breathing in each moment


"Because you are alive, everything is possible. "

- Thich Nhat Hanh


Shim Changmin lives his life in a practical manner, of blacks and whites. Im Yoona splatters color onto his canvas of life. 



Omg, guys I have made it to the fourth subround of The Sky is the Limit. That's so impressive, I'm so surprised. Literally, guys, this is amazing. I had no free pass, so I made it from beginning to the end. And I'm so humbled to be able to get this far. The writers in this contest are amazing, and to be able to be one of the few finalists, that's saying a lot, a lot, a lot. Anyways, anyways, for the last round, I wanted to do something that was totes Alissa. I wanted to write a hint of angst, a dash of romance and most of all, the inspiration to live a little longer, to be influential. If anyone knows me somewhat well, I have problems with staying and being happy. There's more than enough days where I want to give up and throw away a precious life. We all suffer, we all hurt, and we all have our bad days, but it's all part of life.

And we all deal with it differently. I'm always discouraged to write online, I'm always discouraged and broken hearted when I get back my essays in AP English. And sometimes, it's a struggle to get back into this writing game. I'm not popular, I'm not an amazing writer compared to others, darling, I barely get love in my stories, but I haven't given up yet. Okay, sort of. After taking a long hiatus from writing stories, I've realized that this is my outlet. It's something I love, it's something that I enjoy to do. It's one of the few things that make me happy nowadays. Writing, knowing that maybe my words could change a life, that's enough for me. Honestly, writing is something I love. Like I said before, I get discouraged a lot, I get disappointed and broken hearted when it comes to it, but in the end, it's something I love, whether it be in stories or giving advice, it's writing. Writing is good enough for me. And maybe my writing isn't like everyone else, but that's okay. I'm here to write, not be a robot. That's okay too.

So really, I hope you all enjoy this one shot and that it's worthwhile and I should probably dedicate this to someone, but I won't because then there's expectations so yeah. Love you all, have fun reading! Much love to the readers, much love. 


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Chapter 1: Aww moral story love it !!! First yoona help him then he help her so good
Chapter 1: Just lovely. I've been having the same outlook on life: that there is always tomorrow, that it's worth every minute being here. That last line just made me impossibly happy/smiley in that kind of content way. (plus it's changyoon sobs flawless pair is flawless)
You are an excellent writer. And even if you might not believe that, I'm glad that you're doing what you love for yourself, for that's what matters most.
You so flawless gurl ♥ ;-;
I always like fics that you can learn a valuable lesson from. Moreover, it's ChangYoon so HURRAY! :D
Chapter 1: Awwww I really love the moral of the story (:
changyoon! I wanna read this!
you're on a roll, huh? xD