>> N.A.P : I Love You, But I Think I'm Starting To Love Her More

ChunJoe, ChangRick, and N.A.P.'s Life Story [Layout ft. ChunJoe]

*POV story turns to narrative towards kids*

"Daddy how can you like a girl now mommy?!" Ahn-Bang Young Soo asked C.A.P

"Because, Because son I was a fool, a fool for you! *turns to Niel saying that* I want it all baaaaaaaack eeeyeah eeeyeah I want it all, I want it all and I want it all back" C.A.P began sorta singing "All Back" by Chris Brown.

"Honey honey I think you should just stick to rapping" Niel said innocently.

"Yeah you're right, okay okay" C.A.P had nodded.

"you know the weird thing is that we have a school play on food poisoning! I play the food poisoner and Cho Hee plays the the. Person I poison HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Lee Bon-Hwa kept on laughing and laughing while his sister began utterly annoyed.

"It wasn't fair! I wanted to be the fairy princess that made everything better, but NOOOOOO I had to be the victim" Cho Hee began irritated.

"It's okay Cho Hee, at least you didn't play the ugly monster although I think you will that part really well hehe" Bon-Hwa began to laugh hysterically again.

"YOU LITTLE UGLY RUBBER FLUBBER!!!!!!!" Cho Hee began tackling her brother like this was a game of football or something and then they both had kept rolling back and forth on the carpet, ending up with L. Joe and Chunji separating both of them up.

"Is it always like this?" Park Yuri asked.

"You might want to just get used to it keke" Young Soo replied back.

"Oh yeah I forgot I was the fairy princess for that play!" Yoo-Choi Hana said jumping in joy.

"And I. Was. The. Monster . . ." Young Soo responded disappointingly.

"Oh well the part fits you cousin! I mean you are tall and you're a bit scary too!" Bon-Hwa said hoping to not be punched by Young Soo.

"Oh I got those features from my dad! *winks at C.A.P* by the way I don't really think being compared by a monster is a compliment! COME OVER HERE YOU LITTLE UGLY RUBBER FLUBBER!!!!!" Young Soo had then jumped on top of Bon-Hwa, grabbing him by the collar and Cho Hee had joined in as well.

"Awwwww I wanna join!" Hana had jumped on top of Cho Hee and Young Soo's back, just hugging them, thinking this was some kind of hugging competition. It ended up being hair pullings, red hands and faces, scars, bruises, messed up hair, and beatings from a teddy bear.

"Come on now break it up all four of you!" Changjo, L. Joe, and  C.A.P directly broke them up to seperate, while the mothers came over to fix their hair, put on some oinkment on their scars, oil on their bruises, and kissed their oos to make them feel better. 

"You guys! That was an awesome pillow fight!" Hana said while Ricky had fixed her hair. The others just looked at her with their bruised face and scars and shook their heads in irritation.

"Okay come on let's get back with the story!" Chunji said as he brushed through Cho Hee's hair.

"Okay so back to where I was. It was that afternoon when I actually decided to go to school to ease off my mind, you know . . ." Niel began to explain the story furthermore.


*Niel's POV*

I had finally stopped crying after about 15-20 minutes of being here and couldn't stand the fact, C.A.P had lied to me about getting his phone when he actually wanted to be with Hei. I went to a nearby bathroom, one that wouldn't require me to go passed Hei's room, so I went to the one in the living room and washed my face, my tears and everything up. To be honest, I actually wanted to go to school. I went to the manager's office to plan out and explain to him if it was alright if I can go to schoolthis afternoon because I needed to catch up with my studies even though the actual reason was to avoid C.A.P and his lies for eternity. He nodded in agreement and told me, "Whenever you feel like going, then you can go. You have my pershing to do so. Good luck in your studies!"

"Thank you manager hyung" I said with happiness, but inside I felt like today will be the ultimate worst day of my life! I decided to just pack my things to go to school for the first time in like a week . . . I went to another staircase to get to the dorm without the passing of Hei's room and just packed my books, journals, pencils, and pens when Ricky walked in.

"Hey Daniel why are you packing up your backpack all of a sudden?" Ricky asked curiously.

"Oh we'll I'm going to school hehe" I responded.

"Oh well let me call C.A.P for you since he said whenever you're going to school, he wants to go with to protect you from those bullies!"

Ricky was about to go get C.A.P when I grabbed him by the arm, "No Ricky its okay, C.A.P is ummm he's sleeping! Yeah sleeping! I just don't want to bother him and I think I'll be fine as long as I avoid them and maybe they won't bother me now because of the announcement of Teen Top. You never know!" I had a weak smile.

"Okay, Daniel, but here's my number in case if you need some assistance on those bullies *hands paper with number on it*" 

"Thank you Ricky" I finally showed a real smile and had hugged him while hitting the strip of paper in the pocket of my jeans. 

"No problem! Just call me if you need anything and I'll get all the other members there for you too! I have to go to the studio to practice the cheorography for 'Heartbeat' now. Good luck! Byeee!" Ricky gave me one last hug and waved good bye as he walked out the door.

Even though Ricky felt like a dongsaeng to me and he knows everything between C.A.P and I, there is no way I can tell him the real reason on why I'm going to school. Maybe after school, I might as well just go home too. It was about 11:30 AM on my alarm clock so I decided to go walking and not bother the manager into giving me a ride. I grabbed my backpack, but before I got going, I decided to sneak a peek at Hei's room to see what C.A.P and Hei were doing until realized they began to kiss each other! My heart felt shattered, broken, used, and lied to. What other bad thing can happen to me? I suddenly felt myself getting dizzy, so I decided to just get walking to my school so I can get some fresh air. I had walked out of the door and got walking to my school, which will take about 15-20 minutes but hopefully I can get there earlier so those bullies can't find me.

About 15 minutes had passed of me walking and so I checked my phone to see if I got any missed calls or text messages from C.A.P, but I did see one text message and one missed call! It turns out it was from Ricky . . .

Text message

Ricky: "Hey Daniel are you okay? I got worried about you for a while and was wondering if you were fine going to school by yourself. I was going to offer you if I can walk with you to school, but I had saw you were gone, so I decided to text you"

Daniel: "Oh Ricky I'm fine and I'm sorry it's  just I felt a little dizzy, so I decided to get some fresh air then might as well just walk to school"

Ricky: "Do you need to go to the doctor's? I mean if you feel sick or have a headache, it's better to go to the doctors. You know what, I'm going to wake C.A.P up! I mean after all y'all are both dating and I'm sure he'll get more worried than I am about you!"

Daniel: "No I don't. I'll be fine. I actually feel better than 15 minutes ago and please don't wake up C.A.P, I just want him to have good nap because yesterday, he didn't get to sleep too good."

Ricky: "Okay make sure you call me or C.A.P in case of an emergency alright?"

Daniel: "Alright"

Ricky: "Now be safe in school hyung. I will come to school to get you"

Daniel: "But dongsaeng you cannot drive. You're underage remember?"

Ricky: "Who says I'm driving? I'm going to walk over there to get you keke"

Daniel: "Awww thanks dongsaeng. Well I'll see you later. You have to take care of yourself too! Bye!" 

Ricky: "Take care hyung bye!" 

Wow Ricky was so sweet. C.A.P used to be like that . . . I had stepped foot into the front of my school and deeply inhaled and exhaled, finally going inside of my school. Everyone stared at me as they clapped, but not the I'm-forced-to-clap clap but the good-job-Daniel clap and I fell shocked but honored. All had clapped except for the bullies of course as they deeply gazed into my eyes in anger. I knew this would be the worst day of my life! Because my school lunch time period had passed, I didn't really didn't get to eat nor get bullied by the bullies like I usually do at lunch which was a good thing for me! As time passed by near the end of school, nothing bad has really happened today. I've been getting praised by my teachers, gaining popularity, and even got girls' numbers! It was 20 minutes until the class was over and I had to go to the restroom badly, so I asked for permission as the teacher nodded. 

After done doing my business in the bathroom, I had found those bullies right outside of the restroom door, giving me the same stare they gave me this afternoon. I couldn't help, but wanted to run but for some reason I didn't. 

"So how ya been, buddy? Long time no see! *slaps me on the shoulder* We missed you soooo much! Congratulations on your new group! Teen top right? Sounds ratchet enough. Hahaha" All the guys began to laugh.

"That doesn't mean we won't bully you though" the leader came up and gave me a punch in the cheek, which left a bump about size of a ping pong ball. Then the other guy punched me in the stomach that nearly felt like my ribs were about to pop out.

"I don't care if you bully me! I may have gained popularity in school, but at the company, it became more of a struggle. So go ahead and beat me. I have no purpose in life anymore anyway." I finally said while taking my last breath as the bullies prepared for another beating until we all had smelled something that was burning. The bullies and I turned around to have found the teachers' lounge on fire as it kept spreading on the third floor.

"EVERYONE RUN!" the bullies dropped me on the floor and left to the nearest emergency staircase. I was trying to get up and follow them when all of a sudden I felt dizzy. My cell phone had rang and so I decided to pick it up as I began to gently fall on the floor. I was about to answer until I suddenly felt light-headed with some blurry vision, leaving me softly closing my eyes to what I felt like an eternity.

*C.A.P's POV*

Hei and I became really close rapidly and I began to felt more attached to her. We wrote lyrics together, drew together, and even acted silly with one another like brother and sister. As time passed by, we got to know each other more like on how I barely found out that Hei was bilinguel; she spoke Chinese, English. Thailand, and of course Korean! She told me she can sing as well as play the guitar, but she said she wasnt good herself. Hei began singing to me this Chinese melody that kept repeating over and over again.

http://mp3.zing.vn/bai-hat/Nho-Anh-Nhieu-Hon-Chinese-Singer/IWZDIO8W.html Just press the play button in the little media play on the top. (P.S. I love this song <3 I actually sang it too one time but I didn't think I was very good /.\) this song actually fits in with the song too :o To sum it up, it's about how a girl misses a guy more than he misses her. The boy moved on to a new life leaving the girl heartbroken, making her singing this song because of him.

"Woahhh you have a very beautiful, angelic voice that could be in a Kpop group one day and C.A.P does NOT lie!" I said as she giggled. I felt like I said this to someone before with the same reaction, but I couldn't really wrap my finger on who it was. 

"You're lying C.A.P. I sing horrible but if you say so then thank you haha" Hei gave me that cute, bright smile with those lovable, deep brown eyes.

"Why would I lie in front of your face? I can lie behind your back but not in your face" I began chucking as she jokingly hit me, which led us into getting close together. We didn't really do anything together, but just cuddled. Finally, we decided to play a game of "Truth or Dare".

"Okay Truth or Dare?" I asked her.

"Ummm truth!" Hei answered smiling.

"Okay ummm be honest, would you rather eat 10 live caterpillars or 4 dead tarantulas?" 

"Ewwwwww ummmm this is gross but 10 live caterpillars! They're high in protein you know! Haha" She giggled and asked me the same question, "Truth or Dare?" 

"I choose Dare!"

"Ummmm I dare you to ki-"

"I'm already there" I leaned in to give her a kiss on the lips, leaving so many passionate moments and I had felt fireworks, sparks that I had never experienced before! I felt like everything in my past was forgotten as I kissed Hei Ryung. I had felt like someone was watching us as we kissed, but I didn't really care and continued to kiss her. After the magical kiss I had with her,  we both laid down as I hugged her by the waist , planting a kiss on her forehead while she slept. "I will always be here to protect you, I promise." I whispered those words in her ear, leaving a shivery tickle down my spine as I felt like I have said these words before towards someone special and possibly it can come back to haunt me. I cuddled  right next to her, leaving thoughts of who I could have been thinking about the whole time. Who can it be? 

*Ricky's POV*

I was beginning to worry about Daniel in school, so when it was about the last 10 minutes of school, I decided to give a call. On the other line, I had heard nothing, but screams and I kept yelling, "DANIEL ARE YOU OKAY?! DANIEL!" In the end I heard nothing, leaving me panicking, so I decided to call C.A.P from his nap, but I looked everywhere for him! The dorm room, the kitchen, the living room, the hot tub, the manager's office, even the bathroom! I finally decided to go check the least expected room I can find C.A.P: Hei's Room. I began to sneak a peek inside her room where I found out they were both cuddling together on the bed, giving pecks to one another. I became digusted and finally knew the real reason why Daniel left for school. I barged into that room with all the stamina I had inside of me and stuck up for Daniel.

"C.A.P WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?! YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND! AND GUESS WHAT?! HE'S IN SCHOOL BECAUSE WHAT YOU'RE DOING TO HIM! I never knew you were like this C.A.P. I HATE YOU!" As the last sentence came off of my mouth, the TV automatically to a news channel that had said:


A high school in particular has faced a devastating faith to the point,211 students were killed, 256 are injured, and 125 are unknown. Heungjin High School has met this faith due to a huge fire that first started off small in the teachers' lounge, but gradually got larger and larger where it spread to the third floor along with the second and first leading it to spreading the whole school! Many suspects had found that the microwave in the teachers' lounge was first caught on fire due to some wire issue, then came the refrigerator , after that the toaster eventually leading onto all the appliances in the lounge catching on fire. Students are actually wondering on the student by the name of Ahn Daniel, a fellow member of upcoming group, Teen Top, if he had came out of appearance, but no sign of him was seen. Police are saying he is considered as one of the unknowns who cannot be found yet. Police are also trying to get everyone safe and sound, but sometimes that's not the case. Two questions come to mind: Will the police find all the unknowns? And will Ahn Daniel be saved?

"SEE C.A.P LOOK AT WHAT'S HAPPEN TO YOUR BOYFRIEND! I GOTTA GET THERE PRONTO! I DON'T CARE IF COMING OR NOT, BUT REMEMBER THIS: Rememeber that first time you and Daniel kissed? held hands? hugged? Well keep that in mind." I immediately stood up for Daniel while about to walk away to go find Daniel

"No wait Ricky I-I-I need to ask you something?" C.A.P said innocently.

"WHAT?!" I responded angerily hoping C.A.P got the hint.

"Whose Ahn Daniel?" 

"WHAT?! YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR OWN BOYFRIEND'S NAME?! Forget it I don't have time to explain him to you. If you did love him, you would remember every memory you had with him! You said you would always protected him! You promised! Looks like that promise was broken when you said that to Hei. Goodbye C.A.P. I have a friend to save." I walked out of the living room door and gave Changjo a kiss on the forehead as he lied on the couch, trying to recover from the pain he had yesterday. 

"Where are you going?" Changjo asked with all the strength he had in his body.

"To go save Daniel from a fire." I sad worryingly.

"WHAT?! Let me go with you!" Changjo tried getting up but ended up hugging his stomach in pain, falling to the couch.

"No baby you need to rest. Don't worry I'll be back now back to sleep. You need it." I gently kissed his forehead and went off to see Daniel.

it took me about 10 minutes to get there since I was running and that's when I saw the disiaterous occurrence that had happened. I immediately tried going inside but the police kept stopping saying, "No son. It's too much flames in there. A small kid like you shouldn't be wondering around in that kind of environment. Just run away now and play with your dolls."

"Sir my friend is in there and if I don't find him, then I never know if he's in trouble which is really serious! I have to go in there! He says he's been having a headache!"

"I'm sorry son bu-" I didn't care hat the police said and went straight thought the school building checking every floor to see where Daniel was. I covered my nose with the sleeve of my sweater while searching through the floors and staircases. After 15minutes of searching, I finally got to the third floor, seeing that Daniel had collapsed on the floor next to a restroom, technically sleeping. "DANIEL DON'T SLEEP I'LL GET YOU OUT OF HERE! I PROMISE! I mean it!" I had carried him with all the strength I had and headed for the emergency staircase. "DANIEL WAKE UP WAKE UP! I'M BEGGING YOU! DON'T SLEEPY BUDDY DON'T!" I continued to try waking him up, but nothing to work so my heartbeat began to go from 85 beats to 115 beats per hour! I had taken him outside to have finally had the ambulance and paramedics come help him recover to the hospital. I went along board with him to the nearest hospital, which was 30 minutes away. All I can hear was him sleep talking, repeating the same thing over and over again: "I thought you would have kept your promise, but it turns out all of it was a lie . . .Thank you for hurting me . . ." a tear had dropped down on his cheek, but the scariest thing was that he was like the male version of "Sleeping Beauty" he kept sleeping and sleeping for like an eternity.

"I'm sorry Daniel. I tried to get C.A.P back with you, but I'm guessing things will change now because of Hei. . . Daniel be strong strong!" 

The paramedics examined Daniel and had finally established that he had a rare disease that is known to make a person sleep for years. YEARS?! But Daniel was such an innocent and kind boy! He didn't do anything wrong and the world treats him like this? While C.A.P does something horrible leaving him with nothing but pure happiness? This isn't the sort of treatment Daniel should get!

I had taken Daniel by the hand whispering inside his ear, "Even though I couldn't get you and C.A.P together, I will get you into safety." My words created an emotional feeling that made me cry. I hope C.A.P is happy for what he has done . . 


It was pretty long but hope y'all like it ^^ The picture was made by me by the way :D and yeah so this chapter was very packed of details and Ricky was in this story too! As the best buddy of Daniel awwww :') well hope y'all enjoy it (:

Ahhhh it's raining here I'm scared /.\ gonna sleep byee D:

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PotatoLife #1
Chapter 29: Awwww the ending was so sweet:)
Chapter 29: That is one crazy trainee! His name is Ray, so is he from C-Clown by any chance? And ahh the ending was so cute! :)
angel2001 #3
Chapter 28: OMG!!Update soon!!^^^
Chapter 28: Holy Jesus.... he wants to adopt children?! The fake wedding in L.Joe's head was pretty cute! And funny. Heheh. :)
Chapter 28: cute ..... ....
Chapter 27: Omg! Cute!! I'm probably part of the crowd! I'd yell at them to kiss!! And scream when they do! :)
Chapter 26: Oooh Kaisoo. I can't make a judgement about them because I'm barely getting into EXO. But you can add them if you like. And yay! Byunghun got Channie back! :)
Chapter 26: They are so cute ..
Chapter 8: This is extremly amazing. I love everything even though I'm not finished yet, but still best ChunJoe, ChangRick,and NAP fanfic so far ^_^