

Every meeting from then on was simple - small get togethers of accidental happenings.

Once in the deli, another near Brown campus again, once in the park, and the next in the Providence Mall near Panera and the exit. 

However, their last was the longest. About two days after their bump and spill in the mall, by chance, they met while passing over the canal that pushed through Providence. Jongin was just heading towards Cafe Chokland from his trip to the thrifts down Westminster when he spotted Kyungsoo walking across the bridge behind the RISD Design center. Toppled ontop of Kyungsoo's fragile arms was a heafty stack of thickly binded  library books. Jongin, knowing that he couldnt handle them all on his own, let alone carrying one without mental exhaustion, he hurried across the bridge towards him in a light jog-that of which almost rendering him breathless.

Kyungsoo was to busy too notice the tall dark beauty coming towards him - his eyes were set off in the far distance, past his tumbling books and stumbled toe, towards the unknown. 

"Yah!" A voice yelled out to Kyungsoo, falling books faltering on the bridge from some interruption of intercepting hands and a few crushed toes. 

Looking down, Bambi rose his brows slowly as he glanced up again to the distance before snapping back to the now. 

"Wah! Jesohapnida..." he mumbled several times as he put his knuckles to his lips, wide eyes the size of saucers as Jongin hurridly attempted to pick up all of the books with his should be bruised toes and cut hands. . 

Looking up at the Wide-Eyed-Wonder, Jongin took a deep breath before back down at his work-in-progress stack. 

"No harm done... You should watch where you're going..." he mumbled as he struggled to stand up with all of the weight. 


Breath normally Jongin...


"I know I know... I'm sorry I thought there was something over there.. I guess there's not.. I-" he cut his own self off, halted his quivering lip and b tears of silly shame. Out of no where, it was like a switch flicked, a light and realization flew in to save the day. "Jongin..." Kyungsoo whispered out. 

Jongin quirked one brow as he attempted to use his legs to lift him up. 


Just breathe... Remember PE in high school...


"Y-Yeah." He struggled out between one gasp and a double-supposed-to-be-single syllable word. 

"Wah..." Was all Kyungsoo said as he dropped his hands from his face though didnt offer to take any books - just clasped his hands before him neatly. 

Jongin just nodded in small acknowledgment as he attempted to make room for conversation, exhaustion, and balance in his one track mind. 


So that's why this is why there are forks in roads...


Kyungsoo interrupted his focus - 

"Hey. Do you think the library's open?"


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kikinana #1
are you going to continue this story?
Chapter 4: Omg this story is so deep. Kyungsoo...he seems a little off. Not as much as Jongin though. How interesting.
Oh my goodness I remember you letting me 'preview this' on wordpress or whatever!
I'm so sorry for not keeping track of it on here!!!
I remember trying to guess what was wrong with Kai and I kept guessing wrong ( I thought I had it with CIPA )
Anyway, I am going to read it from the beginning again and probably leave stupid comments on all the chapters because I love your writing.