Jjang Dae Bak

The Basis To Music Is Love


Instead of going home I walked around the campus. Not only was I living alone I was also following my dreams. When I got to my car I slowly opened the door but was stopped by someone calling out my name, I looked around and saw my new teacher running toward me. I closed my door and waved at him. 

"Ok Min Ah, I noticed you are the only girl in my class. Are you sure you won’t mind working with a male partner? You two will spend many hours together after school, is that alright with you?" Mr.Kang asked.

I smiled 'even the teachers are considerate'.

"Yes, that’s completely fine with me; it's not like in this career I can avoid being around men." I answered politely.

He gave me a cautious look then replied "Ok, but I will switch your partner with someone I trust more, someone that knows he can't mess with you" 

"Thank you, but I really don't--" I started but was cut off.

"Please just be kind to your new partner I'm sure you two will work great together" Mr.Kang said then waved "You may leave now, bye" 

I bowed respectfully then entered my car and left. Since it was on my way home, I stopped at the grocery story quickly but I noticed someone very familiar there, he had blonde hair and his hood up. When he looked up from the apple section I recognized him.

"Um…Hi. You’re in the music producing program too right?" I asked as I walked up to him smiling, trying to make my first friend in Seoul.

“What?" He asked a bit dazed for a second "Yeah, I take that class, you’re the only girl right?" He asked looking around suspiciously. 

"Yes," I bowed and introduced myself "Ok Min Ah is my name" I smiled trying to shrug off the feeling I knew something more about him. 

"Ah that’s a pretty name" He said still looking around and not making eye contact with me. Then he looked at the apples again and placed some into a bag as if the conversation were done. 

‘Not until I know your name will I leave' I thought to myself

I smiled patiently "What’s your name?" I asked.

"Uh. Kwon Ji Yong" He answered quietly still buying apples

"Wow that’s really cool. Just like G-Dragon" I smiled satisfied I had learned his name I would be able to leave. He looked up at me like I was stupid or something but I ignored it and went to the frozen section. I quickly placed a few frozen dinners into my basket and went for the check out. 

Ji Yong was in line behind me and looked at what I was buying. 

"Is this what a college girl eats?" He asked sarcastically. I laughed, true my 'dinners' weren't the best but for now it was all I needed.

I quickly checked out and walked to my car, enjoying the Seoul area. As I started my engine as I saw Ji Yong enter a larger van with a driver and another guy in the back.  'He must be rich or something'

When I got to my officetel spent 30 minutes going over what the professor said during and after class. Then I listened to music for hours and hours dissecting every layer and instrument, finding the melody and harmony, Yes this was what I did every day.

I went to bed early. Tomorrow I had two classes, since I got to pick out my schedule I set it up so Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were my whole week, Friday through Sunday were set aside for rest and music possibly family too. 

My whole college experience was not going to be difficult at all... at least in my mind

My classes were pretty simple Music production, Music Managing, and a small business class as a backup. Yup that was all; those three courses were going to build my future....at least in my mind.

Today I had all three classes starting the day off with Music management at 10 a.m. 

Then at 1 p.m., I had the small business class.

And to finish it off I had Music Production at 4 p.m. Yes my schedule was filled but I loved it, it was filled with things I wanted. 

Music management although not many people knew this was a course the few that took had it loved it.

"Hello class, my name is Mr.Du (Tu) I will be your music management professor. But really all I do is create an idol group and tell you to manage them. We will be working with the singing classes and the Music production class." Mr.Du told us. I smiled at the mention of Music Production.

Our small class only had 6 students, but if there were any more we would have to work in partners, it’s not like I had a problem with partners I would just rather get something done myself than have to depend on someone else. The class flew by with us taking notes of what Mr.Du said referring to our futures and jobs as managers.  

"As managers you are responsible for a group, an image, and a belief. You must all take care of this responsibility." Mr.Du said as he looked at each and every one of us. There were three guys and three girls. He looked at his watch "I guess that is all for today” He smiled and picked up the folder on the table in front of him.

"Next week we will be assigning 'groups' to each of you. Good luck" He added just before leaving.  

This year was going to be fun. 

I looked at my watch, it was already 12 I had an hour to go home and get lunch before my business class started. I rushed home and got a baguette out of the bread pantry. Baguettes were my weakness, and I had quit trying to stop myself from eating them. Although I ate a good amount of food I never got fat, and I didn't exercise much either. I guess I was blessed. 


Since I had eating my bread I was full but I still had about 40 minutes left, 30 including the drive there. I could watch TV or listen to music. The choice was obvious to me...Listen to music. 

The time flew by for me, yes music was that important in my life.

I left to my management class. This class felt like a class room, with desks all lined up the room was very lager at least 50 students could fit in here. Then as I took my seat one by one more and more students filed in until all the seats were taken. The teacher walked in he was tall and confident.

“Hello class, my names is Mr.Jjang” He introduced himself. “This is your basic management class. I hope we will all have a great year.” He smiled. He had a gentle and caring smile. His hair was full and dark. And he looked young, no more the 27 years old. We made eye contacts for a second before he looked at other students. His eyes burned through me, like he knew every secret about me from that one second. I blushed at the feeling of being emotionally in his pressence. Jjang....Jjang....Jjang. I repeated in my head as he started the class.

I must have started to stare off in a daydream because the next thing I knew there was a pen being poked into my side.

"Yah!" Whispered the girl next to me "Pay attention, I heard he is really strict" She smiled and went back to taking notes. I nodded and also smiled. 

Class was quick... maybe too quick for me. Looking into his beautiful hazel eyes caused a constant blush to flash onto my cheeks. 

"Ok Min Ah, please stay after class" MR.Jjang looked right at me after he dismissed class. Suddenly the class erupted into whispers.

I slowly walked up to his desk at the front of the class, "yes..." I looked at him.

"I looked at your file earlier. It says you are from Busan. Is that true?" He looked up at me. Another blush crossed my cheeks. I only nodded because I couldn't speak. "well, I am also from Busan." Mr.Jjang smiled as he spoke.

"Cool, I really need to keep my dialect intact before i forget to the city accent" I joked, a common joke ammong Busan people. He bursted in laughter as I also did. 

"I just wanted to tell you, if you have a hard time making friends here at first you can always lean on me for a friend. I'm only 26." Mr.Jjang told me. I smiled at his kindness.

"Thank you, I'm only 20" I smilled at my young yet old age. "Is it your first year teaching here?" I asked trying to make my first real friend.

"Yeah, so just like you I am also a 'Freshman' in this college. Call me Dae Bak." He said. I laughed at his name.

"Jjang Dae Bak? You're parents must think you are the best" I joked with him. He laughed. 

"Yeah, they always say that" He continued the joke.

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Chapter 2: Jjang Dae Bak.
That is too adorable.