Chapter Two

Replacement Marriage


Chapter Two
At the night after the wedding, Changmin was feeling restless. He keep on walking back and forth around his room. What is going to happen later when Jae enters this room. What should he do? Changmin had so many questions in his mind. Did he make the right decision by agreeing to this marriage.
Jae stood outside Changmin’s door, thinking of ways to hurt and humiliate him. “Shim Changmin, be prepared to suffer the way your sister made me suffer” thought Jae smiling viciously. He turned the door knob and enters the room with a proud and arrogant look. His eyes caught the sight of Changmin sitting on the bed. “So this is the fool that replace his sister as the bride. Lucky me, because not only I have you as a tool of my anger but your family entire fortune as a wedding agreement. Changmin was shocked to hear that coming from Jae’s mouth.
“No! it can’t be true, Appa will never do that. You are such a jerk, I wonder what did Changrin saw in you. You have such a vicious heart. From this moment on between us will only be husband and wife in name. You, Kim JaeJoong will never get to touch me and do not even think of sharing a room with me. You can live your own life.” shouted Changmin angrily.
Jae was happy with what Changmin was suggesting, he was never interested in guys anyways. He will start on his plan to make Changmin life miserable.
The next day, Changmin’s bestfriend Yoochun came for a visit. Changmin was deep in thought that he did not realized that Yoochun was standing at his back. “Hi baby! Do you miss me so much that you are so lost in your thought,” said Yoochun. Changmin was glad that he hugged Yoochun so tightly. Yoochun was shocked by Changmin reaction but did not ask why.
Changmin feels so warmth and safe in his bestfriend's arms While Changmin was in Yoochun's arms, Jae happens to pass by. He was shocked by what he sees. He decided to carry out his evil plan today. “So Changmin is a gay afterall. That guy must be his lover. Let's see what happens when I decided to make Changmin fall crazily in love with me and after that I will dump him like his sister did to me.” laughed Jae evily.
Changmin let go of Yoochun and told him what happened during Yoochun's absence. “Oh Baby!I’m sorry I was not around to help you escape from this marriage arrangement.” said Yoochun sadly. "It's okay, anyway I already married right.” I just hope that I will have enough strength to endure his trantrums.” said Changmin sadly. "Come on Baby! Lets go for a spin to clear your mind. said Yoochun while pulling Changmin up from his seat. They walked together towards the car.
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Chapter 9: Omo!! This is so cute! XD
kewanalynne #2
Chapter 4: please update soon author-nim. love the fic :D
Chapter 4: ahhhhhh soo interesting please update next one <3 <3 <3
Chapter 2: this is interesting idea, I love it<3
Chapter 2: please put the next one, i love your story is my 2 time i read it and i still love it