Chapter 2 What's DeathNote?

Be Mine


2 Months Later:


Eunkyung’s pov:


“Come on Eunkyung! You have to go.”


“No, I am not gonna sit around with a whole bunch of crazy girls screaming at some boy band.” I answered.


Today has been horrible. First halabeoji just had to come to my apartment and trash it because apparently it was messy. Yeah right. Then I was hit on by this 30rd year old in my college. And now Hana-woo just wants me to some retarded concert full of screaming girls and some boy band that apparently is famous in our college but I never once heard of them. I think it’s called “DeathNote” could you be anymore unoriginal?


“Please I don’t wanna go alone. If my sister is dragging me to this you're going to.” Hana-woo begged.


I guess I’m not getting out of this one. “Fine. Fine I’ll go, I’ll go. But you’re buying me Soju and beer!” If I was going to be forced into something, at least I could get some beer.


Forgot about this >> Eunkyung is a heavy drinker. She’s not an alcoholic but she likes her beer, wine, and soju. When she gets drunk (which is not that often) she remembers everything, and she doesn’t get hangovers.


Neh! All drinks will be on me” Hana-woo gave a big smile.


I smiled. Well I hope these boys are good as people say they are.


Myungsoo’s pov:


“Myungsoo... Please”


There was Sungyeol sitting like 4 year old and crying about some gig. I don't have time for this. I have to go.


“Fine I’ll go. What time is the damn thing?”


“Oppa... I.. I love you!!!” he came and gave me a big hug.


“Sungyeol!! What the.. Don’t call me oppa. That’s gross.”


He did that anytime somebody does what he wants. He’ll call them by the opposite ’s big sibling's names. It’s frustrating. Not only because I hate being called oppa; it’s just a gross word all in general.


“Sungyeol, if you call me oppa one more time, I’m never going to another gig ever again. Got it?”


“Neh!” He seemed proud that he got me to this thing.  To be honest, I was scared.


“Eonnie you’re coming?!?!?” Some girl screamed.


“Yeah, I am. Would you shut up now?” I growled.


I’ve seen her before. Where have I seen her before...




Its like she’s a... a cloud..


End Of Flashback.


It seems the same. But--


“Hey isn’t that Eunkyung?” Sungyeol wonder


“Who?” Dongwoo asked in curiosity.


“Oh come. She like 3 of our classes.”


“Uhhh....” A series of blank minds traveled throughout the group.  I was met with empty stares.  Drool even began to fall out of some of their mouths.




“The one that plays the gayageum. Ah! That one that went up to Dongwoo and smacked him for sleeping while somebody was playing.” I explained this to them slowly.


“HER?” was the collective thoughts, along with a “Damn” and “Holy ” here and there.


“Yeah.  She was famous for punching a teacher. She had wanted to be on dojo team, but now she always objects to it.”


“Why? If she’s good at it why doesn’t she just do it.”


“Like I would know that. She’s a mystery to everyone. I heard once the soccer captain tried asking her out. She stared him straight in the eyes for a moment like she was assessing how mentally insane he was.  Then she asked ‘would you still love me if you know that I’ve nearly killed 3 people?’ He still doesn’t know if she was serious or not.”


“Wow. Did she really?” Dongwoo got scared.


“That’s what he said. And when some girls went to confront her. She said ‘sure if you wanna believe that,’ and then she walked away.”


A mystery.. She is a great big mystery.


“So, then she’s not popular is she?” I asked.


“She doesn’t know it, but she is. Very popular.”


“She’s just to.. to.. to.. a-ish.” Sunggyu finished Sungjong sentence.


“She’s unapproachable.”


“Yeah! thanks. All the guys talk about her but nobody has the guts to say hi to her.”


“Plus there is a lot of rumors about her.” Sungyeol added.


“What kind of rumors?” I asked curiously


“In the 8th grade she beat a guy so badly that he had to have therapy for 5 years”


“Holy . Do you believe that?”  Dongwoo yelled.


She and her friends looked up to see what made the noise. Our eyes meet. Can somebody really beat a guy so badly that he had to have therapy for 5 years? Or is the really just a rumor? Her eyes just seem lonely. Not harmful.



Eunkyung’s pov:


We arrived at the concert. It was full of girls screaming DeathNote. Okay I’m going to kill Hana-woo. She can’t make me go through this hell.


“Hana-woo you're killing me,” I groaned.  Damn, this was going to be worse than I had thought.


“Dude, I’m dying too so don’t complain to me,” Hana-woo shot back.  I resisted the urge to -slap her.  This was her fault.


“Oh come on it’s gonna be fun.”  


“Yeah that’s what they all say.  Then reality sets in..” Hana-woo said to her sister.


“Oh come on. Eunkyung, didn’t you use to play in a band.” She asked


“Uhhh I’m in one.. Our band...”


“Things are better left unsaid Dongsaeng.”  Hana-woo suggested to Ho-sook  


She’s right. Things are better left unsaid...and untold.




So, finally, we got in after who knows how long we stood in line.


“So what can I get you?” The waiter asked


“Hey Sam!” we all said


“Why isn’t my favorite customers or customer. haha” he had a big smile.


I come here once a week at least. Is kinda sad how I never hear of DeathNote, but then again like I ever attention to anything....  Then again I’m normal outside. Not inside.


“I’ll have the regular” I smiled.


“And a beer please.” Hana-woo said.


“Comin right up”



The first band to go up was some weird band. That didn’t know their lefts from their rights. They played some type of screamo music that was so disorganized I wanted to scream myself. After they played, the bass player came up to me and started hitting on me.


“Hey there do I know you from somewhere?” He winked.


What the hell. Do I look like I’m a hooker? Do I scream ? Cause if he thinks he’s getting lucky, he is! Lucky he’s not getting a black eye as we speak.


“ I don’t know. Do I?”


“I think so. Class 2-6 from High school.”


Wait a minute... “Jung-Hwa?” The douchebag who thought he was the ?


“Yup that’s me” He said with a smirk.


“Well only you would have a band who can’t play worth .” I said smiling


“What?” He sound so offended that he start to turn red.


“Well it was great seeing you,” I smiled, “but I don’t wanna hear anymore ty music from people who don’t know how to play.”


I walked away. At the same time I ran into something. That something, little did I know, was the main singer/guitarist of the band that Hana-woo’s sister wanted to see.


“Hey look out!”


Soju went everywhere. He and I was covered in Soju.  He and I were covered in My Soju.  Without it, I may never get through this night.


“Minhae, minhae, minhae!” I said  


The whole place went quite. I looked up.


Then some girl scream “MYUNGSOO!” and about 2000000 girls came over and was checking if he was fine.


“It’s Soju, it’s not gonna kill him.” I whispered.  I wish it could kill you though.


“Watch where you're going!” The same girl who yelled Myungsoo.


“Well I can’t help that he was in my way. I said I was sorry.”


“I hope you can pay for dry cleaning.” His voice wasn’t as deep as I thought.


“Excuse me?”


“I have to perform in about 5 minutes.”




“Give me your shirt.” He just demanded like he was the king of the ing place.


“Well sure I’ll give it to you.” He smiled.  I smiled too.  “After you apologize, put your big boy pants on, and it up.”


“What?” He was more shocked than mad.


“Like I would give you my shirt. It’s all over me to so there’s no point to it. So it up and stop throwing a tantrum over it.”


This has to be one of my favorite scene because Eunkyung is yelling at Myungsoo :3 plus they don’t realized that they meet each other before. hehe :3 anyways.... I’m super bored! I just took an art and a biology exam =_= yeah how about no... and I just failed my art exam..... But don’t worry. I have.. Coffee :3 I’m stumped right now about this scene....UGH! I NEED TO FINISH YOU DAMMIT!! my coffee is cold... Then I have my best friend (who’s name I will not share.. sowwie): who is cute as hell! dammit... ok back to work I guess... ewwwy... >>




“I mean you might as well go shirtless..”  


my damn computer keeps changing my color on me.. >> I NEED to write stop distracting me!! I have a mind like a fish right now... :D \


“How dare you say that to my Myungsoo”  Said the girl who yelled at me first.  I thought she would have enjoyed her idol being shirtless.


“Oh I didn’t know that a person was an object.”


“Excuse me?” She snorted. I laughed a little.


“Well I’m doing you a favor. Have you ever seen him with his shirt off?”


“No...” She mumbled


“Geez you dumb asses.” I walked away.


“Unnie!” Hana-woo and Ho-sook ran after me.


“Unnie, so many girls are going to hate you now.” Ho-sook said.


“I’ve been hated my girls since I’ve been born. So I don’t really care.”


“Wow that’s the first time I’ve ever seen that before.” Hana-woo seemed super surprised.


“Seen what?” I started to get worried..


“Anyone yell at Myungsoo. Not even the teachers.” Hana-woo still seemed surprised but she knew me.




“Most people think he’s an angel and you.. You just don’t care..”


“When have I?”


“Never. haha” She smiled. She has always knew that I know how to take care of myself so she wasn’t the least bit worried for me.



Myungsoo pov:


“Myungsoo are you ok?” I didn’t even know this girl.


“Who are you?” I asked. I was frustrated and pissed. I didn’t want to deal with anymore girls tonight. That one little .  She ran into me and then won’t even fix it.


“Well I’m--” I start to walk away before she could even finish.


“hyung! Wait up!” Sungyeol yelled.


I just kept walking. When I got outside I went straight to my bike.


“Hey what’s this?” Dongwoo picked up a card. “I think this is Eunkyung’s student ID..”


“What?” I grab it right out of his hand. It was. Did she drop it?


“Maybe she drop it?” Sungyeol just read my mind....

“I hope she doesn’t need it....”

I"M DONE!! ok so this took forever! But i'm done with it.. >> I'm happy with this one(: but I know the next one will be even funnier for you guys(: and I know I'm leaving you guys off on a cliff hanger but you gotta have those once in a while :P anyways I hope you like





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LaDeDum #1
Looking forward to this^^~