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I am waiting for the lift to open to take me away from this situation. Yes, I just let go the opportunity of being trained under HipHop legend, Yang Hyun Suk. My principles got in my way and I had to do what I just did to satisfy my conscience. Ever since the age of 8 when 1TYM was the hit, I’ve been monitoring YG artists without even realizing it. When my brother got accepted as a trainee, I can’t be more envious. I beg my parents to let me go too but back then, I was too young. Now, having finished my audition, I cancel them just because of my stupid ideology.

“HANA!” My brother screams at me as he run towards me.

“What?” I try to sound as if I am not even slightly affected by this.

“What the hell did you do?!” My brother is looming in front of me, but the lift opens so instead of answering, I walk in the lift with my brother following me, still making a whole on the back of my head with his stare.

The door is closed, taking both of us down to the ground level. My brothers stare is still on me the whole time, pressuring me to answer him.

“He said that I am not supposed to audition because I was late” I says simply, not wanting to show any emotions because if I do, I might not be able to hold on and break down right here right now.

“But he lets you anyway because I begged him!!” His voice is louder and in this tiny space, makes it even more menacing.

I sigh and say, “Oppa, you are the best brother any girl could ever have” My brother’s lips curl upwards slowly, “BUT” I say and it stops his lips from forming a smile and return into a grimace. “I really don’t want to rely on you for everything. I want to get into an agency because of my hard work, not because of you” I am trying my best to make him see what I want and I grab his hands tight.

“DON’T JOKE AROUND, HANA!!” My brother shrugs my hands off of him from anger and frustration and for a split second, I am scared. “THIS IS YOUR FUTURE THAT WE’RE DEALING WITH!!” He shouts.

I am stun for a brief second, surprise by my brother’s sudden outburst but instead of cave in, the irritation I have for my brother for butting in to my audition starts to erupt. “IT’S EXACTLY BECAUSE IT’S MY FUTURE! MINE!! MY RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE IT HAPPEN! YOU CAN BE WHERE YOU ARE WITHOUT ANYHELP, WHY CAN’T I??! DO YOU REALLY THINK I’M THAT BAD THAT I NEED HELP TO GET IN?!!” I shouts and I can hear my own voice echoed in this tiny lift. I can see my brother’s eyes are shaking after my explosion but I couldn’t care less and walk out of the lift and into the parking lot.

I can hear footsteps chasing me from behind and in a beat my brother is already in front of me holding on my shoulder keeping me immobile. His eyes are softer now, more understanding and he sighs before he lower himself to my eyelevel.

“Alright, I got it now. But just promise me one thing; if you ever need any thing, ANYTHING, no matter how small or how big it is, you have to tell me. Arraso?” His eyes are deep into mine and I can feel the warmth all over my body. He might be the most difficult brother, but he loves me more than most brothers would. I hug him hard, thanking him for understanding and he only sighs in defeat as he kiss the top of my head in return.

My brother’s manages is already ready with the van and had it’s door open for me to put my stuff in. I walk arm in arm with my brother and he helps me to pack away my stuff before letting me get into the van first. He told me that we would be having lunch first before he take me to the hotel.

“I sign for JYP audition for next week” I tell my brother as I put on my seatbelt.

“Jinjja? Should I come watch?” He says. I can tell he is still disappointed over my YG audition but I know he is trying his best pretending as if it never happens and I salute him for that.

“Don’t worry, I can do it myself” I assure him, giving him my smile.

As soon as the car moves, my brother takes out his phone from his jacket.

“Hyung” My brother answers the call and I can hear a mumbling as the other side replies.

“On our way to eat” My brother says and soon replied by another mumble making my brother’s face turns sour in an instant and I can sense worry from him.

“Err…” My brother seems to contemplating what he should say. The mumbling reply from the other end is louder this time, making my brother letting out a big sighs and finally says, “Yeah, sure. We’re going to the usual place” before he hangs out the phone. He looks at his phone, pouting. I want to ask who it was but I don’t want to be a busy body so I shift my gaze to the road ahead.

The restaurant is slightly packed due to rush hour but as soon as our van stops, we are greeted by two smiling faces who excitedly guide us through the back door into a secluded room with a table with six

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The screen was busted and now I need to fix it! :( for all of you whos been waiting, sorry! - jiyongchy


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soshivlvt #1
Chapter 74: the ending made my heart flutter omg
sebanna2 #2
This is such a good story. I really enjoyed reading it.
Chapter 40: Omygod this story is making me crazy!!!!
One of the best story in AFF.
I read your story many times, and i love it
Chapter 74: Literally the best story I've read! I love your story ^^
DeeDimond #6
Chapter 74: Still sweet as the first time I read this.. ^^
baoling90 #7
Chapter 17: Im only on chapter 17 and already don't want the story to end! though there are alot more chapter.. heehee will continue tomorrow... got to sleep...zzz
baoling90 #8
Chapter 14: Your stories are so nice that I couldn't wait to read the next chapter! Your GD pov is really great!