My Crush.......

Meeting My Mom's Boyfriend, Son......

  ( This chapter mostly contain Yumi's POV)..... ENJOY^-^

     This guys name Key, who was my crush since the first year of high school. His smiles makes my heart beat faster every second. I looked at him from a far distance so I guess he never notice me. Well lets just say our first meeting wasn't that good but it actually end up very sweet.......... Not

( Flashback)

Ok, today is the day I, Yumi Yung is going to confess to the guy I like..... I took a deep breath and looked over to my best friend, Yuri who was hiding behind the bush. She was actually the one who encourage me to confess to him and now she is here to make sure everything goes smoothly. Yea, like that's going to happen, I'll probably fail and make a fool of myself.

I held the letter in the back of my hand and I'm sure it is going to be wet by the time I even hand it to him. God knows how nervous I am right now.

I was so into my own little world that I didn't realize yuri was calling my name, trying to get my attention.

" What" I'm annoyed when people called me when I'm thinking about something or someone.......

" He is coming" she whrispered back before she hide behind her little bush.

" Who's coming...... Holy , I totally forgot about it" I checked my outfit to make sure it's neat and don't have any stain on it when I was eating chocolate earlier on. Good thing there wasn't any.

Ok today is the chance.....

I'll make sure to give him my letter that I have been writing for decade. I can't even count with my fingers how many times I have to writing the same letter........

Ok his coming toward me right now.... I hold my breath and lowered my head and closed my eyes. Once I felt someone is in front of me, I took out my letter and imagine his cute smiles and his laughters. I smiled to myself and wonder what his face expression is.

" Are you confessing to me" that person whrispered in my ear, WAIT, THIS IS DEFINITELY NOT HIS VOICE. But how come this voice sounds so familiar....... OH GOD, DON'T TELL ME IT'S HIM.

 I slowly looked up hoping it is Key and it just that he got a sore throat or SOMETHING!!!!  For a god sake, Please tell me his voice has change or something!!!!

I finally open my eyes and this is the last face I want to see on this planet earth........ He is definitely not my KEY, He is the total opposite of him.

His face is about a inch away from mine.......

" If you want to confess to me, then just said so, you don't even have to write a letter for me BABY ~ " he purposely screched the last word. Then he just walk off.... Leaving a dumbfounded yumi hanging.....

" What the heck is this, Why the hell would I ever confess to you KIM JAEJOONG"!!!!!!!!! She screamed......


LOL.... How was it. HEHEEH. I kind of left you hanging, I'll continue on the next chapter. ^-^

Hope you like this story so far....... And I hope you would subscibe if you like this  or even comment... It's up to you, I won't force anyone.....

Happy Reading~~~~~

    Stay tone on the next chapter........


 A gift for you readers..... AWWW HE'S SO ADORABLE ><






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CelebrityVicky #1
Chapter 3: u didnt add me 4 co grl
CelebrityVicky #2
Chapter 4: update this one fast 2
CelebrityVicky #3
Chapter 4: hahahaha i could imagine yumi surprise face, so priceless of wat i picture
brittney #4
Hahaha it was really funny ~~
Hope you can update soon
So cute. ><
CelebrityVicky #7
Chapter 3: hey y r u switching from thrid person pov to first person pov?
otherwise gr8 i enJOY this one 2
bunnyluvsyou #8
Chapter 3: i know where all those pics of key came from i watched them all :3
This is so cute. Update
And who did you write SHINee for?....Hmmmm =.=