>> N.A.P : Am I Dreaming Right Now?

ChunJoe, ChangRick, and N.A.P.'s Life Story [Layout ft. ChunJoe]

~ C.A.P's POV ~

A week later....

A week has practically passed by in a blink of an eye to me. It was one of those days with the same old routine: Be with Daniel. Be with Daniel. Be with Daniel. And did I mention Be with Daniel? 

I have been by his bedside for over two weeks and last week wasn't really my week due to many questions from our manager of the missing Daniel. I was pretty angry of how he barely took notice of Daniel after he was gone for so long, but I guess I had to calm down in order to stay in Teen Top and fulfill my dreams. It was a bit scary, but I managed to do what I was supposed to do. I actually remembered that moment like it was yesterday. That BIG, SCARY moment.


~ Flashback ~

I was going back to the company for a short period of time to rehearse "Heartbeat" by 2PM. I was feeling a bit down about Daniel's condition and couldn't really think straight, so everytime Ricky or Changjo peered out to say "Annyeoung C.A.P hyung", I would just ignore them with a blank face. I didn't even feel like asking Ricky of his disappearances that one time at the hospital. Of course, they both got confused and being the maknaes they were, they ran up to me and started blurting out millions of questions one simply cannot answer all at once.


"Hyung, are you okay?" 

"Ne~ we can take you to the doctor's if you want?"

"Something wrong with Daniel?"

"What did the doctor say?"

"Is he going to be okay?"

"When will he get discharged?"

"Now, later, or months?"

"Or will he.....?"


"ENOUGH YOU TWO!" I shouted back at then from the stress that was eating me alive from my insides. A long paused was then replaced. "I just.....I just need to be alone...." I began to walk into the dance studio, where we usually rehearse and started to practice the routine. Our big show was going to be a week or two from now anyway, so might as well catch up. I the music and gradually swayed my legs lazily to the music for a second until the real beat came on. Now, I'm not much of a dancer, but I do like listening to a song and somehow "moving" to its beat. As the song got louder and more straight forward, I began to actually dance. Like a hip pop artist. It was weird for me, but I actually like it. The breeze in my hair and the constant sweat getting produced from my body. Before I knew it, I actually felt like a pro!  Hot short breath was all I felt in the entire studio. I didn't feel like looking anything besides the mirror in front of me. My eyes focused on it like it was my prey, concentrating on every move I make.

"Good moves C.A.P, good moves." I heard a faint applause sneak up behind me from the doorway. It was my manager. Uh oh! It was my manager!

"Ohhh Kamsahamnida *bows* Manager hyung." I quickly felt my lips say.

"Look. I need to talk to you about something." I suddenly felt my knees shake a bit and my heart thumped like crazy as manager hyung gently placed his hand on my shoulder. I was hoping manager hyung doesn't remember about his daughter being here.....because that girl is locked up somewhere already.


"Well umm there will be a little get together with all the other members in about two weeks and I want to just announce that so you can come. That's all."

"Oh Ne~ Arasso~ *bows* I will make it, I promise." I smiled weakly.

"Oh and tell the others as well! Even......Daniel? By the way, where is Daniel? Now that I think about it, I haven't seen him in such a long time." My stomach began to become filled with butterflies as manager hyung awaited for an answer.

"Uhhhh D-Daniel is ummmm..... Oh manager hyung, I have to tell you something......And you might not like it...." I sighed as manager hyung came closer to my face with an Are-you-serious? face. I began telling him Daniel's condition these past few weeks and why he went missing. I didn't tell him about Hei though and what happened with her. I still don't want manager hyung to find out.

"Omo. I feel really bad for him and luckily you and Ricky were there for him! I'm glad *smiles* I'll make sure to pay him a visit tomorrow. Well I've got to go now. Make sure to feed Daniel properly and take care of him good too." Manager hyung placed his hand on my shoulder again to signalify that he was glad I was there to be for Daniel. Even though I wasn't at first.....I nodded as he walked away from the studio. I didn't resume back to dancing, but all I did was resume back to thinking. Thinking about Daniel's condition.

All he needs to do is wake up. Wake up, so I can see his big, deep brown eyes again.

~ Flashback Ended ~


Moments like these is what I fear most. My eyes just laid at Daniel's, never leaving out of sight. 

"Ahn Daniel." A soft whisper murmered from my mouth.

I felt another set of tears about to escape out of my now watery eyes. I didn't want Daniel to see me like this, so I ran out of the hospitoutdoor and went to the nearest bathroom with tears already dropping like little tiny droplets of rain onto the tiled floor. I knew it wasn't gonna make it in time. I just knew it. I had a feeling.

I finally reached the destination of the bathroom and began to rapidly run towards a sink to splash water on my face. I looked at my face. What was wrong with me? What am I doing wrong that Daniel wouldn't wake up? Was I not there for him before, is that why? If Ricky would have been here for him, would he have waken up sooner?

I was mind blown with all these unusual questions popping up inside my head. I never knew I could think this way before. Feeling negative about myself. 

I felt my mind overthinking, so I stopped and splashed a couple more splashes of water onto my face before heading out to the vast cold and horror of the hospital. Walking down the aisles of the hallways, watching painful moments happen onto people's lives. I shuddered a bit, hugging myself gently as I entered into Daniel's room to unexpectedly see the doctor inside with a saddening expression on his face. I happily smiled, walking in, not knowing what the doctor was doing, because basically his actions were covered up by a curtain. I swung back the curtain to visibly see the covered body.

It was over. He died. I was too late to even say goodbye. 

"No." A soft mutter escaped from my lips as I felt my knees being onto the floor like magnets and dropped instantly, collasping onto the floor into tears with no way of clearing them up. 

Daniels body was covered up with shooken heads from the doctors and nurses. It felt like a funeral since all of the staff members were now staring onto the floor, each and every one of them, not carrying a smile. I felt my heart drop into millions of pieces.

I guess Daniel is in a safe and happy place now. I had thought to myself as I looked up to the ceiling.

"Mianhae, son, but looks like Daniel won't make it....." The doctor reassured the news to my ears while trying to give me comfort by gently gripping onto my shoulder blade in sincerity. He felt bad. All of them felt bad. Every word of the doctor's mouth kept hitting on against my brain repetitively and with shock written all over my face.


It was completely silent for a complete five minutes as I kept admiring and touching Daniel's covered body. I silently cried at the pain I was in and couldn't even feel like breathing anymore. My eyes were swollen as much as Daniel's lips get swollen when he wakes up. 

Daniel. Oh Daniel. Wake up, please.

I kept asking desperately, but no response....Crying my eyes out, unexpected visitors came. Well they were unexpected because they were strangers. What were strangers doing here?

"Ohhhhhhh Daniel! Wae did you have to suffer through this?! You were too sweet to deserve this!", The weeping woman pleaded.

Wait what is going on here?

Sobs from the woman, a man, a child of about the age of ten, and a 18 year old teen boy were roaming through the air. I began to become confused.

"Wae are you touching OUR Daniel?!", The teen boy yelled as I still was left confused.

"Yours? Wait isn't this Ahn Daniel?" I quickly asked.

"Ani. This is Lee Daniel." The teen answered calmly.

Ohhhhhh that's why! I quickly nodded, bowed and sent my apologies as I had figured out I went to the wrong room. Looks like I overthinked too much enough to not notice the room number. I headed straight out of the room and into the vast cold and horrorfill hallway. Strolling, while looking for Ahn Daniel's name that should be posted on the door of his room, was what I did, still hugging myself a bit.

Room 512. I just had to remember that. 

I opened up the door wide to see the doctor surprisingly in here! 

Oh no! Daniel don't!

My view was blocked by a curtain, same situation as the last incident that happened minutes ago. I quickly swung that curtain swiftly, but quickly to find something quite unexpected and shocking:


Daniel opening his deep brown eyes back.


Am I dreaming? I slightly pinched myself to see if I was dreaming, but nope I wasn't. This was real! This was real!

I happily smiled at the doctor and got one in return. My face told it all, whether from my eyes to my ears, nose, or mouth that I was the most happiest guy on this universe!

"Daniel-yahhhhhh! *runs and hugs a confused Daniel*" I didn't want to let g of the hug, since I have been waiting for this moment for almost a month, but with all the staff watching, I was afraid they wouldn't like my signs of PDA, so automatically, released asked the hug.

"Huh? Mwo? What is going on? What am I doing here? C.A.P oppa, what are you doing here? Last time, I just saw Ricky. Where is he? Ughhhh I feel so uncomfortable. I need to get some fresh air." Daniel said while trying to clear his throat out.

"Doctor, can I take him out for a stroll outside to get some fresh air?" I asked.

"Ne~ but I advise you to take this wheelchair." I nodded my head as the doctor gave me the wheelchair. I happily took it with glee , still excited about Daniel's recovery. Daniel had softly and carefully climbed on, but I kept guiding him over though he refused the offer. After settling inside the wheelchair, Daniel gave me a thumbs up to ensure that he was ready to go. I quickly took him outside with the doctor and nurse's behind me walking out of the room, happily smiling and as so was I. The downside was that Daniel still looked weak and he was skinner than ever before. He probably lost more than half of his body weight. His face was even more pale than before, but surprisingly, his lips remained as plump as ever and full of color. Daniel told me how if he gains weight, loses weight, or anything of that nature, his lips will always stay the same. I never thought it was true......until now.

I chuckled a bit, but after guiding Damiel's wheelchair outside, I had felt the nice warm breeze brushing on my hair. I took a deep breath in and exhaled loudly, making Daniel turn around.

"Same C.A.P keke~" He giggled a bit, but then suddenly kept serious. "You know I am still mad at you." He crossed his arms, avoiding to make any eye contact with me.

I chuckled a bit, not knowing what he was talking about, but then it rang to me like a bell. 

"Mianhae Daniel....." The sudden stop gave both me and Daniel a shock, I kept my head straight on the floor.

"C.A.P, Mianhae isn't going to help anything." Daniel sighed, but my face only formed a smirk.

"Keke~ Wanna bet?" I winked at him and left him for a while, still keeping an eye on him as I grabbed bits of different flowers I had found near the hospital bushes. I quickly ran back to Daniel before anyone else could take him away and stood in front of him with the bouquet of flowers behind me back.

Daniel sat there, slowly making his way to lock his stare into mine. This was the very first time I had seen his face after so long. I sighed for a second, while thinking of the right words to say.

"Daniel, Mianhae for not being there for you. Mianhae for not protecting you like I should. Mianhae for breaking a promise. It just took me a long time to realize that even though before all this happened, I spent time with Hei, I was really thinking of you." Daniel kept blushing as people started to surround us like we aware the attention of the hospital. "I realized that you are the one I want to be with and grow old with. These past few weeks made me realize that I don't want anyone else, but you and I will be here by your side from now on to be here for you when you need me most. I just cannot imagine my life without you. Daniel, you can hate me all you want, but being with you always brings a smile on my face. When you smile, I can't help but smile. When you laugh, I can't help, but let out a chuckle. Moments likes these is what I cherish the most. These small, but special moments. I may not be good with confessions, but I sure hope this one can make you forgive me. *pouts* Saranghae Daniel. *brings out the flowers* I just picked out these flowers to somehow represent you through each and one of the dfferent flowers, but I know for a fact that none of these can ever be as beautiful and handsome as you. *smiles but then pouts again* Please forgive me. *holds out the flowers in front of Daniel's face." I pleaded as I stared at Daniel who was debating whether or not to forgive me.

"Come on! Forgive him!" An elderly lady announced to Daniel.

"FORGIVE HIM! FORGIVE HIM! FORGIVE HIM!" The crowd that was still building up chanted while throwing fists up in the air.

"Pabo. How can I not forgive you? You already made a big scene anyway." Daniel happily took the flowers and I immediately carried him out of the wheelchair and into my arms as I spun him around, earning "Yayyyyy's" and "Awwwwww's" from the crowd. A big bright smile formed on Daniel's lips and all I could do was admire it.

"KISS HIM! KISS HIM! KISS HIM!" The crowd started to roar with fists pumping up and down through the air.

I settled Daniel down and innocently looked at him, who looked at me while biting his lower lip, thinking of what to do. Since I was the man in this relationship, I decided to take charge. I instantly caught Daniel by surprise while caressing his cheek, cupping it gently, but firmly. My eyes laid on his as I leaned towards his glowing face and next thing I knew, our lips had crashed with each other's. I missed this feeling. I wanted this feeling for a long time and now I had it, so might as well enjoy it.

A round of applause was heard in the background along with cheers and smiles kept interfering our kisses. Our foreheads end up getting clashed together as we both smiled brightly and happily to the perfect moment.

Oh gosh Daniel, Wae are you so perfect?

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PotatoLife #1
Chapter 29: Awwww the ending was so sweet:)
Chapter 29: That is one crazy trainee! His name is Ray, so is he from C-Clown by any chance? And ahh the ending was so cute! :)
angel2001 #3
Chapter 28: OMG!!Update soon!!^^^
Chapter 28: Holy Jesus.... he wants to adopt children?! The fake wedding in L.Joe's head was pretty cute! And funny. Heheh. :)
Chapter 28: cute ..... ....
Chapter 27: Omg! Cute!! I'm probably part of the crowd! I'd yell at them to kiss!! And scream when they do! :)
Chapter 26: Oooh Kaisoo. I can't make a judgement about them because I'm barely getting into EXO. But you can add them if you like. And yay! Byunghun got Channie back! :)
Chapter 26: They are so cute ..
Chapter 8: This is extremly amazing. I love everything even though I'm not finished yet, but still best ChunJoe, ChangRick,and NAP fanfic so far ^_^