Ice-Cream Blues



I apoligize in advance for my poor romanization of  안녕하세요 ^^;; she was out of breath and it looks weird!!




She was left standing there in a daze, sugary-orange goop sliding down her fingers. Absently she put one in and it off, then placing the actual Popsicle to , it's sides clean.

What had just happened?

Deciding that she should start walking, she forced her feet to take the steps. Taemin said he had to get back to his hyungs..Her jaw went slack.

That would mean the entire Shinee group was there.

Oh my god I have to tell mom! I have to tell everyone! Wait, no, that would be stupid. I can't tell anyone. But everyone probably already knows. Then why aren't people going crazy?

She looked around, finding everyone lazily stretched out on colorful towels or leaned over small mounds of sand trying to create a sand castle.

There was even one girl running up and down the length of the beach, shouting out random strings of words that always ended with 'NINGA MELANIE! FIGHITNG!'

It brought a small smile to her lips to see the girl, momentarily distracting her from her initial thought process.

So this either means that they're hiding from everyone or they aren't at the beach..or I'm delusional. She thought about the boy, clad in blue swim trunks and barefoot which caused her face to burn a bright red.

It doesn't matter anyways, she thought. It's not like I'm going to stalk them and find out where they are,

She sighed and resolved to take a seat. She had arrived back at her designated place at the beach and sat down on her purple towel, finishing off the creamsicle.

What now? I'll check the time, and If it's getting late I should get back to the house.

Her fingers searched for the button on her iPod so the screen would light up and show the time.

Her fingers found nothing.

She looked down to find that her iPod was, in fact, not in her hand. Not in her lap. And not on her towel. After more searching she also found that it was not in her bag, pocket, or in the sand.

This is bad. This is really really bad.

Her heart was racing fast. Where could it have gone? This was her one source of solace and now it's missing. Gone. Poof!

She started listing a string of profanities under her breath, getting up to search the path she had taken. Did someone steal it? Did I drop it? Did I throw it away?







Her breath left her lungs in small puffs by the time she had decided to rest after walking that path for the umpteenth time. She searched in bushes and under cars to no avail. Her sacred iPod was gone.

In all honesty, she was close to tears- though she didn't show it. About to give in and forget all about the whole thing she began to hear the small chime of bells in the distance.

The ice-cream truck! He must be making his last round. Maybe he'll have seen someone take it or saw me drop it! Mustering all the strength left in her she began to jog towards the familiar chime, finding it's white top over a row of bushes in a different parking lot. It was stopped, probably in the money of the subservient and exhausted parents to their even more tired and whining children. Finally- Finally!- she rounded the corner and found the old man leaning over the counter, passing a chocolate cone to a small boy. Though he looked eerily familiar she pushed it from her mind, approaching the truck.

“A-An..nyeongha..ha..hase..seyo...” she huffed out, leaning down on the counter, pressing her head to the cool white side of the truck. He smiled and repeated the greeting, asking what he could help her with, adding that she should catch her breath first.

“I lost my iPod after I came to get ice cream. Did you happen to see it fall or someone take it?” She smiled, running a hand through her hand nervously.

He paused for a moment before answering, a smile crossing his lips.

“Actually,” his gruff voice lightened. “there was a young boy who came back after you did. He asked for some napkins and saw that your..iPod is it?” she nodded. “Was on the table. He offered to return it to you. He didn't look like the kind to steal things so I let him. I'm sorry- I assumed you two were related.”

She let is words sink in. Someone had taken her iPod and may or may not return it.


“Well..Thank you anyways. Have a goodnight!” She her heel and set off towards the beach, planning to gather her things and head home.







“Lemme see! Lemme see!” Key whined, hands fumbling around Taemin's, trying to grab the device out of his grasp.

“What are you two doing?” Minho asked, approaching them. Jonghyun was the one who filled in the information as they were too busy.

“ And so now he's looking through it to find anything so he can return it to her!”

Onew nodded in agreement to the story, enthralled with his food.

“So why are you even bothering. Why didn't they just leave it at the ice cream truck or give it to the police?” Jonghyun shrugged. He didn't know either.

“Well,” Taemin chimed in. “I was going to give it to the police to return but,” he added shamefully “when I looked through her songs more than half of them were ours. I couldn't deny such a great fan of ours a chance to meet us!” He looked back to the screen, fingers dancing across the screen.

“And he said she was pretty!” Key added as an afterthought. Taemin didn't comment, blushing slightly.

“Well, Taemin, I don't think you'll find anything. It's not like she has to write down her address in there so she won't forget it.” Minho chuckled, pleased in his logic.

Onew nodded, too busy with his meal (chicken fingers- could you guess?) to care.

“Actually,” Taemin retorted. “I found something.”

“What is it?” Jonghyun asked, trying to sound uninterested.

“It's not her home address. But I know where we can find her!”The now-red-head chirped, feeling proud of himself. “And it's right here!” He pointed to the screen, turning it so they could all see it.


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dm_robot #1
Chapter 2: WOAH what a great story :D good job ^.^ please update soooooon XD
ainokishi #2
Update :)
Woman, i will update our story if chu update this <3
Melanie- Yeaaahhh ;D YOU WILL APPEAR. WAIT YOUNG ONE. <3
I like it too, not to sound like a jerkk or whoreish, but can i show up somehwhere and be all wahh ninja!Melanie?? Keke omgimsogreedyimsosorryiloveyouthough<3 and ood job so far mollu-girl, i am writing ur fic nows mehemehemehemehehwhe <3
Aww, that was cute. :) I like so far!
;ghpqoewijrhgjqhqewiuqifwhj[egpjqerkj OHMYGODNESS, DUDE THIS YESH, ive subscribed<3