


"So. This represents good luck ey?"

The air was cool but the sun warm as Jongin walked across Brown's main campus towards the library. Sitting on the top step was the familiar face that he had been assumingly  longing to see for the past week and a half.

Kyungsoo looked up from his 9x11 sketchbook and rose his brows in question to the voice that he unknowingly committed to memory. A smile blossomed on his thick lips as he put his woodless graphite down and closed the binding of the book - a smile not that of happiness to see the man he has only briefly met twice, nor for the question Jongin sprung on him, but instead for the genuine tone of someone speaking to him. Now mind, Kyungsoo did perfectly well and happy on his own, for Kabuki and the claim to voices he heard in the wind accompanied him... But hearing a voice that came from someone who intrigued him so, brought about a whole different type of happiness.

"Did you hear me?" Jongin asked as he lowered himself onto the step next to Kyungsoo, the effort it took to sit rendering his unresponsive numbness to mentally ache.

Kyungsoo took a moment to come to and remove his eyes from where Jongin had been standing just moments ago. His eyes had been glued to that spot, a breeze pushing behind where Jongin stood. It picked up the leaves, blowing them towards the students that hurried by, scarves and loose hair following suit. With eyes grazing on the winds grace, he slowly pulled himself away only to realize that Jongin wasn't in that spot anymore... His lip quivered for a moment, as if just about to cry. His breath picked up, wide innocent eyes enlarging in fear. "W-What..." he whispered quietly into the open air, his eyes searching the immediate area for the tall man that was just standing there....

"Yah-" Jongin whispered, usually not having bothered with false care and concern for the tearing up boy next to him. "The ribbon... It's good luck isn't it...?" he asked apprehensively as he moved his hand onto Kyungsoo's shoulder, trying to get his attention, an answer.

Kyungsoo's head shot towards Jongin sharply, his eyes blank for a moment before filling with relief. A soft breath billowed from his lips before gasping as if he was hit with a bucket of water. Bending over his legs Kyungsoo nearly yelled, "Where did you go?!" his tone an accusing, making Jongin's own eyes widen, something he didn't realize he was still capable of encompassing-a natural response.

"I didn-" Jongin trailed off as Kyungsoo's posture stood though in a hunched astonished way as his lips hung ajar and looked infront of him where Jongin was just standing moments ago.

"You were right there... and then..." Kyungsoo's voice faded while tilting back his head, Jongin's cold hand rubbing his shoulder.

Because that's what you do right...? To comfort the living?

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kikinana #1
are you going to continue this story?
Chapter 4: Omg this story is so deep. Kyungsoo...he seems a little off. Not as much as Jongin though. How interesting.
Oh my goodness I remember you letting me 'preview this' on wordpress or whatever!
I'm so sorry for not keeping track of it on here!!!
I remember trying to guess what was wrong with Kai and I kept guessing wrong ( I thought I had it with CIPA )
Anyway, I am going to read it from the beginning again and probably leave stupid comments on all the chapters because I love your writing.