
I Love You

It was a lovely day out. Not a cloud in the sky, pleasantly warm, with a slight breeze. You were lying out on your balcony, listening to some music and enjoying the weather. You had a couple days off from work and you planned on doing pretty much nothing because you were hoping to see your boyfriend, Jinyoung at some point. You wanted to be open and available because you knew his schedule was so hectic at times. It had only been a few months since you had started dating, but you had come to understand just how busy he could be. You did your best to not bother him and let him come to you because your job was a lot less demanding.

You were dozing off when your phone rang. You rolled over onto your stomach and picked up the phone. You rested your head on your arms and spoke in a sleepy voice.

“I was wondering when you would call.”

“We’re you sleeping in the middle of the day?” He asked, sounding a bit surprised.

“Nearly. I knew you were back in town so I took a couple days off. Just enjoying this fabulous weather.” You reply in a carefree voice.

“Ahh, you are lucky. I am on a break now but have more scheduling for today. But I wanted to ask if you were free tomorrow.” You lift your head, feeling a bit excited.

“I’m off. What did you have in mind?” He laughs a bit, noting the change in your voice.

“A date. But it’s a surprise. I have everything planned, Jagiya. All you have to do is show up.” Now you laughed.

“Is that really all?”

“Well, and how about wearing that light blue dress. The one with the little red and white flowers that makes your eyes look really nice.” You laugh at how bashful he sounds towards the end.

“Are you blushing, Oppa?” You say sweetly, knowing you were only making things worse.

“Y-yah…” he scolded halfheartedly.

“So, that dress. Any other requests, Oppa?”

“Ne. Meet me at two o’clock tomorrow. At the bench, under the big tree in the park. You know, where we met for the first time.” You couldn’t help the fluttering in your chest as he mentioned your first meeting place. You couldn’t believe that in his busy schedule he could be bothered to remember something so romantic and silly.

“Oppa…” He laughs softly on the other end on the line.

“Just say you’ll be there.”

“Ne, I’ll be there Oppa.” You couldn’t help how breathless you sounded. He had a way of doing that to you when you did hear from him. He was an incredible person with such a warm heart. It was no wonder he was so popular with his fans.

“Then I’ll see you tomorrow, Jagiya.”

“Ne!” You put down your phone and sat up, kicking your feet and shaking your fists. You were so excited for tomorrow now! How were you going to sleep? Sleep, there was no time! You had to get ready. Everything had to be perfect! You jumped up, grabbing your things and walked back into your apartment.


You sat on the bench that Jinyoung said he’d meet you at, wearing the dress you said you’d wear. You had taken extra time to do your hair and makeup and even spent some time and did your nails. You were feeling radiant and excited as you sat on the bench. But as time ticked on, that excitement began to slip away.

He’s only a few minutes late, you thought to yourself as you checked your phone. No message from him. He had to be on his way then. You closed your eyes to relax your nerves. You opened them when you heard footsteps walking toward you. Fixing a smile on your face, you opened your eyes… only to see a man texting on his phone walking passed you. You pursed your lips and looked at your phone again. Fifteen minutes late. That wasn’t like him. Worried, you texted him.

Where are you?

When you didn’t get a reply, you started to get mad. With a sigh, you got to your feet. Clearly he had something going on and didn’t have the courtesy to let you know he had to cancel. This too was very unlike Jinyoung. You shook your head, feeling worried and angry in a conflicted way. You dialed his number and put the phone to your ear. Voicemail.

“Yah! Jung Jinyoung! You could at least let me know that you’re not going to show up, pabo! I’m sitting in the park and it looks like it’s going to rain. I’m going home.” You said sternly into the receiver before hanging up. You couldn’t believe this.

“______-ah!” You heard from a distance. With a perplexed gaze, you turned around. Sure enough, Jinyoung, dressed handsomely in blue polo shirt and black skinny jeans was running towards you from across the park.

When he finally reached you he was breathless. His hair was matted with sweat and his shirt clung to his body.

“Mianhae!” He cries, sounding incredibly winded. He places his hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath. “Mianhae, ______-ah. I had to run all the way here… I was going to take a taxi… but there was a big traffic jam, so I ditched the taxi and ran.” You looked at him surprised. He ran? All the way here? He lived like a mile from this park, what was he thinking?

“Oppa? Why didn’t you pick up your phone? I called and texted you!” You chided, still pouting a bit. His hands went to his back pockets and he groans.

“Aish! I must have left it at home. Mianhae for missing your call.” His hands went to his hair and he groans again. You can’t help but feel bad for him. Gently, you pat his shoulder.

“It’s okay, Oppa. Just… Just ignore my voicemail.” You smile a bit, remembering the angry message you left for him. He smiles a bit too.

“I’ll delete it when I get back then.”

“Komawo, Oppa!” You are all smiles again.

“Shall we get on with our date then, Jagiya?” Jinyoung asks, offering his hand to you. You take his hand and nod.

“What are we doing, Oppa?”

“I was thinking –.” A rumble of thunder surrounds you both and you exchange startled expressions. Before he can finish his sentence, the clouds open in a downpour, soaking you both where you stand. “Run!” He yells over the sound of the rushing water, pulling you into a quick gait. You stumble a bit, but manage to keep up with his sudden movements.

Together, hand in hand, you run through the park until you reach a pavilion to shelter you from the rain. This time you’re both panting, trying to return your breathing to normal. This came as a sudden shock, that you can’t even be mad about it. It’s simply absurd. A giggle sneaks out of your lips and Jinyoung looks at you, confused. Your eyes meet and now you can’t help yourself. You cover your mouth as you laugh, the sound echoing around you both.

“What’s so funny?” He asks, sounding slightly annoyed.

“Oppa!” You choke out between giggles. “This is crazy!” You start wringing out your hair, smiling at him. “I mean, look at us! We’re soaked!” He raises a brow, running a hand through his wet hair, effectively slicking it back.

“It sure is crazy…” He mumbles, not nearly as amused as you were. With a sigh, you wrap your arms around him.

“Oppa. Our date isn’t ruined. In fact the rain seems to be letting up already. Let’s just give it a few minutes and see if it doesn’t stop.” He nods, tucking you under his arm and holding you close. You can’t help but smile and snuggle closer to him. Despite being wet, he’s still warm, which is always a comfort to you since he’s not around as often as you’d like.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, the rain stopped and the sun was shining again.

“It would rain just long enough to soak us.” Jinyoung grumbled, grabbing your hand. “Let’s go, Jagiya, we’re late.”

“Late? Late for what?” You ask, tilting your head slightly. Just what exactly did he have planned?

“Our reservation. Come on!” He looked a bit excited again and you couldn’t help but smile. He led you out of the park and down a couple city blocks before stopping in front of a very fancy restaurant. Your eyes widened.

“Yah! Jinyoung-ah! What are you doing bringing me somewhere so fancy!” You suddenly felt underdressed and disheveled from the rain. You ran your hands through your hair, trying to tame its frizziness from the rain. He laughed and you walked inside with him.

The inside was lavish and rich looking, and you definitely felt uncomfortable after your run through the rain. It had a very modern feel; navy blue and silver were on the walls with matching marble flooring and bizarre spherical light fixtures. Synthesized Traditional Korean music played overhead. It was like something you watched in movies; you never expected to be in a place like this. You waited near the door as Jinyoung walked up to the hostess. You couldn’t really hear him over the music, but based off the body language, you know things weren’t going how he had planned. He finally bowed after a few minutes and what looked like the manager coming out and turned to you looking quite defeated. He grabbed your hand and pulled you out the door.

“Damnit!” He yelled once you were both outside. “Fifteen minutes late and they gave up the table! I booked that two weeks in advanced! I even told them who I was! The manager could only apologize and state that policy was policy! Aish!” You let him rant for a moment before crashing into his back with a tight hug.

“Oppa. It’s okay. Let’s just go back to your dorm and buy some ramen on the way.” You shivered a bit. It was a nice day, but your clothes were still damp, chilling you. Jinyoung felt your shiver and turned to look at you.

“Are you cold?” He asked, his voice changing from anger to concern. You nodded, pouting cutely at him and he smiled, placing a kiss on your forehead. “Alright, you win. Let’s go back to the dorm. The members are out with a schedule today any way. We’ll get to spend some time together then.” He blushed a bit, but smiled happily. You jumped up and down a bit with excitement. Finally, some normalcy!

“I’ll hail a taxi, Oppa!” You pull from his arms and run to the curb, waving and smiling. You see a taxi coming in your lane and jump up and down a bit. But before you realize that the taxi isn’t slowing down, Jinyoung grabs you, pushing your face into his chest as a wave of murky, dirty, street water hits you both. You sputter and look up at Jinyoung in horror, dirty water dripping down his face.

“OPPA!” You yell, quickly wiping the dirty water from his face. “You didn’t have to do that!” He said nothing as he opened his eyes. He took a deep breath and shook his head.

“_______-ah, let’s just walk back to the dorm.” He managed out. You pouted and nodded, taking his hand and walking silently down the street. You silently walked into a convenience store near the dorm and grabbed several packs of ramen before you both continued on your journey home.

The dorm was silent when you walked in and you were thankful for that. You both took off your shoes and walked into the room, looking at each other.

“Oppa, you should wash up. I’ll start on the ramen.” You said with a smile, pushing him towards his room.

“Are you sure, you should wash up too… It’d be rude if I didn’t let you wash up first.”

“Oppa~” You whine, pushing him again towards his room. “Really, it’s fine. You’re the one who got the worst of the murky water. Just go.” He sighed and nodded, closing the door behind him. You let out a sigh of relief and walk to the kitchen to look for a pot. Once a pot was located, you filled it with water and put it on the stove to boil. You smiled happily as you went through the contents of the snacks you bought for your quiet time with Jinyoung when you heard the sound of voices outside the door. You tensed, your smile disappearing. Jinyoung had said that the other member would be out for the day! You sigh, walking into the living area of the dorm to greet the other members. This was certainly some day this was turning out to be…

“_____-ah! What are you doing here?” Shinwoo asked you as we walked into the dorm.

“I could ask the same to you guys. Oppa said you’d be out for the day with scheduling.” You can’t help the hint of a pout on your lips, making Shinwoo frown.

“Aigoo, we got out early. We’re interrupting aren’t we?” You manage a smile and shake your head.

“No, of course not. I’m just making some ramen.” Sandeul’s eyes widened and smiles widely.

“Can I have some, _______-ah? Please, please, please! I’m starving!” You can’t help but laugh a little, making you feel slightly better.

“Me too, Noona! Me too!” Gongchan exclaimed, cutely doing aeygo in hopes to receiving a meal. Your smile grew and you nodded.

“Of course. The water is probably boiling. Just give me a few moments.” You say, turning back into the kitchen to prepare the ramen. Like children, the boys filed into the kitchen and sat at the table, waiting for dinner. You finished up the ramen and started handing out bowls when you heard the exasperated sigh.

“Oh, come on! Really? You guys aren’t supposed to be home yet!” Jinyoung cried, looking crestfallen at s.

“Sorry, Hyung. Our schedules finished early…” Baro said through a mouthful, looking guilty. All the members looked guilty.

“I just don’t get it. This day was supposed to be perfect! But nothing, absolutely nothing has gone right!” He looked dejectedly at you. “I’m sorry, _______-ah. This was the worst date ever.” You watched him walk out of the room, leaving you holding a bowl of ramen for him, tears starting to fall down your cheeks. You heard the door click and a rush of panic hits you. Shinwoo was already on his feet and taking the bowl from your hands.

“Go talk to him.” He encourages, giving you a gentle push towards the door. You blink for a moment and then turn and dash out of the kitchen. You grab your shoes and run out the door to catch up with Jinyoung. By the time you get outside, he’s halfway down the block, head down, hands in his pockets. You run towards him.

“Oppa!” You yell, trying to get his attention. When he doesn’t turn around you try again. “Yah! Jinyoung-ah!” He stops, and a wave of relief hits you. When you reach him, you can hardly breathe. “Oppa…” You muster out. He looks at you for a moment and sighs.

“I’m really sorry, Jagiya. Everything was supposed to be perfect… I’m really sorry.” He apologized miserably. You look at him, confused.

“Oppa, it was one bad date. It’s not such a big deal. There will be others. I’m… I’m not going anywhere.” You state hesitantly, now worried that this was ending.

“It is a big deal, _______! How often do we get to go out? How often am I home and free to see you? Of course one bad date is a big deal! Because how many good dates have to happen to make it up to you? And when are these supposed to happen? Once next month? Maybe twice if we’re lucky? Every moment counts, _______.” You blink, clearly surprised by his answer. Everything had been so casual up until now, why was he being so deep and passionate?

“I don’t want to burden you, Jinyoung. I know our time is limited. But that’s why I make the most of it when we’re together, good and bad.” He grabbed you suddenly, looking into your eyes with such intensity that you couldn’t help but blush.

“You could never be a burden, ________-ah. Never in a million years.” He said fiercely. “I love you.” You look at him, shocked at his words. Before you could respond, he crashed his lips onto yours, tangling his fingers in your hair. Your hands clutched his shirt as you timidly returned the kiss.

Several minutes passed before he broke away, gasping for air. You both panted, staring at each other, the reality of what had happened hitting you both. Jinyoung had just said he loved you and kissed you passionately in the middle of sidewalk, where everyone could see you both. Really, he was such a romantic.

“I love you too, Jinyoung-ah.” The words slipped out as you were still high off his kiss. But you know it was true. The way your heart beat when he looked at you, the way he made you smile, the comforting feeling you got in his arms… You knew all too well that this man before you was the man you loved. His lips twisted into a smile as he comprehended your words. His lips met yours again briefly before he picked you up, spinning you around.

“I love you, Jagiya! You really are amazing!” He said putting you back down.

“Well, I do what I can.” You tease with a smirk. He laughs and slings his arm around you.

“Let’s go back, eat some ramen, and hog the television. What do you say?” You laugh and wrap an arm around his waist.

“Oppa, it sounds like a date.”

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gongchan i mean! mianhae :)) hahaha
im still waiting for Shinwoo and Jinyoung's part >.<

my ultimatebiases in B1A4 :))

fighting author-nim~
DeullieSa34 #3
Chapter 2: Deullie soooo cute and swweet~~~~