Day 1

Introducing Me



Bom feels ectastic. It is her first day to enter college life at Seoul University. With much hardwork she can finally get a scholarship in art major which is her passion. Not that her family is poor but because she is a top notch student at her highschool before. She’s slowly taking a step further to reach her dream.

After take a shower and getting prepare feeling ready to face this day, she walks downstairs to join breakfast with her family.

“Good morning everyone” Bom greets her parents and her brother

“Morning sweetie,sit down the breakfast is ready” Her mom preparing the breakfast and put some bacons and eggs on Bom’s plate.

“First day in college honey,you ready?” Her dad asks her

“Sure, i think it will be alright, since Dara also has the same major with me i won’t be so lonely then.”

True, Dara has been Bom’s friend since junior high, those two are inspearable. Park sisters is what their friends call them. Both of them get the shcolarship only Bom in music while Dara in theatre.

“Well then Dara will pick you up?”

“No ,i’ll take the bus as usual since she is with her cousin,remember Chaerin dad?”

“Ahhh the girl that always had a cat fight with your brother,isn’t she? They always argue whenever they met.”

“No we’re not. She’s the one who mocked me first,saying that i’m always talking too much being useless and else.” Bom’s little brother, Seungri ,retort.

But that’s the fact though between Seungri and Chaerin there will be no peace. They’re always fight like there’s no tomorrow or they thought so.

Bom rolls her eyes, ”Oh c’mon Seungri you’re the one putting frog in her bag last day. She was frantic and swear to flesh your bones once she meets you, which is gonna be today right? Since you have your dance class with her this evening. Anyway gotta go now or i’m gonna be late, bye everyone.”

Bom bid goodbye to her parents, leaving Seungri mouth hanging with pale face and muttering something about runaway outside the town.




She walks down the road toward the terminal where she will wait for the bus. It has been her routine since highschool, taking bus to the school and now college. Despite her driving skills she still prefer taking bus, for some reasons. It’s saving up the gas for her car,she enjoys the view from the bus,  but there is one very good reason for her, she can see him.


Who is he? Well that qusetion been lingering in Bom’s thought for nearly a month. He is always there at the coffeeshop down the road on the left side of the traffic light and when Bom sees him from the bus, he’s either rearranging the chair outside or cleaning the door’s cafe.


If Bom lucky, she can get a glimpse on his face but another day he’s facing the door or being inside the cafe. Sometimes he’s using a glasses which somehow makes him looks smarter and sharp but still he can’t hide his god-face looks.


Bom finds this guy interesting, she’s just can’t help but oogling at his adonis face, his perfect jaw ,his perfect feature and more interestingly his white-silver hair that shining because of the sunrays.

Her first impression was this guy has a face of natural gangster but also a gentleman looking that’s why Bom attracts to him.


She’ve tried to visited the cafe after school but no luck because she couldn’t find him anywhere so she thought he’s only get the morning shift since her school end at the evening.


But in weekend when Bom visited the cafe early in the morning the guy was nowhere to be seen. Sure she can asks the other workers about the guy but she has no courage to face him if they really meet facing eachother.

So here the story goes,with her morning routine she always looks upon to see him from the bus.


But today, ladyluck isn’t at her side. When the bus stop at the traffic she looks to her left through the window and finds no one. Not that guy even the cafe looks dark, she sigh thinking maybe the cafe is close.

When the light turns to green the bus starts to go, she looks to the pathway next to the road and she blinks her eyes in surprise.


That’s him,the guy is riding a bike on the pathway alongside the bus,although he is covered up with many layers,she still can see his silver’s hair shining.

He’s putting a headphone and carry a bag seems like a college student also,Bom widened her eyes cannot believing what she sees. After a month this is the first time she sees outside the coffeeshop and more riding a bike alongside with her bus.

Oh well ladyluck still loves her then.


She watches him,he is definitely not aware being stared his head still facing the road and nodding it slightly while his mouth moving like he is singing along to the song he hears.

With her campus nearing, the bus moves faster leaving him behind and she can sees he takes turn to the left heading toward an alley.



She get off from the bus when she hears someone calls her name


She turns her back and saw Dara with Chaerin, she flashes them a bright smile, a very bright one probably.

“Morning Dara and hello Chaerin.”

“Aigoo what’s up with that bright smile eh? So happy for first day college?” Dara asks her

“Nothing particular though,i’m just so happy this morning.”

“Good morning Bom unnie,how are you?”

“I’m perfectly good Chaerin-ah,why are you here though? You’re not going to school?”

“Well there’s a science fair in the campus today and i thought to have it look since the school is off today.”

“Oooh but you attend the dance class this evevning right? with Seungri?”

“Yes and oh i can’t wait to meet him,i have a special gift to him regarding the event yesterday and i’ll make sure he enjoys every little thing. He’s so done today.” Chaerin said that smiling evilly.





Author's note :

First chapter done!

how'd you guys like it? ^^

oh and please tell me if you're not comfortable with the font,i'll change it :)

thank you for reading guys and have a good day!


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iNyLmYa #1
i hope you gonna update this story....
angelin #2
Chapter 2: please updateeeee
angelin #3
Chapter 2: Waaaaahhhh.... Sooo goood.... I want moreeeee :-)
Chapter 2: Update!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: I'm starting to love it just like your first story Author-nim ^~^ Can't wait until they both meet each other kkk. guess, TOP is studying in the same college as Bom. Thank you for writing a new TOPBOM story Author-nim <3