In Check

A Leap of Faith
This chapter is like prequel for chapter 6, just so you guys know what happened and why and how Siwon ended up in Sulli's doorstep.



*ring! ring!

"Sir, Ms Sulli still isn't picking up her phone. Do you wish to send some one over to check on her?"

"No, if she finds out about it we both know what will happen to us both." I said. The last time I ask Alec to send someone for Sulli, she went ballistic on me and didn't talk to me for an entire month. 

Even though she kept telling us that the reason why she wanted to study at Harvard is because of the academic programme I know her too well to believe it.



Two years ago, Sulli got into a car accident. The impact was very strong but it's a good thing that she's wearing a seat belt or else she would be thrown out of the car beacuse of the impact. Unfortunately for her, a metal bar came out of nowhere and punctured her heart. That night, I was busy reviewing for the upcoming examination, when Alec informed me about the accident that Ssul got into I couldn't move at all and just started crying. He drove to the hospital and I saw my mom coming out of the OR.

"Mom, where's Sulli? She'll be okay right?" I hugged my mom very that while I was crying on her shoulders.

"I'm sorry Siwon, I really hope I can I say that right now but she's not stable. A metal bar punctured her through her heart, the doctors are still checking until to what extent is the damage," she explained to me, "dont' worry son, she's a brave girl, she'll definitely get over this,"

After twelve hours in surgery, I saw the nurses brought out Sulli and bring her to the recovery room. I waited for my mom to know her condition. "She's lucky Siwon, the point of entry of the bar is just a few inches above her heart," I know that's good as well because a few more inched higher could mean that it may puncture her carotid artery which is worst, "plus, the puncture was deep,she just obtained a few broken ribs and some abrasions but she lost a lot of blood. We just need to wait for heart to wake up to assess if there are more complications." I kissed my mom and thanked her doing everything she can to help Sulli. Ever since the accident, there isn't a day that goes by where I didn't check up on her because I was afraid that something bad might happen to her again.


"Sir, your Uncle David is on the other line." Way to go Ssul, you just missed a call from your dad. "Thank you Alec, just please transfer the call here."After talking to Uncle Steve, "Alec can you please change my flight schedule and get the next flight available to Logan Airport as soon as possible, I'll leave as soon as you get me the ticket. And by the way, did you get the information as I asked you to?"

"Yes sir, it's already on your laptop."

"Thank you Alec, just please inform mom and dad about the change in my schedule when they get home, I should probably head now to the airport." On the way to the airport, I fired up my laptop and check the information I asked Alec to get.

     Name:Lee Jin-ki
     Nickname: Onew
        Second year MBA student at Harvard business School. Graduated from St. Vincent High School as salutatorian, etc.


     Name: Kim Jonghyun
     Nickname: Jonghyun
       Fourth year medical student at Harvard Medical School, etc.


     Name: Kim Ki-bum
     Nickname: Key
        Fourth year medical student at Harvard Medical School, etc.


What struck me most is this guy..

     Name: Choi Minho
     Nickname: Minho
        Second year MBA student at Harvard Business School, graduated validictorian at St. Vincent High School. Only son of business tycoon Choi Dong-wook and Park Han-byul. His father is currently the CEO of Choi Enterprises and manages the biggest Mall in Korea. Choi Minho is expected to take over his father's reign as soon as he finished his studied in the US.

"Alec, can you please get me more information about this Choi Minho."

"Will that be all sir?"

"Unfortunately yes, that would be all, as much as we both want to do more I'm afraid we can't. We have to play this by ear and let's just see what will happen."


Airport, London

"Have a same flight sir, Just call me when you need anything."

"Thank you Alec, I'll call you when I get there. I just hope Ssul won't be uspset."

"Don't worry sir, Ms. Sulli never gets upset especially when it comes to you."

"I hope so Alec, I hope so." While on air, I keep thingking why Sulli suddenly decided to study abroad.


**flashback at the hospital

"Thank you Si," she said ang gave me a very tight hug.

"For what?"

"For never leaving my side, It's just sad that your personal relationships need to suffer just so you can stay by my side."

"What are you talking about?" of course she know it already, how can she not, damn it! I was hoping I can personally tell her about the break up. "Don't worry Ssul, she's not worth it, besides mom and dad don't really like her for me."


When I arrived at her apartment, I decided to give a quick call to my parents but it directed me to voice mail so I just left a message for them, "hi mom, hi dad! I'm at Ssul's place right now, I'm sorry I wasn't able to call you before I left London, talk to you guys later. Bye!" Suddenly the door opened and I saw Ssul with a guy beside him. I know the reason why you left London is because you need a new environment so you can grow and heal, and we all support you for that. And right now, I think I already know someone who can help you with it.



***Hi everyone! I know I said that chapter 7 will be about Minho's POV but I suddenly thought that putting up this chapter before the next one will be cute! Hope you like it!***

***Just keep the comments coming, and thank you for the support!***

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Chapter 23 Ever After Final Chapter now posted! :)


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zangsia1 #1
Chapter 23: Hi authornim love this story so much
taengoobaby #2
Hi author-nim I always read your stories please do more minsul stories.I'm anticipating it so much ♥
angelbaylan #3
Chapter 15: It's very lovely I l
ike minsul couples forever
fieminho #4
nice story dear author
yongseo94 #5
Chapter 23: Pls make an epilog. I love ur story
Primadeli #6
sorry as am just able to post this comment today. the thing is i wanna read back ur whole story before type my comment :)

thank you so much for bringing us one of the best Minsul fic. even though its short, i love the way u put ur story and both Minsul characters here. i must be honest that am actually looking forward for more Minsul monents from ur fic hehehe :)

so my guess was rite! ohni is minho XD gotchaaa!!

pls dont stop writing coz u definitely got a talent here. good luck authornim n hope to see u again XD
Chapter 23: beautiful~!
finally a happy ending~
i hope you can write a new fan fix for minsul. ^^
Chapter 23: Kyaaa... Author-nim this is really beautiful... Too sad this end today... But, good job author-nim... ^^