
My Husband Is A Spy??


The Husband

Name : Park Chanyeol

Age : 25

Occupation : Voice-actor a.k.a National Security First Class Agent

Note : A father-to-be

The Wife

Name : Park (Kang) Jiyoung

Age : 23

Occupation : Fourth year music student at Seoul Academy


“AAAHHHH!!!”, screams were heard from the labor room. Kris and Sooyoung who had just arrived panicked. They quickly scrambled into the labor room.

“Are you her husband?”, the doctor asked Kris. Kris shook his head.

“Unnie! Please! Let me talk to Channie-oppa!”, Jiyoung pleads Sooyoung to call Chanyeol. Sooyoung quickly dialed his number in Kris’s mobile phone and dashed beside her. She then held the phone near to Jiyoung who were still in pain. She was about to give birth and her husband were yet to be seen. As soon as Chanyeol picked up his phone, thinking that it was Kris, a painful scream welcomes him.

“Yah! Jiyoung! Are you okay?”, Chanyeol was about to capture the suspect. He held the suspect tightly, waiting for his wife to reply. However, all he could hear was her painful screaming. He was panicked, but composed himself. He knew that she was going to give birth anytime, but he never expected it to be so early!

“Oppa!! Why are you still not here!! I am in an absolute pain here!!”, she wails. Sooyoung pat dry her face and forehead. She was sweating profusely. Kris pitied her and Chanyeol. He pitied Jiyoung who was unaware of Chanyeol’s actual job and he also pitied Chanyeol for having to lie to the woman that he loves for her very own safety. He lets out a heavy sigh. Being an agent, spy and partake the undercover mission was all Chanyeol and him can be.

“Sweetie, I will be there! I promise! Work hard for our baby! I love you, Jiyoung!”

Chanyeol was about to end the call when his wife shouted from the other line.

“Yah! Is that all you can do?! I am in pain and you were out there, working your out! I need you and your bloody here, Park Chanyeol! If you fail to be here within 10 minutes, I will divorce you!”

“Yah! Are you crazy? You can’t do that to me~~”, Chanyeol pleads his wife while squeezing the suspect’s hands till a scream can be heard from Chanyeol’s side.

“Yah! Who is that?!”, Jiyoung asked him suspiciously. He can’t be gay, can he?

“Yah, don’t ever think about I’m being gay! I have prove it to you already!”, Chanyeol hinting the fact that he had made her pregnant with his child.

“It was your entire fault! I am not ready to be a wife nor mother and you simply put me under these circumstances and now you are being irresponsible about it!”, Jiyoung randomly blurted out. She was in pain and her mind was in pain as well. Sooyoung and Kris were quite surprised with Jiyoung’s revelation. They innocently thought that Chanyeol was ready to be a husband and not because he had knocked her up! Disappointment could be clearly seen from Kris’s face. Sooyoung just shook away those thought and continue to calm the exasperated Jiyoung.

“Baby, please don’t say that anymore. Just focus on our baby. I will be by your side in no time. Please?”, Chanyeol cooed his cute wife. Although he was quite taken aback with Jiyoung’s confession, he had no choice other than coaxing her for her and their baby’s sake.

Hearing his soothing and convincing pleads, she finally complied with him. She ends the call and thanking Sooyoung for her care. Although she was in extreme pain, she has to do her best for their child. She realized that they are all that she needs in her life after all.

About 10 minutes later, Chanyeol arrived to the labor room, to find Jiyoung still has not giving birth to their child. She was exhausted and in pain. As soon as she saw Chanyeol, she cried.

“Oppa!” Chanyeol went by her side and held her hand. He was troubled to see his wife in an unbearable pain.

“Are you the husband?” the doctor asked. Chanyeol nodded. As soon as Kris and Sooyoung left the labor room, the doctor asked Chanyeol to help Jiyoung.

“Jiyoung-ah, push! Push! Pussshhhh!!”, Chanyeol encouraged her.

“Ahhhh!!!”, Jiyoung held to his hand for life and Chanyeol could feel the pain. But, he does not care. Jiyoung is all that matters for him now.

After a few push and countless screams, Jiyoung successfully gave birth to a healthy baby boy. However, Chanyeol has yet to come up with the baby’s name.

“What? You have not think about it yet?”, Kris almost shouted to the younger male. Jiyoung was now sleeping after all the exhaustion. The newborn baby was in another room, sleeping.

“Yah! Why are you being so clueless, Park Chanyeol? That’s your child there!” Sooyoung came to Kris’s side and tried to calm her husband down. She pats her husband’s arm.

“Chanyeol-ah, you’d better be prepare with something in your mind. Jiyoung wants to have a talk with you as soon as she wakes up.”, Sooyoung carefully reminded Chanyeol. The latter only nodded weakly. He was practically exhausted.

As soon as he caught the suspect, he straight away came to the hospital. It was a good thing that Baekhyun and Kyungsoo covered up his work.

Should I just tell her the truth?

Chanyeol was battling with himself if he should tell her the nature of his job. He had been lying to her from the day he met her about his occupation. He felt bad about it but at the same time, he could not afford to risk his wife and child.

Jiyoung slowly crept open her eyes. Chanyeol was the first person she saw and she smiled at him.


“Yes, sweetie. I’m here. Our baby should be coming any moment soon.”, he held her hand lovingly.

“Thank you for giving birth to him.”

“What shall we name him, oppa?”

“Chanhee. Park Chanhee.” Jiyoung smiled and recite the baby’s name delightfully. Then, the said Park Chanhee came to greet his parents, with the help of the nurse. He was still sleeping. Chanyeol slowly took Chanhee in his arms and brought him to his mother. While Jiyoung was cuddling with their baby boy, her husband was in deep thought.

“What’s wrong, Channie?”, she her husband’s hand.

“Jiyoung-ah, I’ve been meaning to tell you this…”

“What is it?”

“It is…”

Jiyoung patiently waited for her husband to proceeds when suddenly, the baby woke up. Chanhee literally cried. He was hungry and Jiyoung feed her baby.

“Sorry oppa. Chanhee needs to be feed. By the way, what is it that you want to tell me?”

“Jiyoung-ah, to be frank, I want to tell you the truth. But, I guess I am not ready…”, Chanyeol confessed. Jiyoung smiled warmly at her husband.

“It’s okay oppa. You can give a thorough thought about those secrets later. Now, let me confessed to you something…”

“What is it?” Chanyeol starts to get panic.

“I’m sorry for shouting at you earlier and I don’t mean anything about the divorce part. It’s just-“

“I know baby. You were so much in pain at that time. Anything else?” Jiyoung fidgeted.

“I confessed to Kris oppa and Sooyoung unnie that we are married because of Chanhee. Kris oppa was being so persistent about it. Sorry oppa.”

! Now Kris hyung will steam grilled me alive in the office!

“It’s okay baby. We are not only married because of Chanhee. We married because we love each other so much. Thank you babe, for being my wife and mother to Chanhee.”, Chanyeol then pecked Jiyoung’s lips.

Well, at least she does not know about it yet.. Just yet.. the possibility for me to be hunt down by Jiyoung for the secrets will be high as soon as she left the hospital. Well, just be prepared like usual, First Class Agent Park Chanyeol!

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Hajimemae! Annyeong! This is the first time I leave my message here... Readers, I hope all of you do enjoy my stories here.. Do comment and support me! TQ!


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vegazKpopWinneR #1
Chapter 2: Updateeeee
enough with the spy words please post it already!!