Show Me Love - Ravi 1 - 7

VIXX Scenarios/Drabbles


When she walks away from you mad.
Follow her.


The argument had gone on for about an hour now, a very long hour. You let out a groan. “Aish, screw you Kim Wonshik!”  You yelled at him finally getting feed up with him.

“Yah, where are you going?” Ravi asked you, seeing that you grabbed your bag and you were walking out the door. Ignoring him, you keep walking.


“Hey, hey, hey don’t leave, come on ________-ah, I’m sorry.” Ravi said catching your wrist, “I really am sorry.” He said pulling you in a hug. You let out a sigh and wrapped your arms around his waist while your head went on his chest.

“It’s okay, I’m sorry too, I overreacted Oppa.”  You muttered in to his chest. “It’s okay, we both did so don’t worry about it, baby girl.” Ravi muttered burying his face in to your hair.

When she stares at your mouth.
Kiss her.

You puffed your checks out staring at Ravi; you weren’t all too sure why he asked you to come over to the dorms today if he was going to busy playing catch up with all of his school work that was overdue.

Ravi turned his head when he felt someone staring at him, he smiled and pinched your puffed out check.  “Why are you staring at me so much?” He asked you smiling at you; you shook your head and nuzzled your head in his neck.

Ravi laughed and dropped his homework and directed his complete attention to you. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he pulled you on to his lap and rocked you back forth. “I’m sorry; I’ve been ignoring you tonight, haven’t I?” Ravi asked. trans.gif

“No, you’ve been really busy with your promotions Oppa. And you’ve been trying to play catch up with school, so it’s okay. It really is, don’t even worry about it.” You mumbled staring up at him.

Ravi smiled down at you before leaning down to kiss you, you smiled in to it. “I’ve missed you,” He muttered in to it. “I’ve missed you too, Oppa.” You told him.

Pulling away he rested his forehead on yours, staring in to yours eyes. “You know I care a lot about you, right?” He asked you, and you nodded. “Me too, Oppa,” You muttered before he leaned back down to kiss you.

When she pushes you or hits you.
Grab her and don't let go.

When she starts cussing at you.
Kiss her and tell her you love her.

*These two were almost the same thing, so I combined them so they wouldn’t be the exact same thing~.*

“I hate you so much right now Kim Wonshik!” You yelled slapping his shoulder repeatedly. Ravi didn’t wince nor did he do anything but let you continue to hit him.

Ravi smiled; he thought it was just so cute when you got mad like this. Laughing he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you tightly against his chest, causing you to glare at him.

“Yah! Let go of me, Ravi!” You yelled at him trying to get out of his hold by thrashing around, but Ravi just tightens his grip on you holding you in place. “Wonshik just let go of me,” You muttered finally holding still.

Ravi looked down at you and studied your face intently, making sure you weren’t as agitated as you were earlier. “I hate you so much,” You mumbled, your breathing getting slightly agitated.

Ravi leaned down and kissed you, instantly shutting you up, though you didn’t respond right away since you were still pretty peeved off at him for what he had down earlier.

“I love you so ing much it hurts, okay?” Ravi said. “I get you have moments when doubt everything because I have them too, and they’re completely natural, alright? But never doubt me when I tell you that I love. Because when I tell you that I love you I don’t say it out of habit or to make conversation, because I honestly don’t say it as often as I should. But when I do; I say that I love you to remind you that you are the best thing that has ever happened to be and a really long time, ________-ah.” Ravi told you. “You’re cute, you're funny, you’re creative, you’re adorable, you’re sweet, you’re amazing with the guys, you're nice, and you're mine. And you should never forget that.”

You blinked, clearly shocked – in a good way – at what Ravi had said. “I love you too,” You said, and Ravi laughed before leaning down to kiss you again.

When she's quiet
Ask her what’s wrong

When she ignored you
Give her your attention

You let out a sigh and rested your head on the palm of your hand. You bite down on your lower lip resisting the urge to start crying. Sitting next to you Ravi laughed at what both of you – more him than you, though – were watching on TV.

Out of habit Ravi wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close, but he was still focused on the TV, your head was now on his lap but you weren’t moving at all, you were just lying in his lap.

Ravi started your hair; his laughing made your head bounce up and down lightly. Ravi looked down at you when he noticed you weren’t moving an inch; “Yah, did you fall asleep on me?” Ravi teased, a light laugh escaping his lips.

Ravi frowned when he noticed you weren’t moving at all, he moved around his head trying to get a good look at your face. “Yah, are you okay?” Ravi asked you, concern covering his face, but he was even more concern when he saw that you weren’t moving and that you didn’t seem like you were going to talk to him.

Ravi lifted you up and placed you on his lap, you laid your head down on his shoulder. Ravi stayed silent and studied your face, Ravi let out a sigh; “Is this about school again? And your family?” Ravi asked you, and you slowly nodded. “Yeah,” You whispered.

“Aish,” Ravi said wrapping his arms around you tightly. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked you and you stayed silent. Ravi let out a frustrated ‘aish’, and buried his face in your neck. “It’s going to get better okay?” Ravi whispered, rubbing circles on the small of you back.

“I love you Oppa.” You whispered, because right now the only thing that was keeping you sane from how ed up your life was, was; Ravi. “I love you too,” He whispered.


This is a series my friend dared me to do!!!!!!! And since her bias is Ravi and my bias is Ravi, I did it about him~!! :) lol bye~ Oh, and I'll update other scenarios in between updating this~!


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starzie #1
Chapter 16: So it's not appa as dad but it means hurts like ouch appha? Okay got it.
Chapter 4: I love the pic quotes, somehow like my heart too. XD this feeling is just not very good but I love this one. ^^
do you have good ravi fic recommendations? I can't find one that has good grammar, proper structure and that isn't cliche or ! you're a ravi bias right? help me D: I just joined this fandom a week ago!
Chapter 16: So hongbin's a dad?
is he her dad?!?!?
Nice story! :)
Chapter 16: I want a part two for Hongbin's Appa!! pwease!!
flyhigh09 #8
Chapter 16: I wait for a chapter for one of my biases and here it is all and stuff and it's his first fan fic too
Kidyaso #9
Chapter 16: ... This chapter was sad and all but you do realise Appa means dad right? I've been learning korean and listening to kpop for three years now but, the romanization is spelled ' Apa' for it hurts..
Anyways I loved this chapter! I hope to see more ^^