Onew's P.O.V


Out of sight out of mind.
Onew wondered if what they say was true. Could someone really forget about a person when they are away from them? He hoped not. He really, really hoped that it was a lie but a part of him wanted it to be true too. He wanted to forget. He wanted to put 'him' out of his mind, he wanted to forget everything about him. At the same time though, just thinking about 'him' forgetting everything about Onew was too heartbreaking, too hurtful.

He sat at the far corner of the park under a large cherry tree, with a packet of bread on his hands. Every now and then he would break off little pieces of the bread and feed it to the baby ducks on the pond in front of him. Though his eyes were trained on the bluish-green ripples on the pond surface, his mind was elsewhere.

He was thinking about Taemin once again. the same Taemin who betrayed his trust as if it wasn't worth anything, as if their relationship meant nothing, as if Onew meant nothing. Maybe it was the truth. Maybe from the very beginning, this whole thing was nothing better than child's play to the youngest. He probably though it was fun to make the school nerd fall for him. Being the naive Onew was, he fell for it and served his heart and dignity on a platter for Taemin to rip it apart and step on the bloody mess. He had to reap what he sowed, unlimited heartache and humiliation.

To say that Taemin was an unwanted intruder in his life would be the understatement of the century. Onew neither wanted nor needed association with such a character, or any character to be honest. After getting betrayed and backstabbed by one person after another in his life, throughout his whole childhood, he knew better than to trust anyone and definitely someone like Taemin. Someone so aloof and free-spirited as the younger could never be trusted, he knew that. He knew that all too well.

Out of all the relatives he had been handed away to, Minho's family was by far the best and after Minho moved away and offered Onew a room at his place, Onew agreed. It wasn't because he liked his cousin's company or just him as a person but because he didn't want to be handed down to yet another relative. Even though Onew hated Minho's life styles and all the parties and one night stands, it was actually not that bad. As long as he kept out of Minho and his gang's path, he had a fairly quiet and pleasant life.

He didn't even remember why he went into Minho's room that ill-fated day, but he did and walked right into one of Minho's 'one-night stands!'. He though he almost went blind when he first laid his eyes on the two almost figures joined at their lips. It was horrifying. Had he known that his cousin had company he never would have stepped into the hell hole.

He still remembered everything about their first encounter vividly. He remembered stuttering out one thing or the other before he willed his legs to hurry out if the room and just gouge his eyes out or clean them with mild sulfuric acid but luck was not on his side that day. he tripped on thin air and landed on his face. Minho being Minho dozed off and Taemin was there to help him up, a very half Taemin who made Onew blush like crazy. Throughout the whole time the younger was tending to his wounds, Onew kept his eyes downwards. He just could not meet the other's eyes. Taemin's touches were playing havoc with his mind and he didn't even know the feeling that was churning inside him. It was all too alien for him and he bolted as soon as Taemin was done with his wounds.
He really wished that he hadn't walked into Minho's room that day. If he didn't he wouldn't meet Lee Taemin and wouldn't have to go through all the hurt and sadness. He really wished he hadn't met the guy.

Liar. His inner voice chided himself. No matter how many times he denied it, he actually didn't regret meeting Taemin, he just couldn't. Though at first he avoided the guy's advances, when he fell, he had truly fallen for the guy and no matter what, and his love for the younger would never change. True that his love had turned into hatred now, but still.

He still remembered his he always ignored Taemin's presence whenever the younger followed him around or stalked him to the library or his favourite cafe. he wondered if the other remembered all those sweet moments they shared with each other, albeit unwillingly from his part, bug they were wonderful memories nonetheless. Did he still remember their song? Did he still listen to it? Probably not. Taemin probably wouldn't even acknowledge him if the two accidentally met on the street. He probably wanted to have nothing to do with Onew in his life, why else would he have ran away like that? Why else would he have left Onew without even explaining properly? The times they spent together probably meant nothing to him.

Onew felt like a spineless idiot for still remembering every details of their first hand-holding, their first kiss, their first everything. He still had dreams about doing all those things with Taemin once again and when be woke up he would feel like killing himself for feeling like so for a betrayer.

Their first kiss was an impromptu one. Taemin had attacked him in that cafe he liked so much and almost rook him in front of everyone. The ferocity that was in his kiss had scared him so much that for weeks he just could not let himself meet the younger.
But when he saw the slight figure of Taemin, singing to his door, his heart melted and dot hinge his better judgement he embraced the other and finally let him inside the walls he had created around him.

That night, to the rhythm of their song, they became one and for that moment in time, O ew felt as if that happiness he was feeling would never go away. He was so blinded by that useless feeling called love that he didn't even consider that Taemin's obsession with him could vanish as quick as his obsession with Minho had gone. Like a fool he gave his everything to Taemin just to be returned each and everything, broken and shattered.

He also remembered that moment in time, when once again he was crushed to pieces and unlike all the other times, he had no one to blame but himself.
'We're over.'
Simple words, but enough to tilt Onew's world upside down. no matter how many times he asked the reason why or tried to read Taemin's face, nothing! Taemin gave nothing away. His eyes were glittering with excitement and Onew couldn't work out why.

Taemin didn't even bother to tell him about his scholarship or that he was going out of Korea. When he heard that small fact from Minho, it finally slapped him across his face.
It really was over between them. He had been used for Taemin's fun and was discarded like a used tissue paper. Like always, the joke was on him.

He could not stay there anymore, anything and everything was a reminder of Taemin and he was getting suffocated. So one day he just left without telling anyone anything. For the brief period that he had been put into an orphanage, he had made a few friends and one of them, Key , took him in. No questions were asked, for which Onew will forever be grateful and a part time job at the orphanage was organised which kept his mind off his past. Even so, he could not help but remember all the memories he once shared with a certain Lee Taemin and could not help but listen to their song and shed a tear or two.

He didn't blame Taemin to be honest. He had known since childhood that he was not someone who was to be loved. However with Taemin, his wistful mind had hoped that maybe his fate had changed and that maybe he too could be loved by someone. He was wrong. He was Onew, how could anyone love him?
He wiped his tears with the back of his jacket sleeve and sadly smiled down at the ducks, tearing small pieces, he started feeding them, fresh tears still rolling down his cheeks.


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I've read this a couple times and the fic always manages to get my emotions roaring. Such a nice short fic.
Daisyflor #2
Chapter 1: That ending had me like TT
Chapter 2: *cires* wae????? omg I'm like so sad now. :( I hope Taemin goes back to Korea and finds Onew and after a fight of "why did you leave me?" they get back together...yep i'll daydream they get back together one day so i wont be sad.
It was written really well, I felt both their pain so much my heart hurts too, so DubuIsLove you have to hug me and make me feel better *waits for hug*
Chapter 2: T__________T you broke my heart D: this was so sad omg!

Taemin did a really big mistake and now is suffering the consequences but I cried with onew's pov all those feelings thinking that nobody will love him ;___; oh gosh baby let me hug you

I love this!!! so sad but so well done :3
Chapter 1: its so different from your other works, but still just as beautifully written. Even though its sad and heartbreaking, you still manage to keep your sweet touch. As always, loved it <3
Chapter 1: so sad! u broke ontae!!111
Chapter 1: its so good
why dont you make the story that from jinki POV
that would be great..