
Masked Rider


You shivered as you walked through the narrow alleyway, tripping and stumbling over the uneven ground.

Shadows crowded every corner, it was so dark that you wouldn't be able to see your own hand if it weren't for the silver moonlight, lighting your way.

Something moved. You let out a shriek.

You sighed in relief when you realized it was only a cat slinking away in the darkness. Maybe you should've asked for a ride home. The neighborhood wasn't exactly friendly. In fact, it was a notorious delinquent turf.

Footsteps echoed, and they weren't yours. You took a quick glance behind. Someone was definitely following you.

You quickened your pace. You turned a corner but there was someone there, walking in the opposite direction. You tried heading somewhere else, but a huge, bulky man was blocking your path.

Soon you found yourself surrounded. Your heart drummed a frantic beat against your chest, as they advanced towards you.

"Hey, pretty girl. All alone? Needs some company?"

"Aren't you cold? Want me to warm you up?"

You could see hunger in their eyes. You let out a scream when one of them grabbed your arm. You lashed around, trying to break free from the vicious circle.

'Run!' Your mind yelled. 'Run!'

Suddenly, a loud rumble of engine could be heard from a distant and it became louder and louder as if it was becoming nearer and nearer. You squinted your eyes from the blearing light.

And everything that happened next, was a blur. You heard yells and punches, and you could even smell the metallic scent of blood in the air. You squeezed your eyes shut.

When you opened the again, the thugs were lying on the ground, groaning in pain.

Trembling, you took a step back, but tripped and fell backwards. But instead of the cold hard ground, you landed into someones arms.

You looked up. A skeleton's smile mask was stretched over the bottom half of your savior's face.
You blinked innocently at him, as he was gazing into your eyes.

The next thing you knew, he was on his motorbike and gone.

Who was that?

The next day in school, your circle of friends were excited over what happened. They listened intently as you told them about the incident.

"I wonder who that was?" You said, sighing.

" i didn't even get the chance to say thank-you. He just went... Gone. Pufff! Just like that in a second."

" i think that guy's a part of the masked riders! There's 7 of them, they say, getting to see one is rare. I don't think it's even possible to meet them more than once."

You frowned. "That's sad. Hmmm... Oh well, guess i can't have the chance to thank him then. Bye girls. See you tomorrow!"

You hopped out of class, and accidentally crashed into someone. The both of you tumbled on the ground in a heap, books flying all over.

"So sorry!!" You exclaimed, quickly gathering your things and rubbing your head.

He just laughed it off. " Nah, it's okey!" You helped him to gather his books and stuff them into his back pack.

" Wow! Thank yo!" He said, grinning as he headed off.

You were about to head home when you spotted something on the ground. "Hey, Myungsoo! You dropped something!"

You bent down and picked it up.


You looked closer and unfolded the object.

It was a skeleton's smile mask.

Your eyes met Myungsoo's.

" You.. You're the masked rider?"







there will be a 2nd chap for this one=)

comment! please?

no silent readers ok?


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AshlynRenae #1
Chapter 2: I loved this so much! It was great!!
Chapter 1: wow.. o.O
the masked rider?
please don't make it a one shot's a great idea!
Chapter 1: erm! ? Is it myungsoo? Shouldnt it be dongwoo? Hehe loved it, hey can you make it longer its intresting! If not write another one abou dino hehe hes my bias!
Hookedonkpop #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^