Makeover from Hell...

S[he]'s Got It Goin' On










"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO", I yelled while being restrained by three...strangely strong females. I finally stopped struggling as they dragged me toward Sooyoungs room.


"When did these two get here anyway?", I growled at my sister and the Kwon-Im twins. The twins smiled while throwing me in Soo's room and locking the door behind them. God... help me...


Yoona and my sister went into her bathroom to get something while Yuri and I sat on the floor.


"Can't believe you'd do this to me Yuri-ah", I said while pouting. Yuri laughed and smiled at me. We actually were dating for a little while, but we stopped since we started feeling weird. We grew up together so it was a little awkward. Like if I were to date So- EWWWWW. THE THOUGHT ALONE. I shook my head of the nasty thoughts and when I opened my eyes, Yoona and Yuri were staring at me strangely while Sooyoung smirked.


The Kwon-Im twins parents were friends of ours, and since they too had twins they decided to have us be friends. Their parents divorced too so Yuri took her father's last name while Yoona took her Mom's. Their a little close to be twins though, but Soo and I fully support and ship YoonYul, so we're find with it. We just get smacked for saying so everytime.










"Minho, you act like we haven't seen you in your underwear before"


"We've known you since we were babies."


"FINE", I growled again at the evil hell's angel's before me while stripping off my sweats. Now only clad in my boxers.


"Okay, Yuri. You're on eyebrows. Yoona your gonna help me with this", Sooyoung said while she crawled over by my legs and Yuri walked over and sat beside my face. She pulled a metal thing and smiled. If anyone else had walked in and saw these girls pinning me down and crawling on me like right now, there would be a huuuuuuuge misunderstanding. 


"Soo what are y-you doing down there?", I stuttered. A warm liquid was dripping over my legs. Then I felt something flat like paper being put on it. Wait a sec-




I screamed with an uncharacteristically high voice. Yoona started giggling while Sooyoung held up a strip of paper with a few hairs on it in triumph.




"Yeah... It's too bad you're pretty hairless. We don't have much more to do", Sooyoung said sadly while reaching for the bottle of wax.




"YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME ALIVE", I said while making a run for the door. My Life.


Well, they caught me alive.


After eight painstaking hours of being tortured by these devils. I was deemed 'worthy', whatever I had left of my pride was trampled on when Sooyoung started to cut and style my hair like her own.


"Okay Minho-yah. Try sounding like me", she said while staring at me seriously. I groaned while rolling my eyes at her.


"Sooyoung your retarded", I said in a voice almost identical to her own, earning shocked looks from her and Yoona.


"How did y-"


"Remember when he took acting classes when he was little Soo? He took voice acting too remember", Yuri reminded Sooyoung. I swear Soo is such a bad sister. She'd probably forget my own birthday if it wasn't on the same day.


"A few last touches", Yuri said while putting a little more mascara on my eyes. When she stepped back, my three childhood friends gaped and dragged me to Sooyoungs full length mirror.


"Just look at you Minho-ah", Sooyoung said proudly while staring at me.


"YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL", Yoona and Yuri said in unison and I just scowled turning my head. Until I caught a glimpse of myself. I took a second and turned my head to look at my complete reflection.




Yuri had plucked my eyebrows a little and it made a real difference. Along with the BB cream, mascara, and eyeliner. I looked exactly like Sooyoung now. My eyes lowered as I stared at my clothing. I was wearing a green t-shirt with a white skirt and white shoes. We're almost the same shoe size too, I'm just a little bigger. Aish, how unmanly to have the same shoe size as your sister(almost). Then again, she does have pretty huge feet for a chick, so I guess it's okay.


"Man we would be completely identical if not for your little friend down there", Sooyoung said smugly and I smacked her arm, glaring at the other twins who were stifling their laughter.


"Laugh it up ers. Get it all out of your system", I said defeated and the three girls were rolling on the floor. I swear Soo's gonna have another asthma attack. (Karma please kick in right about now).


Once their fits of giggles settled, I raised an eyebrow at them,"Finished?".


"AHHAHHAA- K I'm GG", Soo said while smiling at me.


"Good, I wanna get out of this stuff-"


"Ohhhh no ya don't", Yoona said while holding my arm. What the hell do they want from me now?


"You know how to act like a.... girl...right?", Yuri asked cautiously.... These idiots really underestimate me. I wasn't the top of my acting classes for nothing you know.


"Yuri-Unniiii. You're so mean to Minnie", I said cutely while wiggling my body with the best aegyo I could muster at this point.


"YUP HE'S GOOD, WE'RE LEAVING", Yoona said angrily while dragging a blushing Yuri behind her. I looked at Sooyoung who shared the same confused look as me.


"What was that all about?", she asked confused.


"Beats me", I said while making my way to my room to strip off all this girly crap. The things I do for my sister. I was pulling on my sweats when I heard one of the floorboards creak. My attention turned to where the sound came from, and Sooyoung was leaning against my door frame.




"What now?", I asked annoyed. If I have to try on another pair of I'll strangle someone with it.




I stared at her wide eyed. She never says thank you, not even to out parents. I bit my lip and looked down. Geez, I'm even starting to cry at the drop of a hat. Just like a girl -___-


"Still a cry baby I see", she said while wrapping her arms around me and hugging me closely.


"It's only a month Minho-yah. Not even that long. Since you're gonna skip the opening week. Only three weeks. Noona is sorry", she whispered while my hair and calming me down. This is how we've been since we were kids. I've always been the more sensitive one while Sooyoung was kindof a....bully... Whenever someone would make me cry, Sooyoung would beat their and comfort me. As we got older these moments became less and less, especially when I became a man. 


But after the accident happened, these moments began to happen again. Not constantly, but more then previous times. We depend on each other alot. Sooyoung always blubbers on about how we have a unique bond, not like normal humans. I guess its true. Can lots of twins sense when the other is extremely upset? Can they feel when the other is in pain? We're strange siblings, but we've grown to live with that.


"Get your rest Minho-yah. You'll need it before you get there", she said gently while leading me to my bed and tucking me in. Just like a baby.


"Yes Umma", I said sarcastically while curling up in my sheets. Then I felt a hand smack my head.


"Way to kill the moment douchebag", she said while rolling her eyes at me. I stuck my tongue out at her, then allowed my eyes to close slowly, sleep taking over my body. I hope you get everything you dream of Noona.













okay so maybe its not normal that an author personally mentions and thanks their subs. BUT I DONT CARE. lol. I appreciate every single one of you



THE NEXT CHAPTER MINHO WILL FINALLY BE OFF TO BOARDING SCHOOL :D sorry if this chap was a little boring :/ But it needed to be done. BE PREPARED FOR A SPEEDY UPDATE ^^ 

please read,sub, and comment :3





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Chapter 3: Hmm, this sounds promising.. Any chance of you continuing this, Author-nim????
Chapter 3: Please updateeeeeeee *insert puppy eyes here*
Chapter 3: When you will updating this again??? Please update soon... This is so interesting...
Chapter 3: aw man I really like this fic >__< where did u go author-nim?? D:
HoBabyMe #5
When you will update?
I love this story very much T_T
okay never mind,I take back what I said lol but I'm still very much intrigued with this story so please update soon :)
Chapter 3: Please update soon... this is really great.. i wonder what key will do to minho...
MinKeyMK #8
I really hope you would update soon :)