SuChan Oppa ♥

♥ Step by Step ♥

Nicole's POV


So her name is Sandar Park, She even said that i can call her Dara-unnie. She's weird, I dont know what is her purpose on helping Me and Lu Han but I guess there's no wrong in trying.

Me and Lu Han exchanged number before we bid goodbye to each other, and here i am .. On my way home.

As i entered our house, Himchan Oppa's face caught my eye. He was .. rolling like a buffalo. What's up with him? "Yah~!! Himchan Oppa, I didnt know you can be a human-map :) Good job on sweaping the floor, Look .. Its shiny .." I .. "Oh! Look, Shindong's sister is here .. Wait .. You're even fater than Shindong xD" Himchan Oppa said. Whatever !!

I went to the kitchen and as expected, Suho Oppa is cooking dinner. "Suho Oppa, Anneyeong!" I greeted him and he smiled. Good thing Suho Oppa isnt that crazy like Hinchan Oppa or else my life would gone wild. "Where have you been? We was worried about you.. And your boyfriend is looking for you" Boyfriend? Seriously?? That Guy hurted me .. I dont want Suho Oppa to know we broke up so i didnt tell him "Ah, really? Maybe he MISS me already" I said, Yeah right ! Miss my .


We were quietly eating dinner when Himchan Oppa broke the silence "Oh My Goooooood!! ave you two watched BoA's Disturbance?? Taemin-Oppa is sooo cuteeee" He squeled which made me and Suho oppa choked. Himchan Oppa called Taemin, Oppa? Is my brother gay? "Oppa? You called a guy, Oppa? Himchan dont tell me you're ..... Gay?" Suho Oppa asked Himchan Oppa. "Yeah i think i'm gay xD I always wanted to try to wear Nicole's underwears but i realized that her waistline is thrice wider than mine, So i became a Guy again :D Hahaha" Himchan Oppa said. What a troll, I really thought he's Gay until he ended up teasing me !! "When i loose weight, You'll see!" I said to Himchan Oppa, and to my shock .. He and Suho Oppa just laughed at me. WHATEVER! Can you see how supportive my Brothers are?


I hurried myself on the way to my bedroom and burried my face to my pillow. I then received a text message from ... Minhyuk !!

"Im Sorry, i didnt mean to do that .. I just  have to" He texted. have to? I didnt noticed that tears escaped from my eyes.

It hurts, I love him so much but he just played me. Have you ever experienced being heartbroken? it hurts like hell, right?

I rested my Head to my knees as i also hugged it. Suddenly, I felt someone patting back, I looked up to see who is it, And its .. Himchan Oppa.

"The two of you broke up, right?" He asked, How does he even know? "I know what happened to you, Your picture are all in Twitter and Facebook. I want to kill that Minhyuk guy but Suho hyung said he's not worth it, You deserve someone better, Nicole" Himchan Oppa said, So both Him and Suho Oppa knew it all? i cried and cried so hard when Suho Oppa came in to my room and Hugged me and Himchan Oppa. "I'm sorry for not protecting you when you needed me the most, I promised Mom and Dad that i will look over the both of you, But look what happened to you, You're a mess." Suho Oppa said, The three of us cried for almost half an hour when Himchan Oppa said: "You're right, Suho-hyung .. Look at her, She's a mess and most especially she's fat, I told you not to over fed her when she was a baby" Himchan Oppa said which made Me and Suho Oppa kicked him.

They both kissed my cheeks and cooed my to sleep. When they got out from my room, I realized that, I'm Lucky. Yes, its true .. I'm not bless with beautiful feautures .. But i'm gifted with two Loving Oppa's that i know that they're never going to leave me.



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By the way, I finished writing my other fanfic, Why not try to read it?

The Love Note :)

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Chapter 38: Awesome story . Gonna read the sequel . Goodjob authornim
Chapter 2: why didn't i saw this before it's awesome an amazing fanfic my Nicole & Luhan oppa love u guy's
Chapter 6: I have a question. The GIF that luhan is spazzing what video is that?? Sorry for my randomness.

I'm lovinh the story tho hahah.
Nice story ^^
Chapter 37: Why did she have to die!!!!!!!!!
kishgeneston #6
Chapter 25: Unnie Ano yung pangalan ng ka look a like ni baekhyun sa pilipinas???? Btw nakakakilig yong story mo:">
JangHyungmi #7
Chapter 37: D': I'm so sad that i'm gonna cry but every time I want to cry,you always made me laugh :'D DAEBAK!
what?????????????// completed???????? T^T are u kidding meh? okay author :'( i feel i cant leave this ff nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu T_T i love this so much that i cant let this ff ended and went away TAT ok its daebak thx for the ff aauthor nim :3
HanaGukkie #9
Chapter 37: Nice story.. poor Luhan.. wish Nicole's cloned can cure his heart..