The Meteor Shower

❝The Day Matoki Landed On Earth❞


“DokMi! DokMi, wait for me!”

The night was cold and crisp, the frosty air waking up anyone that was around to breathe it in. You were taking the time to look around at your surroundings for just a second as you headed up the wild and less-traveled path in the hiking grounds. When you heard your name you hesitated, thinking that you’d been caught, before looking back to find out who had been calling your name.

“DokMi!” A maroon-haired girl cautiously ran up the path to catch up, and a smile grew on your face when you recognized her. It was EunJi of course, your best friend! She’s always worrying about me, you thought as you waved in greeting, hoping she didn’t trip on a rock like she probably would. Even if she doesn’t want to, she comes anyways; to make sure I’m okay.

“I didn’t know you were coming?” Your normally inviting and friendly voice – not to mention pretty loud – was a hushed, hesitant whisper. “I’m going to be okay, EunJi! You should go back with our classmates if you don’t want to come.”

EunJi wasn’t having any of that, as usual, and she latched stubbornly onto your arm with a firm hmph and pout. “I came up all the way here already. I’m staying!” She motioned towards the path you two were on. “And besides, do you think I’m going to let a reckless punk like you alone in a scary place like this? Hah!”

A few giggles were shared and you two continued on your way. Today had been your class trip, and the teacher had taken everyone camping. It was particularly exciting because of the meteor shower happening in just a few minutes. While all the students decided on staying in the nice camping grounds the teacher brought everyone to, you wanted to get an even better view in case something interesting happened. Plus, the farther away from everything you got, the brighter the stars shined. That was always good enough for you, too.

The cool breeze was starting to pick up, and EunJi held on closer to you as if her bright pink, thick coat wasn’t enough. “Yah. . .” She muttered thoughtfully, looking around at every hint of noise in the trees and scenery. “Does any of this really not scare you? I can barely see! And it’s cold, definitely cold. What if we get caught out here? Or even worse – what if we get lost and no one ever finds us and we -”

“Shhh,” You laughed a bit. “It’s not scary and your coat should be enough to keep you warm. Here, I’ll use our lamp if it helps.” Reaching into your bag you pulled out an electronic lantern, thankful you’d remembered to charge before coming. It was enough light to see perfectly now, and soon the both of you reached a nice, clear hill where viewing the shower would be perfect.

You were always prepared (at least you liked to think so) and you brought out the blanket and set it down, inviting EunJi to sit. It made the both of you laugh when you two pulled out various snacks and junk food out of your backpacks. Definitely a reason you two were best friends – even though the both of you were very different you shared the same love for food.

“So did you come all the way here for the view? Or are aliens coming tonight?” EunJi joked.

“A little bit of both, hopefully.” You replied.

A few more jokes about your odd interests were thrown around until the shower final started. With the stars nice and bright, it was really wonderful to see the meteors racing across them, leaving small trails of light and a content smile on your face. These sorts of things always made you feel small, but it was okay, and it was worth it as your mind raced at the idea that so many people would be watching this under the same sky. And then you wondered – if there were really aliens out there, could they see this kind of thing where they lived too? Did they find it as beautiful as you did, or was this sort of thing common for them?

With the last bright lights shooting across the sky, you and EunJi oohed and ahhed as the shower neared its end.  “These things are always so short!” You wanted to frown but ended up smiling a tiny bit instead. “But I guess that’s what makes them special.”

Just then one final light appeared in the sky. It was just as bright, if not even brighter, as the other meteors as it raced to catch up with the rest. Oddly though, it seemed to take its time in the sky, and for a moment you wondered if it was lost.

“Ohh, look at that one!” EunJi pointed in a happy awe. “It’s so big! And bright! DokMi, doesn’t it look like you can just reach out and grab it? It’s so close!”

It did look really close. . . So close, it seemed to get brighter and bigger each second.

Then you realized why.

“E-EunJi, it’s heading this way!” You choked out, grinning so big in surprise with your heart beating like crazy. It was so neat and amazing yet surprising! You and EunJi made little cries of shock as you both scrambled to your feet, eyes never leaving the incoming meteor. Packing your backpack was never faster.

What made this moment more appalling and incredible than it already was – and that was saying something with the fact that you could barely breathe as it was – was the fact that as the meteor seemed to hurdle closer to you it changed its direction. It had been so close to you and suddenly it swerved right and headed towards the woods.  It was then that you realized that it was most definitely close to you as the shockwave of it impacting in the forest somewhere sent a gust of wind at you and EunJi, sending you both onto your behinds.

“Omo!” EunJi yelped, stuttering a whole bunch of other words as she tried to get over the shock of what just happened. And you? You were already getting on your feet and heading towards the crash site. That’s when EunJi screamed at you, getting up and stumbling over to take hold of your arm. “What are you doing?!” she was panicking more than usual. “Let’s go back, DokMi! This is definitely something we shouldn’t do! Let’s go back to everyone, DokMi! D-DokMi!”

You couldn’t just go back though. This was a moment you always wanted since you were little and that alone compelled you to keep going towards the crash, despite the panicking and scolding girl attached to your arm. Besides, she eventually quieted down to tiny whimpers and warnings and followed you along like she always did.  

As you got closer, you could barely breathe. Trees had been snapped in half, birds flying away, and an eerie smoke from the crash were all factors in making your heart beat a mile a minute. This was like all the comics, like all the movies you’d seen since you were a kid. This was it. You could feel it.

The smoke grew thick and as you reached the crash site a small, fizzling metallic sound rung through your ears. It was the only thing you could hear and you hushed EunJi when she started to mumble more warnings and complaints.

It was amazing. Having created its own bare, landing area, the rather huge meteor laid there in a crater, smoke seeping off it and glowing in a peculiar way. Both of you walked up behind some of the still standing trees, hesitating for a moment because . . . because the meteor was moving?

Hissing noises emerged from the meteor, and it shook for a few seconds before smoke shot out from one part and a slice of it swung open slowly, almost like a door. The metallic noises grew louder and they seemed to shudder for a moment before fizzing out. There had been lights flickering from inside the object, and when they flashed a few times, it finally dawned on you that this wasn’t a meteor.

It was a space ship.

You stifled any noises, and even EunJi became silent as something seemed to emerge from the vessel. It was black and grey, making foreign sounds and rings as it climbed out. The object was at least the size of a car, and your eyes widened as it stretched itself to its full form. It was . . . It was . . . A robot bunny? You looked at it in confusion and awe as it its ears flicked around, taking note of the pattern on its body and the red mask it wore.

It was an alien.

The red masked, robot-like creature stepped onto the ground cautiously, looking up and around its surroundings in a frantic and confused manner. You and EunJi dared not to move from your hiding spot behind a tree. You almost blew your cover with a gasp when it started to speak, but you held it in just in time.

“¶Ø×欵  §¥ÞØ  œ£ ¶ð?”

“Jokomato, what are our coordinates?”

Your hands were shaking in surprise and excitement as another robot bunny appeared, this time wearing a yellow mask.

“Ŵ¤ ¥€µø «£.Ƕ ¥ . . . ¥ÞØ  œ£, ¶à¤œ.”

“Our ship says we’ve landed in . . . in Earth, Shishimato.”

More and more aliens appeared as they climbed out of their ship – you counted six of them. They all looked like bunnies, but with the way they stood and hopped down onto their feet on the ground, you could tell they probably weren’t as friendly.

“Ø×æ¶-.ଵ  §¥Þ €µøÞØ? ¥ÞØ  œ£ ¶œ£, Ðÿ×Þ?” Another alien spoke up.

“Our ship is broken, Shishimato. Where are we in Earth? What do we do, captain?”

The red rabbit seemed to buzz and beep as his ears flicked around again, and he spoke again. “We are in . . . Korea.” You couldn’t hold in your excitement anymore. They could speak Korean and that was just so incredibly exciting that this time you couldn’t hold in your loud gasp.

That was a big mistake. The aliens jerked their heads in your direction, and when they caught sight of you, they seemed to hiss and metallic shudders rang until deadly looking weapons emerged from their robot bodies.

Then, they lunged at you.

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c h a p t e r   s o u n d t r a c k :



a u t h o r ' s   n o t e :

So, here's the first chapter! I'm really excited to get this story started, I have lots planned for it. This is also my first time writing in 2nd person, so hopefully it'll go well and if not then oh well ^ u^)/ Anyways I hope you enjoy this story and remember to comment and subscribe if you do.

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Chapter 1: Dude!! That was so cool!! I've never been good with writing in 2nd person but this is actually really good!!! I hope you update soon!!