It's Him.

Masked Rider



Myungsoo's eyes widened. He bit his lower lip, obviously unsure what to say.

" Uh... Ah... I think i hear my pet turtle calling! Gotta go! See ya!"

He snatched the mask and dashed off.

"Hey!" Not wanting to be left hanging, you ran after him. But you barely managed to get far before you crashed into someone.

Wow. You sure are crashing into a lot of people today.

Strong hands gripped you, steadying you.


They felt...

You looked up to see Dongwoo gazing down at you. Your face heated up.

"Are you okey?" He asked. You managed to find your balance again, so you nodded.

"Great. Have you seen Myungsoo anywhere?"

You pointed in the direction Myungsoo ran, still preoccupied with your thought. Dongwoo mumbled a thanks and quickly disappeared.

Whoa, wait! What are you still standing around for? You had so many questions for Myungsoo!

You headed for the room that he was in, but hesitated to enter. You could hear the hushed rise and fall of a conversation. You couldn't make out the exact words in it, but you did hear 'back' and 'mask'. You pressed the side of your head to the door, trying to listen harder.

Suddenly, the door opened.

You came tumbling in. You peered upwards to see Dongwoo and Myungsoo staring at you, stunned.

"Err... Sohee?" Dongwoo asked gingerly. Knowing that you were at a very high level of awkwardsness, you had to think fast for a logical excuse.

"Oh, look at the time! It's time for me to walk my goldfish! Love to stay and chat but... See ya!" You scampered to your feet and scurried away, ignoring their cries of 'STOP!'. I guess the goldfish idea was not a good one. 

You clearly weren't looking at where you're running, because the next thing you knew, you're at a desolate part of the town. The streets were quiet.

Too quiet for your liking.

Out o nowhere, a group of heavily pierced and tattooed men jumped out, knives flashing in the setting sun.

"Please... Don't hurt me.." You pleaded softly. Your legs wouldn't move. It was like they were stuck to the concrete ground, firm at making you rigid.

They neared you, the sharp tip of a knife dangerously close to your stomach.

Suddenly, a familiar rumble could be heard. A hand grabbed you by the waist and hauled you on the motorcycle. You wrapped your hands tight around the waist of the person, watching as the thugs disappeared in the distance.

Wait. It was the masked rider. And you are sure it is the same masked rider that had saved you yesterday. This was your chance!

You reached up and tore his mask off. Your eyes went wide as you stared at the face gazing back at you through the side mirror.

"Dongwoo oppa?!"

"Surprise." He said, smiling nervously. Seconds after, the smile changed into a cheeky grin. "You know, you're really such a danger magnet."

You pouted and poked your tongue out.

"Luckily for you, i'm the most dangerous thing you'll ever meet." He said as he flashed you his devilishly hot smirk.





The End...



At last... it is done....


thanks for subbing and commenting...

i REALLY appreciate it TONS!

*Trows pillow hearts*

well, i did realised that some of you thought

the masked rider thingy was an awesome idea...

i am very greatful and honored...

misslavender01 and sambreath1...


you guys actually sparked my not really working brain to start working =)

I MIGHT make a fanfic on this..


not a drabble,

not a one-shot,

or two-shot,

a long, long, long fanfic!


but not anytime soon cause i don't think i'll have time

since i would be sitting for my Olevels end of this year..

*pray for me!!!!!*



i hope you guys who read this found the story,


hope to hear or read from you guys!



peace out!


(was trying to find a pic for this but ermm.. found this? heheh the two characters in this two-shot)

(yup... not mine... credits to owners)






























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AshlynRenae #1
Chapter 2: I loved this so much! It was great!!
Chapter 1: wow.. o.O
the masked rider?
please don't make it a one shot's a great idea!
Chapter 1: erm! ? Is it myungsoo? Shouldnt it be dongwoo? Hehe loved it, hey can you make it longer its intresting! If not write another one abou dino hehe hes my bias!
Hookedonkpop #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^