i love you


yunho pov:

while i was stil hugging jaejoong i lift my head a bit and i see changmin he is standing behind jaejoong, he had tears in his eyes, he looked like he know everythink .................he must have been in there for a while ...................i let jaejoong go, and turn my body to face changmin, when he sees me, he looks surprised.............like i was the one that didn*t belong in there, not him........................jaejoong turn as well to see  what i*m watching.................when changmin see jaejoong was looking as well at him, i was expecting him to run far away from as, or start crying while apologize................but he....................he just run in jaejoong arms, what is more annoing is that jaejoong hug him back, like it was a normal think to do, like changmin place was in his arms............he is really to much to just steal jaejoong from me..............really just like this...................... who does he think he is, but in the end altrough i*m really upset right now i know that there in his place in jaejoong arms.........................i get a bit lonly watching them................................i get even lonly thinking that i will see this from now on.....................but i*m happy as long jaejoong is happy so is ok ...............to see they just like this................but really this piss me of, how long are they goanna stay like this....................i*m still here can*t you see me, is not like is been long since you two seen eachother

yu: i think i will just go home...................(they jumped like burned.........well is was about time they see i*m still there)

jae: i.............

yu:is ok ..............you got many think to talk(i try to get out of here as cool as i can be ................but i hear changmin)

ch: thank you......................hyung thank you, i will love and take care of him forever..........(this is too much ............hurry up and do a big mistake, so jaejoong can get tired of you and come back at me)

yu: don*t say thank you...............from now on you are my rival,....... i will watch over you two, i will wait for you to make a mistake so i can take him back.....................so don*t say thank you

ch: hyung you are scary...............(he say while hiding behind jaejoong.................while jaejoong is smiling, whit a smile he never showed to me before...............he looks happy, but i fell hurt...............jaejoong do you love him that much, if you really do, i promise that i will protect your love and happynes so always .....................please always smile just like you do now, a smile from your heart so i can fell you are happy, then i wont fell lonly, if i know you are happy............... i*m happy to)

yu: i*m going..............by(i say by as i turn my back to them ..................if i don*t do this they will see my tears, i try to make them stop, but they don*t want this, is like even trough i try to lie my hert teling her that jaejoong will come back to me........is like she all ready know that this wont happen)

i walk ..........................i got far enough from they, i don*t even know where i*m..............i*m stil crying...............all i can remember is the day i first meet him......................

it was really dark and i was a bit drunk, but i can stil remember his face, because he got the moust beautilul face i ever seen up until then.......................but, he was just standing there with cold eyes while looking at three men that where hiting on him, they could him anytime, but he just looked that he doesn*t care, this got one of them angry, and he tryed to hit jaejoong but i stoped him, i was drunk but not stupid i could beat the tree of them really easy,....................... it was only a matter of secounds,................ not only this but all i could think the whole time i was fighting was his face, i was thinking that he will say thank you, with shining eyes and with his face blushing ..................................but this never happened, after the men run away i looked at him to see his reactions, but i got nothing......................his face was the same and his eyes looked as could as before, he didn*t even say  thank you he just left..............................................but i grabed his hand saying that he sould at last say thank you................but even then all he did was show a fake smile, and say .......i never ask for your help.........

after that he just left......................i never know but he took my heart with him    

after that day i just decidet that i will forget everythink, i will thake this  as a dream............but after a year...............after a year i saw him again, i was talking with yoochan and junsu....................and there he was .................he got inside the room, he looked just like in that night, his eyes was could and his face looked tired,........................................................ but then changmin got closer to him,................ back then i never know why he did that, because changmin didn*t talk with any of as......................but even like this i was happy because it was enought for changmin to say ...........anyohaseyo hyung................ and jaejoong whole face changed, he was blushing and his eyes where sparkling...................it was the most beautful thing i ever seen ................no the most beatiful was the smile he was showing..................so bautiful.........now that i think back then he never showed me that smile i was jelous of changmin back then, but now i know ...............for jaejoong that most have been love at first sight,.......................... even tought he doesn*t know now he will know it in the future.........he will know that back the he fell in love for the first time at first sight

i was the bad one, i never ask him about his heart, i told him that i loved him from the first time i seen him, and that i think this was fate to meet again,................................ i told him as well that he most take responsabiliti for stealing my heart even thought he doesn*t love me, and that i will make him love me............................. he didn*t say anythink about this be belived me, he told me that he owe me at last this,  so he will be my boyfrend....................after that we started dating, and this worked for a while i was happy even though i was feeling, now and then, that he got somethink for changmin, he most have not notice this as well, but just some day the way he always care for changmin, the way he was coocking for him in the middel of the night, the way he was taking care of changmin when he was sick, the way he was crying every time changmin was crying, just the way he was looking at changmin sometime, he most have never knew but i knew, is just that my heart never wanted to admit that she can*t have jaejoong, .......................even now ...................even now i*m a bad boy, because if i could go back in time i wont change anythink, i was happy to have him and i wouldn*t change this for anythink even for his on happines, i want at last to have those memory if i can*t have him......................




changmin pov:

after yunho hyung left i took jaejoong in my arms, he didn*t say anythink he just hold me tight as well he looked like he was afraid to let me go because he might lose me.............just like i was, i let him go a bit, we got almost the same height, but even like this i lift a bit his face and kiss him, i can see him blushing while our lips are still united, after i stop the kiss i get him even tighter in my arms, i*m happy like this i don*t want to let him go..............

ch: hyung........

jae: .................what is it changmin

ch:hyung ................i*m happy, to be with you in here......................i*m sorry i never know your feelings

jae:that all right.....you don*t have to worry i forgive you, because i never now about them either...............so is ok

ch: hyung..........(i say with out leting him go)

jae: what is it (he say with a soft voice full of love)

ch: i love you.....

jae: i love you to(he say with a smile on his face and kiss me, i think my face most be really red because i can fell it...............................hyung is looking at me smiling, he is smiling so beautiful, i have seen him smile like that a few time before as well, that smile could make anyone fell in love with him .................i don*t like this)

jae: you are so cute..................blushing......................hwo can i not love you

ch: hyung you really love me right......

jae: of course..................i love you more then anythink in my live

ch: you love me and you love han river as well right......

jae: yes i love you both

ch: then will you make a promise, in here..............

jae:of course, just name it

ch: ok then promise me that we will be always together(i know is a stpid think to ask but i want to be with him forever so there is no other way)

jae: changmin(he say with lovely eyes).........................i promise that will will be together forever(i can see tears in his eyes as well, he most wish this as well, as much as i wish for this)

ch: hyung..................(i hug him even tighter)

ch: i will love this place as well so let make this our place let come here every time we can.................let make many memory in here ok

jae: aha.................let do this..............................let be together forever in this place(he is smiling again with tears in his eyes so beautiful...................i want to be the only one to see this)
ch: and one more think.........

jae: what  is it.............

ch: let make a promise to only smile for each other

jae:ehhhhhhh......... why do you want to make this kind of promise

ch: just because........................i*m jelous .................i don*t want other to see you smile like this...............promise me(i say,.............. we are talking but we never let go of the hug)
jae:ok.......i will only smile for you,...............................but you most do the same

ch: is a promise then(i say and kiss him)

jae: changmin...............don*t forget the promise we made today

ch: i wont

jae: i mean it..........i love you ...........i don*t think i can live without you, so please don*t ever let go of my hand(i*m not sure what is wrong but i know that he is serious he most be really afraid to lose me,............... i happy ................i love him as well so i wont ever break the promise we made.................i wont break it even if he ask me to do this............... .........i will love him forever and i make sure he will do the same)

ch: i know i fell the same ..............so let keep the promise we made together forever...........




this is the end i hope you like it, well is not really the end if you want to read more about this story please read my second story *thought i loved you* is a continuationof this story, but is what hapened after lawsuit...................i hope you like it, i also hope you will read my second story as well

                        sorry about any mistake i did while writeing this story.........and thank you for reading my story



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Chapter 5: Omo! So sweet ! This was a Jaemin Fiction! Goodness, it was so cute!!!! But i feel bad for Yunho! TT_TT
Chapter 5: omoooo so sweet but i feel sorry for yunho and in the same time i like the mature changmin even more but the cute one is too lovely too
Chapter 5: wah,,
it's cute,,
but poor yunho,,,
yunppa, come to me,,
Chapter 5: Aigooo..so cute ending...
Chapter 5: awww.. that wasd cute <3
Chapter 5: Sweet jaemin love them so much
Chapter 4: Oohhhh I love this chapter... JaeMin moments were so cuteee <3
Chapter 4: owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww sweet couple jaemin :D i want to see more about the jaemin couple. i felt sad for yunho :')
Chapter 3: Jae piggyback minnie (?) Wow wks jae you're strong
Can't wait to see who the one that jae choose to be with him
Updated soon
Chapter 3: Wow! Interesting.. Poor Minnie.. I hope Jae loves Min more than Yunho..