
“I’m sorry.”
“I’ll do most of my work from now on.”
“I’ll be cooperative.”
“And? The biggest thing?”
“There is no biggest thing.” Jongin retorted looking up at Sohyun with a shameless expression. He was already bringing himself into another level by even apologizing to Sohyun and he was willing to do whatever he could to get on her good side but she was pushing it with the forgiveness deal. 
She declared, “You’re never going to call me a , stupid , jack , idiot, ever again, yeah?”
“I can't give you a guarantee that that will happen." His lips curved up.  "But I'll give it a try...Kwonsso.”
“Don’t!” She looked around the school’s library frantically to make sure no one heard, “Don’t, call me that. At least not in public.”
Jongin's variation of smiles were becoming very distinct. There were instances where he looked sincere and happy and there were times, most times, where there was just something downright sinister behind that mouth of his, such as that moment. “So I’m the only one who knows?”
“You and Hyuna...she doesn't like it, but uses it sometimes.  Says it's befitting for me because it's ugly."
“I dont understand how you're friends with that ."
Sohyun was starting to get into the habit of being lost for words and substituting her outrage by shaping into a large O.  She stuttered, “Excuse you! Hyuna is not a , she is my best friend.” That convinced no one.
Jongin bit at his nail, not at all afraid at the threatening look Sohyun was giving him. He put his foot on the table and pushed himself back, making him tilt and balance on the chair’s back legs. “Well I know I’m anti-social and like that but I’ve never known for best friends to treat each other like complete . I'd leave her if I were you."
“Hyuna and I have been together since grade school.”
“I fail to see your point.” Jongin evilly laughed while Sohyun bulged her eyes and made a face at his ridiculous comment. Meanwhile, neither the two noticed Sulli staring and listening to them from behind a bookcase but she peeked her head out enough to show her presence. Jongin instantly dropped his chair straight and stopped laughing. He had not seen Sulli since he, well, dumped her. She didn’t look too pleased at him having a good time without her.  Even more so that it was with a girl that wasn't her. She approached them.
“Hi, Jongin, I haven’t seen you in ages!” 
Sohyun noticed the red flag right away and pretended to get distracted by a book. She refused to get caught in between Jongin's player issues as she recognized the girl Sulli to be one of the boy’s play things.
“Yeah…” Jongin studied Sulli carefully.  Her cheerful demeanor was all off and she was most likely up to something. “Long time no see. Did you die or something?” He joked.
“It's funny you say that, really.” Still smiling, her voice became more tensed and forced.  Sohyun shifted in her seat, subtly trying to move away from the dysfunction couple. “After the breakup I didn't take it too well so I swallowed...a lot of pills.  As you can see, my suicide attempt didn’t work out so well. Instead of trying again, I decided to settle a score with you.”
Suddenly Sulli jumped on the table on all fours, like some animal, and grabbed Jongin by the shirt, pulling him inward all the while an object was in her right hand. It was obvious Jongin's ex was a lunatic, Sohyun concluded while she quickly made her way to the other side of the library. 
“Why did you ever go out with me?" Sulli asked; her big brown eyes were watering and her face was so close to Jongin's that her hair was brushing his cheek. She was in a serious wreck. “Why would you put up with me for the time that you did if you were only going to end up throwing me away?  Does that make any sense? Are you even human?"
Jongin rolled his eyes.  He wasn't here for this nonsense and turned his face to the side to look at something more interesting, like a book on a shelf or anything that wasn't Sulli.
"Look at me." The girl ordered. "Look at me, Kim Jongin. Look. At. Me." He did not oblige. "Look only at me you bastard!" She pushed Jongin out of her grasps and threw back the hand she had been carrying the object in which revealed to be a pocket knife.  Sohyun's eyes bulged and her body became stiff.  She was too far away and too afraid to do anything. Sulli's intentions were now fully exposed and she was going to attempt to take Jongin's life, but he caught her arm before she could even swing it forward.
"Was this your plan?" He mocked her as the library grew eerie and silent with stares from onlookers too afraid to move from their seats.  "Was this how you were planning to get your revenge? "Let's die together." "Oppa is the only one for me." "If I can't have you, no one else can." Thoughts like that?" He sneered. "Look here, Sulli, you knew from the beginning that it was only a physical relationship I wanted. Whatever you thought there was more of, that was on you. Don't blame me for your stupid fantasies."
He let go of her arm that dropped lifelessly and then he begin walking away, but suddenly turned back and brought himself close to her ear. "If you really wanted to die, you would have taken that knife of yours and drove it through your chest."
If there was one thing Jongin hated more than suicidal people, he hated fake suicidal people. He knew for sure, if Sulli wanted to die that night, she would have ended it for sure. Jongin made his way to the exit and pulled Sohyun on his way out. Sohyun looked back, just to see Sulli dropping her knife and sobbing.
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Chapter 31: I will wait for your updates patiently.
Chapter 30: Okay, I just read this yesterday, I really like Sohyun but I don't ship her with Jongin, but they're okay, and honestly I like their relationship in this story and the development too. I think the plot is very interesting and unusual, I'm so curious about the game and the killing. I hope you update soon! Fighting!
skystar__ #3
Chapter 30: .. I don't really know. I just found and read this fanfic in an hour, more or less.. and Sohyun and Kai are my ultimate bias so .. I really want to see another update, can't wait! please update soon ~
Chapter 30: I don't think Jaewook is saying the truth :(
Chapter 22: I missed you <3 OMG ;m; Anyways... I'm so scared of this killing-Jongin-and-Sohyun-Mission :( No place is safe :( I- *sighs* But I like their development for each other :3 Jongin knows that Sohyun is his online 'Soulmate' :D OMG <3 And look, Mrs. Kwon likes Jongin for Sohyun too <3 Anyways, again, I don't really like Hyuna as Sohyun's friend. Ugh. I find her irritating. :( I hope to see more updates~
Chapter 15: Please update ;A;
Chapter 15: Oh come on, Sohyun. Stop geing hard-headed xD Nah... I'm just freakin' joking. XD Umm.. Yeah. UPDATE SOOONNN!!!
Minkyo #8
Chapter 13: Hahaha this story is daebak! I couldn't stop grinning while reading it :"> So much fun and cuteness~
Update soon <3
Chapter 9: Ehh? What official target? o_____________o