Mine (2) - Leo

VIXX Scenarios/Drabbles

Mine – Leo (2)image


Leo for justanewloveI hope you enjoy your jealous Leo~! And sorry if this one’s a little ratty, but I was in a rush and super tired when I was writing this~!

Hanging out with Ravi was okay at least that's what you thought, but that was by far the least thing Leo thought. Was he happy you got along well with VIXX? Yes, he loved the fact he could hang out with his girlfriend at the dorms and not have it be awkward. But was Leo happy that you hung out so much with Ravi? No, no, no and.... Ah, no.

Leo was no fan of this in fact he was oppose of it, and in fact he actually tried his best to keep you two apart, but you weren't getting the hint at, in fact it actually got you to hang out with Leo even more, much to Leo's demise.

But if you had known that it made Leo uncomfortable you would have back off from Ravi, because although Ravi was your best friend, Leo was your boyfriend, and you also knew Leo first. And in this case boyfriend trumps best friend.

Back to yours and Ravi's relationship you were best friends, that was all there is to. Ravi was your wall, when you were sad and crying you called him, because you know that he could handle all your crazy. And you had a lot of crazy to go around. A lot crazy that Leo still didn’t know about, and you didn’t want him to know about this crazy, at least not yet.

Anyways although yours and Ravi's relationship was strictly Oppa and Dongseang, so it was strictly friendship / brotherly and sisterly love. So you were Leo’s girl and Ravi was one hundred percent aware of this. And he wouldn’t do anything like that as long as you were Leo's girlfriend.trans.gif

And that was why Leo freaked out a little with how close you were to Ravi, and why he was a tad more overprotective of you with Ravi then he was with the rest of the boys. Leo was aware that Ravi had some bottled up feelings for you, and Leo did not like this at all. But it wasn’t like Leo could tell you that that was the reason as to why Leo did not want you around Ravi as much as you always were.

Leo respected Ravi a lot, and it wasn’t like Leo was going to screw his friend over just because he liked you as more than just a best friend. Leo knew that you would get awkward around Ravi if he told you that and much to Leo’s own “stupidity” – as he called it – he wasn’t going to do it. But that didn’t mean that he couldn’t silently sulk to himself.


“Hey,” You said coming up behind Leo, causing him to jump up, he was startled at your sudden appearance. He smiled at you, and gave you a kiss, “You startled me,” Leo muttered pulling away, and you giggled like a little school girl. “That’s kind of the point of sneaking up behind someone, Oppa.” You told him, Leo smiled, but you could tell that it was fake and that made you frowned.

You let out a sigh, “Okay, what’s up? You’ve been acting weird these past weeks.” You asked him, and Leo just shook his head. “Nah, it’s nothing, don’t worry about it, I’m fine.” Leo told you, waving you off completely.

And you frowned at him, “No, you’re not fine. You get mad at me for no reason, you try to pick fights with me, and I personally don’t like being pushed around by someone, especially if it’s my boyfriend. Now in all seriousness tell me what’s wrong.” You said and Leo let out a sigh. “Fine, it’s about…” Leo started and you mimicked him. “Ravi.” He told you.

And you raised an eyebrow at him; “What about Wonshik Oppa?” You asked him. You were pretty confused by this; by what you could he and Ravi were perfectly fine with each other. “You and him.” Leo snapped, “Your relationship with him!” He yelled at you.

You were still confused by how Leo was acting about this. You didn’t know if he was mad that you were hanging out too much with him or that you weren’t hanging out a lot with him. You weren’t all too sure, which one it was, but you were pretty curious, which one it was since it was really rare for Leo to be so attentive to who you were hanging out with or what you were doing lately of just plain out you.

It was actually kind of nice to know that Leo would get mad over something so stupid – at least for you it was stupid, but Leo… for Leo it wasn’t really all that stupid. -, “My relationship with him? We’re friends. Best friends, always have, always will. There’s nothing more and nothing less, that’s all Ravi and I are with each other.” You said to him.

Leo swallowed hard, He knew you were best friends, of course he did Leo knew you for two years now while. Ravi knew you for seven years. He of course Leo understood that there was going to be a lot of closeness between the two of you. He knew about the best friends nothing more nothing less policy you seemed to have, but Leo also knew that you were so much more than just a best friend to Ravi. And it wasn't brotherly sisterly type of love.

And Leo knew that you were completely and utterly oblivious to this, because you were just that dense.

"He may be your best friend, but I’m your boyfriend and I don’t even see you as much as he sees you!" Leo yelled, and you rolled your eyes. "The two of you have the same schedule, you live in the same place, you work with each other, hell, and the two of you share a room!" You yelled at him. "When I see Ravi, I see you. And I do ignore you from time to time so I can tall to Ravi, but admit that, and is that really so bad?" You asked him.

Leo stayed silent for a moment

Knowing that what you were saying was true and that that there was no way of slicing it was Leo could say otherwise. "I’m busy when you come sometimes, but I make time for you" Leo argued, and you shook your head. "No, you don’t, you get mad and you drag me away from Wonshik Oppa." You countered.

"I don’t get mad." Leo stated and you raised an eyebrow. "you don't?" You asked. Leo let out a sigh, "I get jealous, okay? Leo told you and you were dumbfounded.

"What?" You asked, wanting to be one hundred percent sure you had heard correctly, and that you weren’t making anything up. “I get jealous whenever you’re around Ravi, okay? I don’t like it.” Leo said, and the corners of your mouth.

“Aw~” You cooed not being able to resist yourself, “Oppa!” You yelled, “That is co cute~! I never knew you were so sensitive about this stuff!” You yelled giggling. Leo glared at you, making you stop for half a second before you started right back up again. “Yah! This is not funny, I’m being serious here, and I don’t like you and Ravi being around so much around each other.” Leo argued.

You let out a sigh, “Why? Why don’t you like it?” You asked him, Leo stayed quiet though. “Is it because you figured out he likes me?” You asked him. Leo looked up at you with wide eyes, and you rolled your eyes. “Of course I know.” You told him.

“I’m Wonshik Oppa’s best friend, I know everything about him, and of course he would tell me this, Leo. He told three months before you asked me out, and I said no because I didn’t want to ruin the friendship that we had, and after a lot of thinking he agreed with me. And so everything went back to normal, until you asked me out.” You told him. “Wonshik didn’t like that you asked me out, quite frankly I was a little thrown off when you asked me out too, I thought we were just friends, and so did Wonshik. But it was Wonshik who got me to go out with you Leo.” You told.

“What?” Leo asked completed flabbergasted by this. “Wonshik told me to give you a shot, and so I did. And I have never once regretted it. Never.” You told him smiling. “So you have nothing to worry about it.” You said, and Leo smiled at you, something that was pretty surprising. “Besides Ravi’s going crazy for that new foreign trainee.” You told him. Leo looked pretty surprised by this.

“Seriously?” he asked and you nodded. “Seriously. Now… can we please drop Ravi as subject?” You asked him wrapping your arms around his neck. Leo smiled again, something that was truly rare Leo smiling twice in between ten minutes, and s his arms around your waist. “I’m sorry, by the way.” He told you and you shook your head. “Don’t even worry about it, Oppa. I promise to not hang twenty four seven around Ravi anymore.” You said and leo shook his head. “You don’t have to do that.” You smiled at him, before leaning up and giving him a small peck. “I know.” You informed him.

“I love you, Jagiya.”

“I love you too, Oppa.”

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starzie #1
Chapter 16: So it's not appa as dad but it means hurts like ouch appha? Okay got it.
Chapter 4: I love the pic quotes, somehow like my heart too. XD this feeling is just not very good but I love this one. ^^
do you have good ravi fic recommendations? I can't find one that has good grammar, proper structure and that isn't cliche or ! you're a ravi bias right? help me D: I just joined this fandom a week ago!
Chapter 16: So hongbin's a dad?
is he her dad?!?!?
Nice story! :)
Chapter 16: I want a part two for Hongbin's Appa!! pwease!!
flyhigh09 #8
Chapter 16: I wait for a chapter for one of my biases and here it is all and stuff and it's his first fan fic too
Kidyaso #9
Chapter 16: ... This chapter was sad and all but you do realise Appa means dad right? I've been learning korean and listening to kpop for three years now but, the romanization is spelled ' Apa' for it hurts..
Anyways I loved this chapter! I hope to see more ^^