The Puppeteer

The Puppeteer


They were sitting around the dorm living room, just chatting and relaxing after a long day.  You wouldn’t think that a photoshoot would be hard, but when it’s five people and multiple wardrobe changes, it becomes a very tiresome, patience-testing day.  So, they were happy to be home, talking and goofing off before it all started again tomorrow.

They heard the front door open and knew it was Daesung who had finally come home.  He had gone to the office after his part was done, probably to work on some vocals for his album.  He walked in, took off his shoes and glided past them into the hallway, without acknowledgment.  Just as he passed out of sight, they heard him stop.


Then, he kept on down the corridor towards his room.  Two seconds later, Seunghyun got up and, without a word, followed Daesung into his room.  That would be the last they’d see of the two of them until the morning.

Jiyong had been watching this sort of thing go on for a while now.  Well, really, ever since Daesung had moved back into the dorms after the accident.  Daesung just had to make a tiny gesture and Seunghyun would go running.  Whether it was a quick flick of his eyes, a slight nod of his head or actually saying his name, Daesung only had to make the briefest of indications for Seunghyun to drop everything and be by his side instantly.

Jiyong didn’t care what it was that they did in Daesung’s room… well, scratch that.  Those two had been together before the accident, so it wasn’t that they were involved that concerned him; in fact, deep down, he hoped that behind closed doors, it was like it always used to be.  It was how they were involved now that worried him.  It seemed that Daesung had changed, had becomes less emotionally available to everyone, even Seunghyun.  He wouldn’t make much effort to relate to anyone anymore, though he was normal when it came to eating with them or completing their schedules.  But other than that, he was distant, kind of like a robot, devoid of any real human connection with the members.  Worse, it seemed, when it came to Seunghyun, Daesung had figured out that he had a blank check to get whatever he wanted.

He recognized that disconnected look in Daesung’s eyes because Jiyong was a master manipulator himself.  Fans, managers, strangers – Jiyong instantly knew what tactic would work to accomplish his end goal as quickly as possible.  Whether it was a skipped schedule, support for his latest immature tattoo or a confidential quickie in his car, he was able to talk his way in – and out – of those situations with relative ease.

But Jiyong knew when to limit his “power” – he never did it to people he loved, at least not in a way he thought could hurt them.  He wasn’t sure that Daesung hadn’t crossed that line many times with Seunghyun.  His hyung seemed almost like a puppet sometimes, and Jiyong wondered how long he could watch him being played with before he wanted to cut those strings off.


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Chapter 3: Omg, so much feelz!!!!! this is beautiful!
I love this!!! Thank you so much for writing such lovely todae stories!
MeADow12496 #3
Chapter 3: I really like your ToDae fics, reading them is such an enjoyment!!
Chapter 3: Ugh, my heart!
Megami284 #5
Chapter 3: Loved it...Really a good read.
KangGwisoon #6
Chapter 3: oh my, this is beautiful. godamnbeautiful >w<
IndigoGrey #7
Wish I had enough points to vote this and "Because of Him" up. I love your perspective of both Dae and TOP and what they were going through. Beautifully written and very plausible.
Chapter 3: This was beautiful, and I am now about to read the sequel.
This was exactly the kind of story I was looking to read, and I'm s grateful that you provided it. Thank you so much.
banjak #9
Oh wow, thank you for all the comments. And you inspired me to write a sequel - it just came pouring out when I thought about it a little!
Zimmy02 #10
Chapter 3: this is so beautiful :'3
good job author-nim