
I Love You

You were sitting on the couch, your tablet in your hands, reading quietly. Sandeul was sitting on the floor playing a video game, completely ignoring you for the last 45 minutes. You were feeling grumpy about this, because it wasn’t often that you got to see each other one on one, let alone, together in the dorm with the others gone. He didn’t usually ignore you, but today he said he needed to blow off some steam and wanted to play a game. You weren’t really interested in the game, so that’s when you began reading, getting lost in a world of fantasy.

“Yaaaaah… ____-aaaah. I’m bored!” Sandeul whined, finally turning off his game and turning to look at you. You don’t make any motion that you heard him though. Two can play this game. Besides, you were getting to the good part in your book! “Yah!” He tried again, looking up at you desperately. When you still didn’t meet his eyes, he pushed the button on your tablet, making the screen go blank. You looked at him with annoyance.

“Yah! What are you doing? I was reading!”

“But I’m bored. Let’s go eat!” You give him a look and turn the screen back on your tablet.

“No. I want to read. You were playing video games, so I want to read.” You snap back, justifying the situation.

“But I’m hungry and bored! Seriously, ____-ah! Let’s go do something.” A smirk comes to your face as you put down your tablet.

“Kai, bai, bo? You win, I’ll do what you want and pretend like you haven’t been ignoring me all afternoon.” He made a pouty face.

“I wasn’t ignoring you!” You hold up your hand to stop him from speaking more.

“If I win, I’m going to read my book, and you have to stay on the floor in the bowing position, with no complaints until I say I’m finished. Fair?” he jumps up, looking a bit frustrated.

“Fine! But I’m going to win and we’re going to go get something to eat.” You get to your feet and face him, pursing your lips. You were used to his little mental break down, but he was being particularly ornery today.

The first to round go off in a flash and you are already on your knees. Sandeul is laughing happily because it looks like he’s going to win. His mirth is cut short as you also bring him to his knees.

“Waaaaeee! How can this be happening! I don’t want to sit and wait for you to be done reading!”

“Maybe you shouldn’t have been ignoring me,” you say, bringing him to one hand on the ground. He also brings you to one hand on the ground. You are face to face, staring at each other and in one more turn, one will be the winner and the other the loser.

“I wasn’t ignoring you!” he cries out loudly, sitting up, looking a bit hurt and upset. You look at him, sitting up too. You fold your arms, glaring at him. Not ignoring me? Could have fooled me, you think to yourself. You break your glare and look at the ceiling, finding it more interesting than the fight you are having.

Suddenly you are tackled with such force that you are knocked onto your back. Sandeul is holding your head, straddled on your stomach. You’re completely surprised by the look on his face. He’s never looked at you like that before. Slowly he leans down and presses his lips against yours.

Sure, you’re kissed before; little, cute pecks on the cheeks or lips. He likes to kiss your forehead before you leave at night sometimes. But nothing passionate. Your relationship is still young and you’re taking it slow. Besides, with his busy schedule, it’s hard to take things more seriously when you hardly see him. But this kiss, this kiss was something more. It was sweet and deep and making your heart beat fast. Slowly he pulled away, looking you in the eyes.

“I love you, Jagiya.” He whispered softly, smiling a bit. “I’m sorry you thought I was ignoring you, but I was nervous. It’s one thing to sing those words in a song to millions of people, but to say it to somebody and really mean them; I wasn’t sure how to express myself. I’m sorry.” You look up at him a bit shocked, taking in his words. Slowly a smile comes to your face and suddenly feel emotional. You touch your lips, still feeling the sensation of his lips on yours.

“Sandeul-ah…” you manage out.

“I’ve been just thinking about it a lot. You’re always here for me when I need you. You deal with my busy schedule. You put up with my outbursts. That means a lot to me, Jagiya.” He wipes away the rogue tear that makes its way from your eye. He looks concerned now. “Why are you crying?” His voice has changed to something more strained; clearly worried he said something wrong.

“You don’t understand how happy this makes me.” You whimper out, smiling through your tears. He looks a bit relieved and smiles back. “I love you too, Sandeul-ah.” His smile widens for a moment before he leans down and kisses you again.

“Wah, I’m so happy, Jagiya!” He says, getting off you, so you can sit up. Once you sit up, you hug him close.

“Me too.” You say back. “I like that.”


“Jagiya.” He grins and nods.

“It does have a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?” He’s back to his usual goofy self. You poke his side and he laughs.

“Let’s go get food!” He cries suddenly. You laugh as he helps you to your feet.

“What do you want to eat?” You ask, knowing that his tastes varied day by day.

“Pizza!” he says, dragging you to the door.

“Hey wait! That’s expensive!” You cry as you pull on your shoes. He only laughs as he starts running down the hall. “Yah! Sanduel-ah!” You laugh, running after him.

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gongchan i mean! mianhae :)) hahaha
im still waiting for Shinwoo and Jinyoung's part >.<

my ultimatebiases in B1A4 :))

fighting author-nim~
DeullieSa34 #3
Chapter 2: Deullie soooo cute and swweet~~~~