Normal Girl




She was just an ordinary girl, nothing more and nothing less. Her hair was brown, her eyes were brown, she was a regular weight, and her skin didn't tan. Her grades were horribly average, ranging from A's to C's- her worst subject being Algebra. She didn't sing or dance well, she wasn't an exceptional artist or writer, and fashion wasn't her forte. But she was okay with that. She was perfectly content with being that regular, simple, average kid. After school she'd go the the gym and take her taekwondo classes, she was always the top of her class, but she never got any leaner or stronger. Always the same. She floated through her days finding something to take away the empty feeling she'd get in her stomach sometimes. And that was usually music. She loved listening to kpop the most, favoring super-junior, big bang, and girls generation- but her utter most favorite was Shinee. Shinee was the band that she could listen to and feel thousands of times better. No one really understood her love for that band, some people would even poke fun of her for it- but she couldn't care less.


Shinee had saved her life.




Today, she decided, she would go to the beach. It was a toasty eighty-six degrees and her mother had just bought a new bathing suit that hadn't fit and needed an owner. She ran her hand along the white drawstrings, admiring the light pink roses printed on the cloth. She wondered how much it had cost her mother, but it's not like it would matter. Her mother spent money like a fiend. Confidently she took off her school clothing and put the bikini on, the fit perfect for her build.

She snorted at the mirror and turned sideways, admiring her body. It was the one thing she could find confidence in. Because she had nothing to worry about. No one wanted her, or wanted to look at her body. It was hers and that was it, so even if she'd gain weight or loose it, no one had a say in it. She stuffed a towel, wallet, and bottle of water into her already packed tan satchel, threw on a pair of shorts and baggy shirt, wiggled into her flip-flops and left the house.

Soundlessly she rifled through her bag, pulling out her ipod and stuffing the ear-buds into her ears, turning on a familiar Shinee song. She smiled and sang along, completely forgetting about the purple and pink scars lining her bare skin in patches on her arms and thighs.

Once she arrived at the bus-stop she had began to realize they were showing and reacted self-consciously, pulling down the hem of her shorts and crossing her arms. How could have she forgotten? It was no use though, people would see them once she got to the beach. Reminding herself that people probably wouldn't be looking at her body anyways, she once got lost in the song again as she often did and let herself forget the world around her, the sun warming her shoulders.




If she could only find that damn ice-cream truck somewhere around here! She pouted and began walking the opposite direction, sun beating down on her bare shoulders. It was hotter than she expected and after vigorous laps in the ocean she decided to settle for her favorite Popsicle. The problem was she couldn't find it. Somewhere in the distance she began to hear the faint chime of what could be the truck, and her spirits lifted instantly. Hurriedly she ran across the hot pavement and, finally, after what seemed like minutes she found the white truck.

She dug in her wallet and pulled out a five dollar bill, approaching the truck with a swing in her step. "One orange creamsicle please!" she chirped, placing her hands face down on the cool white counter. The older man bellowed and turned around, grabbing the treat from the freezer. Though she already knew what he would say next, she waited patiently for him to speak.

"Five dollars, ma'am." She gave him a grin and went to pass him the money when a sudden gust of wind blew it from her hand. Flustered she bent over to grab it, when she noticed someone elses hands on it. She turned slightly to see who had planned to grab her money, but before she could ask them why they were trying to steal her money she was left speachless.

"I believe this is yours!" The boy grinned, passing her the money.

Her heart pounding in her chest she extended a shaking hand and took the money from his opened palm.

"T-Thanks.." She passed the older man the money quickly and side-stepped out of the way, but he stopped her.

"I don't believe I caught your name," He smiled. It was a dazzling smile and she found her stomach contracting in nervousness. "Mine is Lee Taemin. Nice to meet you!"

She feared her voice betraying her as she replied, but she did anyways. barely.

"H-Hi. My name is Kiyo. Namgung Kiyo. I-I love your music." She smiled back at him, as it was nearly impossible to do anything else when faced with THE Lee Taemin.

"Keke, thank you! I should be getting back to my Hyungs soon, but maybe I'll see you around?" She couldn't reply so he just added on to what he had said. "Your icecream is melting."

And with that he left, already holding 4 shaved ice-cones.




A/N: Yeah, whatever. I like it :)

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dm_robot #1
Chapter 2: WOAH what a great story :D good job ^.^ please update soooooon XD
ainokishi #2
Update :)
Woman, i will update our story if chu update this <3
Melanie- Yeaaahhh ;D YOU WILL APPEAR. WAIT YOUNG ONE. <3
I like it too, not to sound like a jerkk or whoreish, but can i show up somehwhere and be all wahh ninja!Melanie?? Keke omgimsogreedyimsosorryiloveyouthough<3 and ood job so far mollu-girl, i am writing ur fic nows mehemehemehemehehwhe <3
Aww, that was cute. :) I like so far!
;ghpqoewijrhgjqhqewiuqifwhj[egpjqerkj OHMYGODNESS, DUDE THIS YESH, ive subscribed<3