The First Day

The Basis To Music Is Love


It all started two years ago when I was 20, I had just graduated high school and was going to a music producing college. YG entertainment had decided to send GD to the same college without informing anyone. I had seen all of Big Bang's videos and bought every album, and yes I was a V.I.P, but I had no bias. To me all the members were equal except Seungri, his vocals weren't a main point, and he wasn't funny or y or had a deep confusing story he didn't belong in my eyes.


But anyway, Seoul Preforming Arts College had been my dream for 3 years. My dream had finally had come true, today was my first day…a day that would change my life.

I woke up an hour and a half earlier than expected but I used that time to fix myself up, hair, makeup, outfit, shoes, change in outfit, hairstyle change, you know typical first day things like that. Once I was satisfied with my young and fresh look I grabbed my car keys and took the elevator down to the garage. Since I was from Bucheon my mother let me rent an officetel right in the city about a ten minute drive and half hour walk to my college. My heels clicked against the cement floor of the garage, I quickly unlocked my car and turned it on. The green and white paint of the garage reflected off my black car, but once I excited the underground garage the black polish was visibly shiny.

My anticipation for school to start was too evident I was 10 minutes early to the 'class room' which was a recording studio with a large round table at the back with 15 chairs set up all around it. I looked around trying to strategize my seating position. I found it! the perfect spot just behind the middle seat but not too far back. I sat down placing my note book down and the necessary prep book for the class; although I didn't think we would be using it today. Slowly more and more students filed in, in total there were about nine students then the teacher came in. He closed the door behind himself, soon after there was a knock at the door, it slowly opened and another guy walked in he took the seat across from me. I looked at him, he looked familiar but I could not see his whole face due to his hood. 

"Hello, I am Mr.Kang and I will be your music producing instructor" Mr.Kang introduced himself. Yes, unlike most others I was not going to become an 'idol'. No, I wanted to produce idols, and create music. I always kept acting in the back of my mind…just in case.  Mr.Kang proceeded with the syllabus of the class, including the grading and the projects that will be due. 

"Okay, let me show you around your work station for the next 2 years'' Mr.Kang directed the class around from the recording room to all the sound buttons and dials. My dream was coming true and nothing would distract me from it.  "We will work with other music students on most projects and everyone will be slit up into pairs to work and learn more efficiently. We were all paired up with the person sitting next to us. 

"Hello, my name is Ok Min Ah. It is a pleasure to meet you" I introduced myself to the guy next to me. Actually other than me there were no other girls in the class, I was actually proud that I had chosen this career over being a singer or dancer. 

"Hello, I am Jin Bong Chul. I hope we work well together" The guy redish hair next to me said. 

I smiled finally I was not the only one with colored hair. My own hair had turquois ends which I had been made fun of for. The guy across from me had blond hair and a few chairs down I think I saw some light brown highlights. Yes music producers were a unique bunch, but we had the freedom to do that.

"Now I know it's been over-done, but I would like everyone to write down what made them come into this career. This will be your first grade. This will also let me know who will last the whole two years and who will drop out before the full class ends, although I hope no one drops out." Mr.Kang said straight forward. I liked that. I like to know the truth straight away and I hate when people coward behind lies. 

I opened my note book and took out a new pen, taking a moment to think everything through I came up with a perfect answer but then I thought about what he had said and took another second to think everything through 'Music is not something that you choose to enter, it eats at you and pulls you into it. I did not choose this career it chose me I just accepted its offer' Then I followed that with 'I'm glad music chose me, because without it my life would be typical and boring'. Yes my answer was cheesy but I think it was what he wanted not the typical 'music is my passion' answer. No, I think he wanted us to really tell him about the deep feelings and the truth. Although my answer was not complete I was not prepared to tell the whole truth. I neatly wrote my name at the top as he walked around the table, he paused at each student’s answer for a few seconds then wrote something in his own note book and continued to the next student. 

Once he had seen every answer he spoke up "Now I want you to keep that same paper as the first sheet in your notes you will see this every day and I would like you all to reflect on what you have written." Mr.Kang paused and smiled "Okay class dismissed" He finished and everyone packed up their supplies and left. Of course I was one of the last to leave, I took another look around the room and a rush of excitement flowed through me as I walked out, I was a student attending college to become a music producer.

'My life starts now' I thought

Just for reference my chapters will not be this short, this was the first chapter so I wanted to use it as a small forward type thingy :D 


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Chapter 2: Jjang Dae Bak.
That is too adorable.