>> ChunJoe : L. Joe's A Six Year Old Now? Say What?!

ChunJoe, ChangRick, and N.A.P.'s Life Story [Layout ft. ChunJoe]

A/N: Annyeoung everyone!(: well I'm trying a new font now as you can see ^-^ and so to start off this chapter, I just wrote straight onto the story not doing the kids section. I was thinking on doing the story for about a few chapters then once and a while I would stop with the story and make a seperate chapter for the kids section. So how does that sound? Or do you like it better the normal way? Comment please ^^ Well enjoy the story as always C:


*Chunji's POV*

Byunghun and I were just sitting there at the edge of the hot tub when Byunghun winked at me, patting the seat right next to him, signaling me he wanted me to sit there. I came over blushing next to him, smiling in glee. I loved spending time with him and he just makes me feel so safe and protected like nothing will never happen to me. He scooted over closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist while embracing my whole body as he rests his head on my shoulder. I thought it was cute and he then made a little pout, batting his innocent looking eyes at me. Ughhhh Byunghun I think I'm going to faint just by you staring at me! 

"Awww you're so cute when you pout! Stop it! I think I'm going to faint! Whew! It's getting hot in here!" I started fanning myself rapidly.

"You're looking hot right now." Byunghun then got out of his seat and hovered over me as I was still sitting in my seat. I looked up at him trying to look innocent and that was when he pushed me back on the seat, having me then laying down on the edge of the hot tub. He climbed on top of me making me gulp a bit then he attacked my lips with such a great, passionate kiss. 

I think Byunghun saw that I was nervous because he started calming me down, "Calm down baby. Just relax and enjoy." he began to calm me down, whispering in my ear, soothing me into relaxation as I closed my eyes. I kept shutting them tight for a few minutes, figuring Byunghun had some plan in his mind for this special one-to-one moment. I didn't feel anything anymore or any kisses, touchings. I didn't even feel him hovering me. Was this what "making love" was supposed to feel like? If so, then I don't like it!

I then opened my eyes widely as I didn't hear any sounds or didn't feel any movement or vibrations. I looked over to my right and found Byunghun holding his head with both of his hands like a madman going loose, silently screaming from the top of his lungs.

I was scared from my observation and tried reaching out to Byunghun to see if he needed help. I knew I had to help my boyfriend even if I was scared, I mean, he was there when Changjo left me to Ricky, he taught me piano (a beautiful moment I will always cherish in my heart), and he gave me my first REAL kiss. 

"Uhhhh B-B-Byu-yungh-h-Hun are you o-okay?" I said with a very concerning look upon my face.

"AHHHHHHHHHH! UGHHHHHH MY HEAD! IT HURTS! IT HURTS, CHANHEE! AHHHHH I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" Byunghun then went to the shelves and threw himself on them, spinning his arms around, causing the stuff on the shelves to fall down abruptly. He looked so abusive like I've never seen this side of him before. He kept yelling as he made more of a mess, causing other special awards Andy hyung received in the past to fall and break as it hit the cold marble floor. Every glass frame was shattered into a thousand pieces kind of like how my heart is right now. 

"Babe, y-you're sc-scaring me right n-n-now." I quickly said while stuttering with shivers running down on my spine and down my back.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I CAN'T TAKE THIS PAIN ANYMORE! I MUST! HURT! SOMETHING! OR SOME-" he immediately looked at me as I was his target.

"NO BYUNGHUN! I'M YOUR SOULMATE, REMEMBER?! YOU EVEN TOLD ME! Byunghun, I-I. I love you. I love you more than my own life and I'll risk whatever possible just to get you next to me, safe. Please. Please Byunghun. I'm begging you. Don't hurt your own boyfriend." I had finally confessed, but confessing this made me more emotional than I thought. I quietly cried to myself as Byunghun came over to me in confusion, but also curiosity. 

"Awwwww you have pretty hair! Wooow. Oh and please don't cwy. I wuv you and would do whatever. I pwomise (all misspelled words are intentional to make the character more believable.)" he smiled at me while petting my hair, looking and talking to me like a little six year old boy. I silently cried again and made my way to hug him as he hugged me back, playing with the strings of my shorts.

I didn't know what was wrong with his mind, but he acted like his six year old self, which was starting to freak me out. As the boyfriend I was, I decided to just carry my mentally minded six year old boyfriend to the hospital to check and see if there was anything wrong with him. I couldn't tell the others of this misery since Ricky had to protect Changjo and I really do not know about Daniel and C.A.P's relationship, but I questioned about it all the time. I had wiped my tears with my thumb, put my clothes back on, and put Byunghun's clothes back on for him since he played the character of a six year old. The tears kept on coming back to my eyes and would fall like a water droplet fell fom the clouds. I never thought this would make me cry, but it made a huge impact in me. What if Byunghun is like this forever and I'll be dating a six year old? What will I tell the others? I tried holding back the tears and it had worked until Byunghun made me cry again with his little squeaky voice instead of his manly one that made me shiver every time I heard it:

"Mister, are you okay?" he tugged on my shirt leaving me to look at him with my teary eyeballs. 

"Y-Yeah just a little dust in my eyes that's all. Now let's get you going." I wiped my tear with the sleeve of my shirt like how Byunghun used to do to me. Another tear fell down upon my cheek to my neck. I took his hand like a mother was holding her son's hand to walk him down the street. There goes another tear. Wasted. I then walked him toward the living room door where we continued to walk outside. As we walked hand and hand, people kept staring and whispering to each other's ears, giving me an irritated look on my face. Byunghun just acted like a monkey as he jumped around yelling, "ooo I want that and that and that and that oh and that. Maybe that too!" while passing by the stores and shops. I gave him a lollipop to shush him up. Even though he was my boyfriend, he sure was an annoying six year old. Byunghun the lollipop insanely around all over the place letting his mouth covered in red stains like a regular six year old would if he were to eat a lollipop. I giggled a little as I saw Byunghun's lost puppy eyeballs looking at me for a clean up. It was so cute and adorable! I couldn't bear it! 

"Here let me get that cleaned up for you.", I giggled as I pulled out a napkin in my sweater and gently dabbed his stained mouth away, clearing the stains. He looked onto my face and I looked at his and memories start to flash right before my very eyes, making me tear eyed. 


"Ahhhh Byunghun you can't catch me!", I stuck out my tounge at him saying, "Nenenenene" as I ran away to a different location and Byunghun at my tail, chasing after me. We were simply playing a friendly game of chase more like "Come over here so I can kiss you!" game, but it was still fun. Byunghun kept on trying his surprise attack techniques, but I was too skilled for his foul play, so I moved faster and quicker than he ever was. I did maybe cheat a little by using my cell mirror to track where he was going to catch me next. The rules didn't say anything about mirrors so oh well. 

"Ahh ChanHee don't do this to me! I just want to give you a kiss before I go to the grocery store.", Byunghun settled down on the couch taking a breather when I peeped out of the little pole to make sure he wasn't lying, but nope he didn't. There he was just tired. I felt bad for him, so I forced myself to walk over there to say "sorry" and give him a hug like a real girlfriend would, of course as I played the girl figure in our relationship. 

"I'm sowwy", I felt my face beginning to pout as I stood here in front of him.

I was going to throw myself at him to hug him when suddenly, he grabbed me by the waist tightly, "Gotcha!", he winked.

"Ughhhhh Byunghun! I was so close to winning!", I began to pout more.

"So close, but so far away baby", He began to chuckle.

I crossed my arms and turned facing the opposite direction then he was saying, "Hmph!" 

"Awww babe don't do this to me now.", Byunghun pulled on my arm, but I him off and continued ignoring him.

"Babe." , he kept pleading and calling me babe. I loved it when he did that and with his y voice, I had no problem with him calling my name out 10000000000 times if he wanted to. I still wanted to play with him, so I kept ignoring him just to see what he'll do next.

"wouaaa wouaaa wu wu wouaaaaaaaaaa", Byunghun then did baby cries either for serious play or joking around play. 

I sneaked a peek behind me to see what Byunghun was really doing and he had just did the baby cry and silently snickered in between every cry. I had then turned around, not to forgive him, but to slap him, so I slapped his shoulder as hard as I could.

"YAHHHH! Jagiya, what was that for? Ahhh.", Byunghun rubbed his shoulder many times to relief the pain.

"Awww you want me to help you rub your shoulder and kiss the oo to make it better?", I was sarcastically playing, but I sounded convincing enough. 

"Yes please!", Byunghun said in delight.

I then became mad at him, "Well here you go! *slaps shoulder again* why would you do that to me? *slaps shoulder again harder than the last* am  I some toy to you? *slaps shoulder again harder than the last* don't mess with my feelings like that! *slaps shoulder again harder than the last* there feel better?" I popped up a smile.

Byunghun shook his head slowly and lifted up his sleeve to see red marks all over his shoulder. I think he was about to cry.

"Awwww my little Byunghun! You okay?", this time I meant it as I rubbed my hand on his shoulder blade. It was his turn to get mad.

"NO I'M NOT OKAY!" he then popped up a smile across his face using a sincere tone. "I'm perfect." 

"Aishh~ Byunghun you made my worry for nothing!", I slapped him in the arm this time, but it was a playful slap.

 "AWWWWWW IT HURTS!", Byunghun rubbed his arm.

"Aishh~my boyfriend is so weak!", I began rubbing his arm for him.

"I was just kidding!", Byunghun pushed my arm away and then grabbed me by my waist, embracing it, and pulled me closer towards him. He got up out of his seat and attacked my lips with a sweet, "I'm sorry" kiss as I replied back with a "I accept your apology. Now get in my bed!" kiss. It had just stopped there because he had to run errands for manager hyung, so we kissed goodbye and that was when my life felt complete. I kept giggling, blushing, and smiling to myself that whole night, replying that memory inside my head.

~Flashback Ended~

Another wasted tear rolled down my cheek. I just let it hang there and didn't wipe it off or anything. We continued walking as people still whispered and stared at us.

"CAN'T TWO PEOPLE GO THROUGH SOME SHOPS WITHOUT PEOPLE STARING AND WHISPERING?!", I yelled leaving everyone afraid, so they ran off somewhere leaving me, little Byunghun, and the sales people to remain left in the streets. The sales people were also scared of me and little Byunghun was too. 

As I saw him quiver and shake in fear, I comforted him by saying, "Don't worry little one. I wouldn't scream at you." a smile appeared on my faces, but a deep saddening hole was inside my heart. It didn't take us long to get to the hospital. I immediately went inside the doors of the hospital and instantly searched for a doctor. 

I finally got held of one and asked for their help, "Doctor! Doctor! My boy-my friend here has like a physiological problem or something because as you can see, he looks like a regular 17 year old, but he's been acting like a six year old." 

"I see what you mean there", The doctor examined the little Byunghun with his eyes as he saw him play with the toys the hospital sets up for little children to play with. "Let's get him into a room!" the doctor established and finally, Byunghun laid in a bed inside a room with me. 

It was 10PM at the time and it took me 2 hours just to get him to sleep! It was either a "I need warm milk!" or "this blanket is not comfy enough!" that was said as a response in return to my gentle "Go to sleep now, Byunghun." At least I got him to sleep, then I'm okay. I was getting ready to drift off to sleep when all of a sudden Byunghun started yelling and screaming, kicking his legs frantically. He covered both of his ears with both of his hands and yelled, "AHHHHHHHHHHHH! STOP IT! SOMEBODY! ANYBODY! MAKE IT STOOOOOP!" his normal voice came back! It was upsetting to see him like this.

"DOCTOR! DOCTOR!" I yelled as the doctor rushed in to ease down Byunghun, who was still screaming and kicking his legs.

I kept watching from the sidelines and watched my poor Byunghun suffer through this pain. I'm sorry Byunghun, but I don't know what to do to help you get better besides rush you to a hospital, getting you checked up. A tear ran down my cheek again, but it wasn't wasted. Pain went through my veins.

I'm guessing the nurse saw me crying because she had asked me exit. "I believe it's best if the doctor does his work alone and I will call you when the doctor is finished." she got me outside of the waiting room and there I paced back and forth for like fifty times. I kept hearing, "CHAAAANHEEEE! CHAAAANHEEEE! SAVE ME!" my heart ached knowing that I wanted to, but I couldn't . . . I wish it was like my memory again . . .

All I could hear on the other side of the door were yelps of screams from Byunghun calling my name. I held my own hand and dug my nails into my own hand because I knew that I cannot be there to say "Don't worry Byunghun. I'm here for you. Everything will be alright."

But everything wasn't alright and I can't be there for him! The nurse said she'll call me back when the doctor finished right? Well she never came back . . .

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PotatoLife #1
Chapter 29: Awwww the ending was so sweet:)
Chapter 29: That is one crazy trainee! His name is Ray, so is he from C-Clown by any chance? And ahh the ending was so cute! :)
angel2001 #3
Chapter 28: OMG!!Update soon!!^^^
Chapter 28: Holy Jesus.... he wants to adopt children?! The fake wedding in L.Joe's head was pretty cute! And funny. Heheh. :)
Chapter 28: cute ..... ....
Chapter 27: Omg! Cute!! I'm probably part of the crowd! I'd yell at them to kiss!! And scream when they do! :)
Chapter 26: Oooh Kaisoo. I can't make a judgement about them because I'm barely getting into EXO. But you can add them if you like. And yay! Byunghun got Channie back! :)
Chapter 26: They are so cute ..
Chapter 8: This is extremly amazing. I love everything even though I'm not finished yet, but still best ChunJoe, ChangRick,and NAP fanfic so far ^_^