Love is waiting : Coma (Dara x Joongki)

Love is Waiting
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“Yah, where are you taking me?” the girl asked, but more like yelled while trying to get her hand held by the guy back. He was pulling her towards his car, an excited and cute smile on his face as he acted the almost crime of what can be considered as kidnapping.


“Eeii. Quit complaining and get in the car …. Please” he said, letting go of her hand and opening the door for her. He gave the girl a mischievous look, obviously warning her to not even try running away because he’ll just catch her. She pouted in response, trying to get him to spill the beans but it wasn’t like any other normal day and so he didn’t give in.


“Fine” she sighed, getting in the car and putting on her seat belt before crossing her arms and preparing to be on Silent Treatment mode. He saw the pout on the girl’s face and couldn’t help but smile, thinking how cute she looks like even when mad.


‘Let’s see how long you can put that pout up” he thought to himself, earning a chuckle from him –crazy.


That surely caught her attention and so she turned to look at his boyfriend, suspicion lingering on her eyes. She knew what he was thinking and about, groaning in the process of yelling at herself- in her thoughts, how weak she is when it comes to him, but then again it was just the same way around, in most days that is.


30 minutes has passed already and they were still driving, none talked throughout with only their breathing audible to both of them. She was looking outside the window while his eyes were glued to the road, none trying to break the ice and kept it frozen.

“Sandara Park” he said, his tone abrupt and a bit bossy. She narrowed her eyes at him –almost a glare, clearing and wanted to give the same tone back at him. “What Song Joongki” she rejoiced in her head for sounding stable and actually just the same as him.


The stop light turned red, the car stopped right in front of the line and waited for it to turn back to green. Dara was feeling a little bit uneasy to what was really going on and it wasn’t helping that Joongki gave no clues or anything at all. Joongki took her hand, holding them and slowly intertwining their fingers. As each finger slid with each other Dara found herself slowly melting with his warmth, forgetting that she was annoyed with him and what the reason was on the first place.


“Marry me?” he asked, looking at her deeply in the eyes.


The question came in like a storm, unpredictable and overwhelming. She blinked her eyes so many times, trying to get each of those two words to make sense in her mind and it was taking so long for just those words.


So many thoughts passed by her mind, replays of everything that happened in her life when he came into that moment. Like a scene from a drama a music coming from nowhere – she wasn’t even sure if it was in reality or her mind was just making it up but nonetheless tears started to form and roll down her cheeks.


“Angel?” Joongki spoke softly, voice filled with worry as he looked at his girlfriend crying for a reason he was afraid to be the answer to his question. He reached his hands to her face, wiping the tears with his thumb and caressing her cheeks. “You don’t have to say anything angel, I understand” he said and the girl shook her head angrily.


“No” she hiccupped and that was it for Joongki, his expression fell and heart broke. He wasn’t expecting that answer, though he still held her hand his eyes said all that hurt his words can ever say. “No, I mean I do have something to say …” Dara interrupted Joongki’s suicidal thoughts, taking her hand back from him and cupping his face. “I will marry you” those 4 words were enough to bring back the life to Joongki.


As the two lean forward for a kiss, not being able to hold the emotions erupting from both of them because of their engagement a truck was driving straight at them. The stop light has turned green and the cars beside them were going forward, but as they were caught up at the moment they didn’t see the truck coming from behind.


“I love you ….” Were the final words spoken, the front of the truck drove straight to the back of the car pushing it straight forward to the centre of the road where other vehicles ram into a collision.


The car wasn’t hit only once but continuous with all the coming vehicles everywhere, the car was wrecked with all the sides hit, the glasses broken. Everyone who was there ran to it, crying and yelling if the passengers were fine or not. Gas was leaking and a fire could start soon if they weren’t taken out and so that was what they did. Although the damage of the vehicle was severe and that would have meant the passengers inside are dead it wasn’t the case, Joongki had his eyes open and was looking over at Dara who was put on another stretcher, eyes closed and breathing seemed to have stopped.


“Dara … Dara… DARA” he shouted her name but the girl didn’t wake up. His leg was broken, but he still tried to stand up and run to her only to be pulled back down by the medics. “No, you don’t understand. That’s my fiancé” he yelled loudly but now one listened to him. “She’ll be taken care of sir, don’t worry” someone said but the voice was faint and the face blurry as he fainted. 


“Where am I?” Joongki mumbled, opening his eyes to a white ceiling. There was a rush of pain through his head as he tried to focus his sight, the need to move the fringe poking his eye was strong but as he moved his arm he felt a quick stab of pain and then noticed the needles on his hand.


“Thank god you’re awake Joong” he heard a familiar voice talking right beside him, carefully turning his head towards the direction of the voice memories of the happening flashed across his mind and he started to panic. “DARA” he yelled, not caring about his body jerking up with a pang of ache.


Even with everyone in the room telling him to calm down and take it slow as the wounds in his body might open up he didn’t listen, the doctor had to come in and give him a drug to calm him down but his pleas to see his fiancé still didn’t stop. The doctor left and so did the nurses, leaving Joongki with his friends whose expressions said so many words.


“Hyung please tell me she’s okay” he said, voice low and almost a faint whisper. The drug was doing its purpose and he was doing all his best to fight back the drowsiness.


“She’s alive Joong …”the way he trailed his sentence only meant one thing, and that was she wasn’t as fine as he would like her to be. That took all the effects of the drug away as he was wide awake.


He didn’t need to ask to be brought to her, a nurse came in the room pushing a wheel chair in front of him. His friends helped him out of the bed and into the wheel chair. There was only silence as they strolled across the hall way to the ICU where Dara was. Joongki was holding his breath, readying himself to what he might find. His friends didn’t say anything as well, not wanting to worsen the situation.


The beeping sound of the monitor was the only sound audible in the room, Dara laid quietly on the bed with her chest moving up and down meaning she was still alive. With all the tubes connected to her and all the machines surrounding the small sleeping body gave him a heart ache.


“Dara” he whispered, the nurse wheeled him closer to his fiancé’s body and he could feel the tears rolling down his cheeks. There was that feeling in his stomach, something familiar but something new. With his good hand he held her hand, holding it tightly as if not ever letting go.


“Ms. Park’s vital signs are getting better slowly, however, with the collision and injury in her head she is in a state of come” the doctor explained, though it was not completely a good news it was something to be happy about.


“How long will she be in a coma?” he asked, eyes not leaving the angelic face of the girl.


“We can’t tell Mr. Song, it can be days, weeks, months or maybe be even years” the doctor said, a

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 1: Daebak!! Love the plot twist. This definitely deserves upvotes. Great job, authornim ^-^
I was looking for Dara one shots when I came across yours. I love the story line. It's creative. The plot twist at the end was a very nice touch.
Chapter 1: I got goosebumps authornim!! Waahh daebak! This is jjang!! Keep writing authornim hwaiting!!!
stupidbutt #4
Chapter 1: oh my gasssshh!!! how sweet! you are way ahead of everyone else with the joongki i can't stop imagining the two because of the rumors.
dakotasanify #5
Chapter 1: This story is a jjang!,
chayna #6
Chapter 1: Woah what a twist in this story. Thanks authornim
Chapter 1: Unexpected! WOW!! <3
baby1988 #8
Chapter 1: Wow..what a beautiful story :)
msdeathstalker #9
Chapter 1: dang what a beautiful story what a reversal! nice super nice
thank you
dockie8ph #10
Chapter 1: that was nice!!