Chapter Nineteen

Born to Love Only You (semi-hiatus)

Bom arose to silence, no there to wake her up and help her take every step, even though she did miss her dear best friend Daesung. What was he up to? She hoped he was doing well. She searched through some boxes and found some clothes to change into after a nice hot shower.

“Man I’m sick of these clothes. I need to get me some new ones,” Top grumbled as he looked through his clothing. “How am I supposed to go to work in these,” he spoke in disgust.

GD shook his head, “Don’t worry it’s only work. You’re not going to a fashion show.”

He sighed, “No this just won’t do, I’mma go to my apartment and get some more clothes.”

“You barely have enough room for the clothes you have,” GD glanced at the overstuffed drawers and closet.

“Whatever man, I’ll be back in a lil,” Top nodded as he left.

Taeyang sat starring at the fire burning in the fireplace. How he longed to feel that warmth when deep down he felt cold inside, empty without her.

“Hey what’s up,” Minzy cut in as she sat next to him.

“Nothing, just thinking,” Taeyang grinned at her before looking back at the fire.

“Thinking about who,” she asked.

“What do you mean thinking about who,” Taeyang tried to hide as he jokingly chuckled.

Minzy gave him the eye as she came closer making him feel uneasy and slowly backed away, “I know that look a little too well. Who are you thinking about?”

He sighed as he continued to stare into the fire, “Minzy have you ever been in love?”

She was silent for a moment as she too was staring into the fire, “Y…yeah I have why?”

Taeyang looked at her in shock, “You have?! Does your brother know about it?”

Minzy elbowed him in the gut, “Eeww…you always have to ruin things by mentioning him. No way, he’s the last one that will ever know.”

Taeyang stopped questioning when he saw the sad longing look that he too must have on his face, “Well what do we do about this? Should I give her up? I mean I don’t even know where she is.”

“Well I know exactly where he is and he knows where I am. But we can’t do anything about it. It being in love with someone when you can’t be with them,” Minzy spoke feeling a little disheartened at the thought of him.

Taeyang gave his poor love sick cousin an embrace, “Yes it does.”

Bom let the hot water massage her back as she thought of how crazy things had been in such a short time. But more importantly she couldn’t help to think of how crazy she was to have fallen so deeply for someone she had only been with for weeks or was it even weeks. She shook off the thoughts as she continued to let the warmth of the water relax her muscles from the previous day’s hard work of moving boxes.

Top entered the apartment and noticed boxes all over the ground and felt a little hurt that his parents were already trying to move all of his belongings out. But he brushed off the thought knowing that he had to get some clothes and go so that he wouldn’t be late to his first day of work.

As he opened the door to his bedroom, his eyes widened to see purple Barney sheets covering his bed.

“What…is…this…” Top mumbled as he pulled off the disgusting sheets off of his bed. He didn’t understand what was going on, but he was definitely going to be late if he didn’t grab some clothes and go. Looking at his watch, he breathed a cuss word as he rushed over
to his closet and grabbed a few items and rushed out.

Feeling content and soothed by her nice shower, Bom wrapped a towel onto herself as she walked out and into the bedroom. Before she knew it she had run right into what felt like a wall.

“What the…” Bom began before she realized that the wall was actually a person.

Top froze in place as he was holding onto a freshly cleaned beauty in his arms.

For a split second, their eyes met and it felt as if they were frozen in time. But that only lasted a moment when Bom realized that she was only in a towel.

“AHHHH,” she screamed.

Her scream broke his trance and he too realized that she was almost . “AHHH,” he also screamed.

Noticing that he was still holding onto her, she broke out of his hold as Bom continued to scream, “YA! You ert! Get out! Get out!”

She reached for whatever she could and began flinging them at Top.

“HEY! HEY,” Top tried to shout back, but her aim was so good that he couldn’t get a word in and all he could do was run out.

Bom chased him out of the room and out of the apartment, “Get out!”

Top bobbed and weaved every item being thrown at him, “I’m going! I’m going!”

Top didn’t stop his momentum as he jumped into the car and hit the gas in disbelief at what had just happened.

Bom leaned up against the door as she fanned herself from the crazed event that had just happened. She pouted as she looked down at herself, “How much did he see?”

Taeyang walked through the school doors to be stopped by someone blocking his way. He looked up to see a smiling familiar face.

“Hi Taeyang,” she smiled.

He offered a similar friendly smile, “Hey what’s up…”

“Dara,” she giggled noticing he was struggling to remember her name.

“Oh that’s right, hey Dara what’s up,” he nodded.

“It was nice running into you the other day,” Dara tried to start a conversation.

Taeyang sighed at the memory of what happened, “Oh about that, I apologize she can be a little pain sometimes.”

“No worries, who was she? I don’t think she goes here,” Dara asked.

“Oh her name is Minzy. She’s very special to me,” Taeyang began.

Dara nodded as she watched his face light up as he talked about this so called Minzy girl. “Well that’s umm sweet…” Dara tried to say without giving away any hint that she was jealous. “Taeyang I was wondering if you wanted to go out for some coffee or something. I mean, I think we have a class together and I was wondering if we can work together to make sure we pass.”

“Hmm…okay good idea. Sounds like a date. I mean, sounds like a good idea. I’ve been preoccupied with a lot of things lately…”

“Really? With what,” Dara cut in.

“Well just some stuff, nothing big,” he grinned as he continued, “But it would be good if I had a study buddy to help me stay focused.”

“I am a great study buddy,” Dara spoke with so much confidence in her abilities.

He chuckled at her confidence that made her look really cute, “That’s perfect! Sounds like I have a new partner in crime.”

Dara smiled as her heart began to pound as he referred her to his partner and especially since he used crime. It felt a little like they had a mysterious relationship. But before she could let her mind wonder she extended her hand to him, “You have yourself a deal, partner.”

Top burst through the door, nearly giving GD a heart attack.

“HOLY…” GD shouted as he looked towards the front door. GD paused as he saw his friend turning white. Seeing that Top looked as if he was going to collapse, he rushed over to catch him, “Dude what happened? Are you okay?”

Still in a little shock at the previous incident all he could do was look at GD wide eyed. He could feel his hands were shaking a little and he looked down. But he was brought to as he realized what time it was as he glanced at his watch, “I’m gonna be late!”

Before GD could stop him, Top was out the door, “What…just happened?” Feeling concerned for his friend he called CL. “Hey…”

Bom jumped as the phone rang, but ran over to answer it, “Hello?”

“Good morning Bom, how was your first night alone,” Mr. Choi asked.

“It was great, thank you.”

“That’s good, well my dear are you ready for your first day of work?”

She was grateful that he didn’t ask her how her morning was and grew excited at his question, “My first day of work is today?! When? Where…”

He chuckled at her enthusiasm, “Calm down Bom, breath.”

Bom paused as she realized she was rambling, “Oh I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine. I like the energy. Well my dear I would actually like you to help me here at home. Do you think you could come as soon as you can?”

“I would love to, but…” her voice trailed off.

“But what?”

“Well is there someone that could possibly come and pick me up. I don’t have a car, in fact I don’t know how to drive,” Bom honestly said.

“Hmm…I see, well I can send my driver to come by and pick you up in 2 hours. Is that enough time for you to get ready?”

“That’s plenty, thank you.”

“You’re welcome, I’ll talk to you soon.”

Dara watched and waited as she watched Taeyang and Seungri walking out and towards the parking lot. She gave them enough room so they wouldn’t suspect anything before she quickened her pace. She pushed past Seungri and went tumbling to the ground,

“Ahhh,” she squealed as she flung her books in the air to catch herself from falling.

But before she could hit the ground, Seungri caught a hold of her. Meanwhile Taeyang paused and began to pick up her things.

Dara sighed as she realized it was Seungri who had caught her and pushed out of his hold, “Oh…thanks.”

Seungri could hear the disappointment in her voice and coughed a laugh, “I should’ve just let you fall on your face.”

Taeyang nudged him in the gut as he handed Dara her books, “Are you okay?”

Dara pushed past Seungri to close the distance between her and Taeyang, “Why thank you so so much. I’m fine. I’m fine, but I’m so embarrassed.”

“Yeah you should be…” Seungri mumbled under his breath a little offended that she was thanking the wrong person, when he was the one who had caught her.

“What was that,” Dara faked a smile towards him.

Seungri shook his head and gave her a fake smile, “Nothing.” He then looked to Taeyang, “You ready?”

Dara looked to Taeyang in panick, “Where are you going?!”

“Well we were going to go grab a bite to eat because I’m starving,” Taeyang said as he patted his stomach.

“Let me buy you something to eat. It’s the least I could do for your kindness,” Dara offered to Taeyang.

“Umm I distinctly remembered it was me who caught you,” Seungri but in.

“Well I’ll buy something for both of you to eat of course,” Dara answered as she still stood looking at Taeyang for an answer.

“I don’t know…it’s fine really Dara,” Taeyang said.

“What? Are you out of your mind to decline a free meal,” Seungri blurted.

Dara nodded her head to agree, “Yeah, how can you deny a free meal and your partner in crime?”

“Partner in crime? I think you’re referring to me,” Seungri said as he stood shoulder to shoulder to Taeyang.

“Well whatever, do you guys want a free treat or what,” Dara glared at Seungri.

Taeyang sighed as he gave in, “Fine. Let’s go.”

Dara and Seungri clapped their hands in excitement, making Taeyang laugh at their child like expressions.

Bom took a deep breath before entering, “Hello sir.”

“Bom you’re here. Wow and so professional looking. Very good! Well you can follow me I want you to work on some files for me,” Mr.
Choi began to walk her into the hallway. “This is my home office,” he said as he opened a room. It was a decent sized office with a little homey touch to it.

As Bom entered she couldn’t help to look around and her attention was drawn to a portrait hanging on the wall. She recognized the first face and felt her face becoming warm, “And who is that? Is she your daughter?”

“Oh yes that is! She’s been out of town visiting family. Now if you could come over here so I can show you what I need you to do.”

She nodded as she quickly walked over to him, “Oh yes, sorry.”

“Well I’m going to need you to organize all these files,” Mr. Choi began.

After he had left her to herself she plopped down onto his chair as she starred at all the files, “Where to begin…” her gaze shifted over to the portrait again and she couldn’t help but blush, “Great, now he can see me working as well. What’s next?”

Top couldn’t focus during the training as he kept thinking about Bom. How could he be so stupid and not hear her in the bathroom?
How could he not piece it together that there was actually someone living in the apartment?

“Excuse me, are you alright,” Se7en asked

Top waved off the concern, “No I’m fine. Just keep going.”

Se7en nodded as he continued to give Top his tour.

Luckily Top was able to be distracted with counting out the pieces of chicken in every bucket. He was able to make it through his first day, but he couldn’t give himself time to think knowing exactly what he would start thinking about again.

“Have a good night,” Top waved at his new groupie of fans.

They all waved and giggled as he smiled back at them.

As he was walking towards the car someone called after him, “Hey you!”

Top looked to see CL waving at him, “Hey what are you doing here?”

“I’ve come to take you out to celebrate your first day of work,” CL waved for him to get in.

“But what about the car,” Top asked.

“Don’t worry about that. We can come get it later. Don’t you want to go out and take your mind off of the stress I know you must’ve felt on your first day?”

He nodded, “True…I do need to take my mind off of…things.” He hopped into her car in hopes that CL could take his mind off of her.

Author's Notes:
My ideas are forever changing, I seem to write according to how I'm feeling and well... only time and moods will tell where I'll take this haha. And I'm seeing the time is coming for the interesting drama. Thanks for reading! <3         

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Chapter 25: Update Update please :)
ohayou87 #2
Chapter 25: Give me the drama and Bombae
Chapter 25: About time! I need the drama!

And I KNEW it! Minzy and TOP are siblings which would make Taeyang their cousin which makes the Bom situation all the more complicated. Can'f wait for Taeyang to get to Cali.
Chapter 24: I'm excited for Minzy to go back home so we can see what happens there.

But I miss my BomBae interactions!!!! :(
ohayou87 #5
Chapter 23: Hoepfully we will see some bombae soon! I like that your taking you time seems more real. I'm sorry but Dara needs to stop inviting herself to things and she barely knos bae so she shouldn't get ahead of herself
Chapter 23: Is this even a BomBae story anymore? Lol
Chapter 21: I have to say that Dara is annyonging me in the story...LOL..sorry Dara..i love you and all but i guess i don't like the fact that she just "invites" herself to their gatherings...LOL..I do want bom and taeyang to get back together so top and cl can be together since it seems like cl really does love him...i also want to know more about GD....i want to know about his past too...
Chapter 20: i really bom to end up with taeyang.. I'm rooting for bombae!! taeyang, please search for bom. and dara.. haish.. I'm praying that taeyang wont fall for her..i lore darayang but this time, I want to see taeyang end up together with bom. they deserve to be together..bombae fighting!!
ohayou87 #9
Chapter 20: I thought this story was gone! Im glad I found it again. Hopefully everything works out considering the fact they both have someone. I hope bom and Top talk it out and he will find it she loves Taeyang and happilu ever after. I also don't trust Dara.