Show Me Love - Ravi

VIXX Scenarios/Drabbles

Show Me Love – Ravi

You guys it’s been some time since I updated and I’m sorry I’ve said this before but I’m graduating from 9th grade and it’s totally kicking my right now, but there are only two weeks left after that I have summer and I should write a bit more, I promise y’all that. Anyways thank you TO ALL THE NEW FOLLOWERS THERE ARE A LOT OF YOU. WHERE DID YOU COME FROM? Y’all appeared out of nowhere!!!? I just logged on, and puff more people were following me! Thank you for that! Anyways, hope y’all enjoy some fluffy crud.



  1. When you see her at her worst
    Tell her she's beautiful

You groaned your head pounding as you heard knocking on your apartment repeatedly. You lifted yourself from you bed as you rubbed your sleepy eyes, your sleepy eyes which had bags under them. Your hands tangling through your hair, you patted your hair down and opened the door, only to see your loving boyfriend standing there.

Your eyes went slightly wide; “Hi, Oppa.” You said barely above a whisper, since you were surprise to see Ravi standing at your front door, with you looking horrible. Horrible. Absolutely horrible.

Ravi on the other seemed perfectly casual as he cupped both your checks and gave you a small peck on the lips, and he closed the door behind him. “Were you asleep before I got here?” Ravi asked you, and your hand shot up straight to your head patting down your hair; “Yes, how did you know?”

Ravi shook his head. “It’s not that, you just have that sleepy look in your eyes, you always get when you just woke up.” Ravi said,


“Oppa what are you doing here, so early?” You asked him when you back in to your room Ravi plopped down on your bed, while you sat down next to him. “What? I can’t visit my beautiful girlfriend when she’s sick?” Ravi asked you resting on his side as he leaned over you slightly.

Turning your head you sneezed, you turned your head back to face Ravi; “I’m not saying you can’t visit, I’m saying that you shouldn’t visit when I’m sick, because then you get sick and I’m not going to take care of you when you’re sick.” You told him, tapping his nose. “You can keep your germs to yourself.”

Ravi smiled and leaned over to kiss you, “Well I want your germs.” You giggled and kissed him again. “But I’m okay, Oppa, seriously I got over my cold already.” You told him. Ravi nodded, “Whatever you say.” He muttered.


“Are we lying in bed all day?” Ravi asked you, and you nodded. “I’m tired, I just wanna nap.” You mumbled playing with his fingers. Good I’m exhausted. Ravi thought.

 Ravi smiled looking down at you. “You know I love you, right?” He asked you. You nodded, “I know you do Oppa, and you remind me a lot.” You told him then you dropped his fingers. “Oh, I love you too.”

Ravi chuckled.  “You dork,” He told you, and you lifted your head to look at his face. “I may be a dork, but;” You started.

“I’m your dork, and you love me.”  

  1. When you see her start crying
    Just hold her and don't say a word

You plopped down face first on your bed, you let out a long sigh and rolled over on your back after a while, you reached over and grabbed your pillow. You rolled over on your side and breathed out, your buried your head in your pillow and closed your eyes.

Today had been the absolute worst day you had ever had; you didn’t think it was possible to have such a crappy day. And you thought wrong horribly wrong.

You let out a long breath you had been holding and let yourself burst in to the tears you had been holding in since you had left school. You grabbed a pillow on your left that you had let go off when you turned over and hugged it as tight as you could, basically crushing it.


You could’ve sworn you heard someone say something, but you really, honestly, couldn’t care less right now, all you really wanted was just lay in your bed, in the feudal position and bawl your eyes out.

“Yah,” Now you knew there was someone there, and there’s only one other person that had keys to your house other than your parents. You felt the bed dip next to you and you left a hand rubbing circles on your back.

You looked up to see Ravi looking down at you; you could see concern evident in his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but you shook your head, telling him not to.

Ravi understood what you meant, he lied down next to you, and pulled you close to him, your head now resting on his chest, one arm wrapped around your waist while the other was on your back rubbing circles on it, and you cried even more.

And Wonshik didn’t utter a single word, as he just rubbed circles on your back. He knew what you needed.

He just knew.

  1. When you see her walking
    Sneak up and hug her waist from behind

내가 너에게 빠질 땐

You grabbed your books from your locker and stuffed them in your bad, although you kept two in your hands since you had to stay late and study today. Letting out a sigh you shut your locker and walked along the hallways of the school.

Today was regular day, it wasn’t good or bad it was just a regular day. Although there was part that really bothered you, a few of your friends had told you that Ravi came to school today, but you hadn’t seen him once, and that really annoyed you, he only really came to school at least twice a month, and when he came he usually stuck to you like glue.

But today, he didn’t come looking for you, you actually wondered if he came to school today, but the way girls were talking about him being at school today made you think otherwise, you knew he was at school then. And you were a bit peeved of at the fact that he didn’t come to say a quick ‘hey’ to you, aish boys were so frustrating at times (more like at all times).

You walked down the halls and let out a sigh, your hand reached out for the door handle, your fingers tips brushed it and you were suddenly yanked back.

“Yah!” You yelled.

“Hey beautiful,” You looked back at the person, your eyes still wide with the surprise of being yanked back like that.



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starzie #1
Chapter 16: So it's not appa as dad but it means hurts like ouch appha? Okay got it.
Chapter 4: I love the pic quotes, somehow like my heart too. XD this feeling is just not very good but I love this one. ^^
do you have good ravi fic recommendations? I can't find one that has good grammar, proper structure and that isn't cliche or ! you're a ravi bias right? help me D: I just joined this fandom a week ago!
Chapter 16: So hongbin's a dad?
is he her dad?!?!?
Nice story! :)
Chapter 16: I want a part two for Hongbin's Appa!! pwease!!
flyhigh09 #8
Chapter 16: I wait for a chapter for one of my biases and here it is all and stuff and it's his first fan fic too
Kidyaso #9
Chapter 16: ... This chapter was sad and all but you do realise Appa means dad right? I've been learning korean and listening to kpop for three years now but, the romanization is spelled ' Apa' for it hurts..
Anyways I loved this chapter! I hope to see more ^^