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As the van starts to move, taking my brother and me to Seoul, I can slowly feel pain creeping up in my lower stomach and my back. It’s that time of the month and as always, the tightening in my stomach hurts like it’s going to explode. I shifted in my seat few times and press on my stomach in an attempt to try my best to hide the pain from my brother.

My face becoming pale and my hands are becoming colder when my brother notices the weak body next to him.

“HaNa! What’s wrong??” He’s panic seeing me holding my pain.

“Period pain” I speak in between my gritted teeth.

My whole family knows about the excessive pain I have whenever I have my period. The ache sometimes become too unbearable that I often loss consciousness due to the pain. It occurs every first day and it starts since my junior highschool year. Having used to the procedures that happens during my period, I am trained to bringing painkillers around. But not this time. I stupidly choose the most important day of my life to forget about the painkillers.

“Aish! Where are your pills?!” He’s asking the obvious as he looks around the van to find something to ease my pain.

“I throw it away down the chimney.” I look at him sarcastically. “I forgot to bring them, d-uh!” I manage to , despite the pain.

He sighs in defeat and turn to his manager who’s driving.

“Hyung, can we take the next exit? HaNa needs to go to a pharmacy” His voice is gentle and polite but with a noticeable urgency.

“Why? Is HaNa sick??” His manager becomes anxious, and tries to look at me using the rear mirror. I smile weakly as he caught my eye.

“Period pain, but hers can be quite painful” My brother explains with a hint of sympathy towards me.

“But… it’ll take longer to Seoul if we go out the next exit” His manager sounds uncertain about my brother’s decision.

“Gwaencanayo, hyung. Her pain is unbearable. We need to buy her pills” My brother stays firm on his instruction. I want to argue because I don’t want to be late to the audition but the agonizing sore stops me from objecting.

As soon as we spot a pharmacy, my brother leaps out of the van without thinking that he forgot his sunglasses and his beanie. With his striking looks and high-end fashion, people notice him straight away. From the car, I see bunch of people pointing their fingers at my brother. Some even shrieks after they’re 100% certain that it is BigBang’s SeungRi that just walked passed them.

My brother was gone inside the pharmacy for few minutes before emerging with a small plastic bag in hand. His face is bright as he smiles to everyone around him with a few hand waves making girls squeal louder. Cameras are flashing and he doesn't seem like he is bothered by it. My brother, after 6 years in the industry, is sure used to the fame and is now riding it smoothly. Some girls are shoving paper and pen in his face but he gently refused, while pointing to the van.

“Here. Drink up” He says as soon as he put his back onto the car seat and closing the door quickly to avoid any fans from barging in.

“I don’t know what I would do without you, oppa” I express my gratitude with aegyo after I swallowed two pink pills, hugging my brother’s arm.

“I know” He grins at me, pinch my cheek and lowers his seat to prepare for some sleep.


Almost 3 hours has passed and the time in my orange G-Shock watch shows that it is already 11 o’clock. The notice said that number registration will be open at 11, and yet I am still in my brother’s van, not knowing where I am. I look to my right and my brother is sleeping soundlessly next to me with his seat fully declined, his arms fold infront of his chest and his foot is on the footrest.

I cant help but to be anxious and watching my watch every few seconds, hoping it would somehow stop until I reach my destination. My brother’s manager notices my nervousness as he looks at me from the rear mirror.

“Even if we don’t make it on time, I’m sure you’ll be able to audition” He says, trying to calm me down. Little does he know, I don’t want to audition when I actually came late because I think that would be unethical.

My nerves doubles because now, I have to think about how to arrive on time AND how to refrain my brother from pulling strings if we ever arrived late. I know my brother, I know him too well. His social skill is superb and he usually gets what he wants simply by coercing the other person. He might begs his boss to let me audition and I pray hard that he wouldn’t

The pain in my lower abdomen has

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soshivlvt #1
Chapter 74: the ending made my heart flutter omg
sebanna2 #2
This is such a good story. I really enjoyed reading it.
Chapter 40: Omygod this story is making me crazy!!!!
12 streak #4
One of the best story in AFF.
I read your story many times, and i love it
Chapter 74: Literally the best story I've read! I love your story ^^
DeeDimond #6
Chapter 74: Still sweet as the first time I read this.. ^^
baoling90 #7
Chapter 17: Im only on chapter 17 and already don't want the story to end! though there are alot more chapter.. heehee will continue tomorrow... got to sleep...zzz
baoling90 #8
Chapter 14: Your stories are so nice that I couldn't wait to read the next chapter! Your GD pov is really great!