Unbeatable Youth




Min Hyung Hee  is a hot-headed aspiring artist in her junior year of high school. Her main goal is to get to paint  a mural on the schools "Mural Wall", but keeps getting rejected. She's also got another problem: Lee Sungyeol. He's the school's hottie and he's got his own band, Heartbreakers. He seems to take an interest in her and she finds it irritating. His band is called Hearbreakers for a reason. He's known for leaving girls heartbroken. Hyunghee just doesn't want her heart broken by the lead Hearbreaker.  
She finds it difficult on which would she have to prioritize first. Her goal to paint a mural, have a good relation with the band or to fix her unrequited love for Sungyeol and the friendship in her band mates.


This story is still book one though. 



Idea revised from



cause I liked it... the original one


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