
best friends forever
“It’s officially over between you two?” The short-lived anti-climatic semi-romance between Hyuna and Joe Lee came to an end. Sohyun knew it would have came to this eventually, but she felt bad that she missed the majority of the relationship which would have went a different route had she consoled Hyuna from time to time, according to the girl.  Hyuna was a miserable wreck and she buried her head in her locker while Sohyun rubbed her friend’s shoulder. School was in the middle of the day and though she told herself not to worry about it, Sohyun noticed that Jongin wasn’t there. The last she saw him was at her house the day they were attacked and Jongin didn’t care to give her an explanation about his actions. After all the craziness they been through together in such a short amount of time it was hard yet possible to believe that he may have developed some sort of…
“Sohyun, are you listening?”
“What?” She blinked and came out of her own thoughts where Hyuna was looking at her with a grim expression. “Sorry. What is it that you were saying?”
“I said that truthfully Joe Lee had a thing for you too.”
Sohyun stepped back, baffled by the sudden confession. She forced out a laugh and playfully tapped her friend on the shoulder.
“No way! That kid was totally completely into you. What would he want with me?”
Hyuna looked at Sohyun seriously, probably the most serious she had ever looked, and slowly blinked her eyes. “That’s what I thought.” She said. “But the reason we got rid of each other was because I would not allow you in the picture.”
The girls stood awkwardly and the next class was starting. Sohyun noticed that her and Hyuna were the only ones in the hallway now.
“What do you…mean by that?”
“It means, Sohyun, that my boyfriend had a thing for you. Sure he was dating me, he liked me as well but the problem was that it wasn’t just me he liked. I found out a long time ago, and we argued a bunch over it. To be honest when you suddenly became obsessed with Jongin I was happy. Joe Lee was only able to look at me during those times.”
“I wasn’t obsessed…” Sohyun muttered under her breath.
“Now I regret you ever leaving me, because now Joe Lee has left me. Had you been around…just you being present would have been enough. I myself don’t know why he wanted you when he had me but that greedy bastard wanted us both and my pride wouldn’t allow that to happen. Therefore it's officially over...but was it worth it?”
“Hyuna I…” Where to start? Sohyun had no idea Joe Lee, or any boy for that matter, thought of her as something else other than…Hyuna’s friend. Furthermore she turned out to be the cause and effect of their relationship from start to finish. How was she to react to that? “Sorry.”
“Yes. You’re sorry.  You’re the sorriest friend I have and for that it makes me want to kill you. But what to do? You’re the only friend I have and I’m the only friend you have. Without each other we’re nothing. Joe Lee was a lousy boyfriend but I still really liked him. I…can put this behind us.”
Slightly relieved yet slightly still feeling horrible, Sohyun gave Hyuna an earnest smile and they hugged. Hyuna, her best friend and her best enemy were inseparable, no matter what.
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Chapter 31: I will wait for your updates patiently.
Chapter 30: Okay, I just read this yesterday, I really like Sohyun but I don't ship her with Jongin, but they're okay, and honestly I like their relationship in this story and the development too. I think the plot is very interesting and unusual, I'm so curious about the game and the killing. I hope you update soon! Fighting!
skystar__ #3
Chapter 30: .. I don't really know. I just found and read this fanfic in an hour, more or less.. and Sohyun and Kai are my ultimate bias so .. I really want to see another update, can't wait! please update soon ~
Chapter 30: I don't think Jaewook is saying the truth :(
Chapter 22: I missed you <3 OMG ;m; Anyways... I'm so scared of this killing-Jongin-and-Sohyun-Mission :( No place is safe :( I- *sighs* But I like their development for each other :3 Jongin knows that Sohyun is his online 'Soulmate' :D OMG <3 And look, Mrs. Kwon likes Jongin for Sohyun too <3 Anyways, again, I don't really like Hyuna as Sohyun's friend. Ugh. I find her irritating. :( I hope to see more updates~
Chapter 15: Please update ;A;
Chapter 15: Oh come on, Sohyun. Stop geing hard-headed xD Nah... I'm just freakin' joking. XD Umm.. Yeah. UPDATE SOOONNN!!!
Minkyo #8
Chapter 13: Hahaha this story is daebak! I couldn't stop grinning while reading it :"> So much fun and cuteness~
Update soon <3
Chapter 9: Ehh? What official target? o_____________o