

You continued to wander around looking for a partner when you saw Junhyung surrounded by a horde of girls asking to be his partner.


You were about to turn away when a small figure caught your eye, it was Yoseob hiding behind a tree. He was watching the girls with a horrified expression. You couldn't help but smile at his cuteness and began making your way towards him.

You were walking towards Yoseob getting ready to suprise him when a hand shot out and pulled you towards them. The strength of the pull was strong causing you crash into the person's chest.

"Eunso let's be partners!!"

You looked up at the boy in front of you and saw that it was no other than Kikwang.

You quickly looked away as you realize you have been staring.

Pulling away you awkwardly cleared your voice.

"Everyone has a partner?" Your teacher asks looking around. "Hana who's your partner?"

"Don't have one." You swore you could feel her glaring at you from behind.

"I'll just sit out on this one." She said walking towards a nearby tree.

"If you don't participate you automatically lose and have to perform." Miss Kim warned.

Hana immediately stopped in her tracks. If it's one thing she can't do it is dancing and she won't ruin her reputation because of it.

Ms.Kim looks around, "What about that guy over there?"

"What, that transfer student over there? No thanks, I don't like white boys."

"Oh, you're being racist now? Besides, Trevor is half Korean, and it's not like I'm asking you to marry him."

Hana looked up to see the new transfer student. *sigh* "I guess.."

"Okay great!! Everyone line up with your partners behind the marked line."

Everyone slowly made their way towards the line trying not to trip.

"Dongwoon you pabo I told you left foot then right!!"

"No that's your right foot!!"

"Don't-" Hyunseung and Dongwoon landed with a thud.

"Oops..sorry hyung.." The younger one smiled cheekily.

Hyunseung sighs frustrated. "Get off of me."

"Okay everybody ready?" Your teacher calls.

"Yess!!" Everyone responded impatiently.

You felt a light nudge on your shoulder and you turn to look at Kikwang.

"This'll be easy. Just like when we were younger right?"

You smiled in remembrance. "Summer school three legged race champs five years running."

"After six years do you think you can still keep up with me?" Kikwang teases.

You glared at him and stuck your tongue at him.

He chuckled at your childishness. Cute

"On your mark.. get set.. GO!!" Your teacher raises her flag signaling everyone to start.

Everyone began dashing towards the finish line.

You and Kikwang started off at a normal pace but gradually became faster. You two were currently in second place with Doojoon and Eunsook trailing behind you. Junhyung and Yoseob were in first place while Hyunseung and Dongwoon were nowhere to be seen.

"Congrats Team Yoseob and Junhyung, here's your box of snacks now you may sit down and enjoy watching the next activity." Ms.Kim says, handing the box to Junhyung.

"NO! Mine!" Yoseob snatches the box out of her hands. "And no one else can have it! It is my hard earned snacks. You know how hard it is to drag a cow like him?"

"YAH! I'm still your hyung!" Junhyung scolds him.

Yoseob sighs. "Okay, fine" he says, opening one of the packages. "You may have one chocolate"

Junhyung takes the small chocolate and pops it in the his mouth "where's the bickering couple?" he asks noticing how calm it was.

"WE MADE IT BACK!" You hear Dongwoon shouts. Everyone turns their head to the two, covered in dirt.

"What happened to you two?" Doojoon asks.

"This idiot over here, got us lost in the trail." Dongwoon points at Hyunseung.

"There was a purple butterfly! We had to go catch it!" Hyunseung defends himself. "You never see those."

Dongwoon rolls his eyes "OOH snacks!" he reaches for the box Yoseob was holding.

"MINE." Yoseob growls protecting his precious snacks "Don't worry, daddy will eat you by himself." He says to his snacks, petting them.


"Let's play some couple games!" Ms.Kim announces, eyeing you and Kikwang.

"I want to-" Hana starts saying, linking arms with Kikwang.

"No,no,no. You have to stick with your initial partner." You caught her winking in your direction. "Who's going to do it with Trevor then?"

"He can do it with a skunk for all I care!"

"Don't act you like you wouldn't like it" Kikwang leans in to you "You know you want to kiss me." Wiggling his eyebrows.

"I'd rather kiss Yoseob." You say playfully.

Kikwang lets out an uncomfortable laugh, feeling a bit of jealousy towards Yoseob.

"I want the chocolate side!"

"No, I want chocolate side, why do you get it?"

Hyunseung straightens his back "Because I'm older."

"What are you straightening your back for?" Dongwoon says towering over him "I'm still taller, midget."

"Aish...these kids." Doojoon shakes his head watching Dongwoon and Hyunseung doing the pocky game. Doojoon walks over to the Hyunwoon couple snapping off the side without chocolate, popping it into his mouth. "There, you both get the chocolate side." He says before coolly walking away.

"Ew, get your gross lips away from me!"

"At least I don't have dog breath."

You could see Doojoon shaking his head. "They never stop do they..."

You stared at the pocky stick that was in his mouth. You looked up at him. You could feel the hate and envy circulating the cabin as you slowly took the pocky stick between your fingers. You carefully you took small bites your lips inching closer to his, feeling your heartbeat quicken. You could feel his breath on your lips, and you were so sure that you could hear his heart beating just as fast as yours. Just a little more...

You felt someone push you towards Kikwang, causing you to smash your lips onto his. "Oops" You hear Yoseob say "Junhyung what did you push me for!"

"What are you talking about??" Junhyung's voice sounded distant and in disbelief.

It suddenly occured to you that your lips were still touching, and you quickly pulled away, as you stood up, you felt a bit empty, although you couldn't figure out why that was.

Kikwang was still laying on the ground deep in thought, not understanding the empty feeling the moment Eunso pulled away.


It was night time and you slowly began to feel the anxiety rushing through you. A million thoughts were running through your head as you were quickly reading through the lyrics. You were pacing back and forth warming up and drinking plenty of water.

"Eunso-ah are you okay?" Yoseob asks concerned.

"I'm fine. Just a little nervous." You went back to pacing around in circles when you felt his hands on your shoulder stopping you. He slowly turned you around so that you were facing him.

You didn't look at him.

"Eunso it's okay for you to be nervous but there's really nothing to worry about. I've heard you sing and you are good. Just have some confidence in yourself and have fun."

You could feel his reassurance and found strength in his words.

"Hwighting!! We can do this!!" You boasted

"Come on let's go!!" Yoseob smiled linking arms with you.

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PandaYeeeeah #1
hey hey hey, you should update, im sitting right next to you gurrrl. i know you're watching me type this..hehe but you know take your time.(:
I wish I had a best friend like kikwang~!! So cutee:D please update soon authornim!!
happy valentines day author nim~~~ huhuuhuhuh
you knw what that means ;)
aimz_c #4
Chapter 21: love are a great writer and i could picture everything while reading it....great story love it keep up the great work
CassInspirit97 #5
Chapter 20: waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh update sooooooooooooon!!!!nice story!!!
Twinnies2205 #6
Chapter 20: Thanks for the update btw haha
Twinnies2205 #7
Chapter 20: Author you cliff hanger!!!!!! Pali pali update!!!!!!!!!! :(
Chapter 20: cliff hanger really?! lol...thanks for the update
Chapter 20: Omg update!!