Chapter 1 Enter Eunkyung

Be Mine

Eunkyung pov.

"OH MY GOD!! OH MY GOD!! I'M LATE! Halabeoji is gonna be mad" I ran to the nearest bus stop, and was ready to jump onto the next bus.  

I can believe it's already pass 3. Halabeoji told me to be home at 3:30. If I'm one minute late he'll throw a hissy fit. Aish why do I have such bad luck.

"AHH! Oh no.." My bag's zipper came undone. " I race to get all the stuff that had fallen back into the bag. Then some guy came and pick up most of it plus my bag that I had set a side and walked onto the bus. Then i pick up everything else and went onto the bus. He had already put everything in my bag then shoved it in my face.

"Ggamsahabnida" I said as nicely as I could. He just nodded. I stood there in wonder. Then after 20 minutes it hit me. I'm not on the right bus. 

Oh My God..... Crap crap crap.... I'll just get off the next bus stop then call Halabeoji and tell him I got the wrong bus stop so I'll be a little late.

Little did I know that the next bus stop was 30 minutes away. 


Ok I'm in deep . The first thing I have realized is that for the pass 20 minutes there has been no bus stop any where. And the second thing is Halabeoji hasn't called yet. Which means two things. One his hasn't realized I'm late or He has realized I'm late and is very pissed. I hope where ever this bus is going is not far. 


"Omg. It's the ocean" I was half excite half scared. When is the next bus. Oh dear lord I hope that wasn't the last one. I looked at the bus schedule. there were 2 more going back into town. Omo thank the lord for having two more buses. I thought I just died

. I had about two hours before the bus came back so I decided to go take a walk. I choose the less crowded path. while walking I spotted a lighthouse.


Myungsoo pov:


The breeze felt good on my face. I stood there just looking at the ocean. I heard a strange noise coming from the opposite side of the lighthouse.

“I can’t believed I just got on the wrong bus! Out of all the stupid things you’ve ever done Eunkyung. This has to be one of the most stupid ones. I really hope Halabeoji doesn’t realize I’m not at my apartment.”


She just sat there. I never seen someone complain about going to the ocean.


“But at least I’m at the ocean. It could be a lot worst”

She has this bright side. Its like she’s a... a cloud.. She just floats around doesn’t really care what comes her way. She has this aura around her that just says. I don’t really know what. But something like that.




“huh?” I jumped from surprise.


“Who are you?”


“Oh Minhae.”


“It’s alright. I mean this a public place and all. So I shouldn't be yelling at someone who was probably just looking at the ocean.”


“No it’s fine” I said embarrassed 


"So what brings you here?" 


"Uhhh...." Is it obvious?  


"Oh what i mean is this lighthouse. The other ones seem more popular than this one."  


"Oh well this one has more to see than the other ones." 


"Like how?" She asked very curiously.


"There's no people. So the land is natural, and pure." I said with a smile.


"Haha" She has a cute laugh. 


" Why are you laughing?" 


"Because that's exactly why I came her. So I find it ironic" 


"It is ironic."


"This land has life and beauty that normal in a human heart is hard to find. And slowly people begin to forget about so they are easily blinded by 'nature' like that"  She pointed to a lighthouse far out. "Yeah it looks beautiful but is it? This lighthouse is old but it has the most beautiful beauty. It reminds us of how love was. And I try to live like that because to be honest I don't want love like. Love that's only on the outside, but what about the inside? Huh? will it be as beautiful as this? Are you able to see sea turtles? Oh. I'm sorry I've been talking your ear off." She flipped out.


"No it's fine."  I smiled "You have interesting look on love."


"Well it based on what I found out though bad love." 


"Nobody perfect." I said trying to cheer her up.


"You live and you learn. There's nothing I can do about that. I mean I wish I could take it all back."


"Take what back?"


"Well many things like--" Her phone rang. "Hello?" There was someone yelling at her at the other end. "Yes, Yes, Minhae, I got on the wrong bus. Minhae, minhae." She ran off.


"Hey!" I yelled "What's your name?"


She turned around. "It's... I'll tell you if we meet again" She smiled.


"I yelled well mines is Myu-----" A train not to far off cut me off. And my the time it stop she was to far.


Eunkyung pov.: 

He was nice. I hope I get to meet him again. Damn why did Halabeoji have to call at that time. Dammit dammit. I made it just in time for the bus that was going back to Seoul.  


"Good-bye Ocean! I'll see you again" I smiled.


Ok so it's short I know but here you guys go the first chapter >.< I hoped it turned out ok.. I've been working on it during school.. so its been a on and off thing. Now to work on the second chapter.. ugh.. but I got most that planed out already so now to type....Anyways I hope you guys like this chapter(:


Love ~Haru7697

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LaDeDum #1
Looking forward to this^^~