Falling For Him

She's Not Yours

"I think I read my watch wrongly. Why did I came an hour early. Aigoo" You complaint yourself. You went to the office and ask for directions to your class. On the way to your class, you passed by the park and sat on the bench before going to class since its still early. Wind starts to blew on your face and it felt very peaceful. Time passed by and you didn't even realized that you sat there for half an hour already. "It's nice here, isn't it?" A voice suddenly heard. You turned your head but you were still shock because of the sudden voice. He sat next to you and gave you a sweet smile. You were speechless and your eyes can't even blink because you were still amazed with his amazing smile 'His smile is so sweet'  You thought. "I'm Seung Hyun by the way. I'm a senior in this school. You're a junior here, right?" You just nodded. "What's your name?" He asked. "I'm _____" You answered him.  "Come on. Let me send you to class." He suddenly grabbed your hand and lead you to your class.

He didn't let go of your hand until you both reached to your class. "T-Thank Y-you for sending me" You bowed politely to him. He gave you that sweet smile of his again and rubbed your hair. "Ne~ You're welcome" he responded and left. You lift your head and stood there, touched your hair and saw him left. 'W-Why did he do that? He..... held my hand and rubbed my hair?'  You still couldn't believe it. You sat down at your table and waited for everyone else to come and it's about 15 minutes left until class begins. When class started, you can't even focus on your studies and kept thinking about Seung Hyun. 'His warm hand... His sweet smile... His soft hand rubbing my hair...' You kept thinking and thinking and thinking about him.

It was recess and you came out from your class on your way to the canteen. You walked alone and suddenly bumped into Seung Hyun. "Oh? So, we meet again?" He smiled to you. You smiled back to him. "Seung Ri ahh, this is _____. She's our junior. I met her on my way to class this morning" He introduced you to Seung Ri. "Annyeong!" Seung Ri waved to you and gave a cute smile. You blushed and look down. "Why don't you eat with us. Come." Seung Hyun grabbed your hand again and Seung Ri didn't mind at all, you eating with them. 

You felt awkward when sitting down beside Seung Hyun and his gang. All eyes were on you especially the senior girls. You're a junior and it's just the first day of school and you're already sitting next to Seung Hyun of course the senior girls are like that. "Guys, I gotta go first. Got something to do." Jiyong suddenly came and he didn't even noticed you. His arm was on his girlfriend's shoulder. He didn't even looked at you. But you didn't care. "Okay. See you later then." Daesung responded Jiyong and he left. "That's Jiyong. He's always like that. But we don't really know what is he's doing actually. And the girl next to him is his girlfriend" Seung Hyun explained. Your mouth was full so you just nodded. "There's a bit of....." Seung Hyun saw a bit of crumbs and wiped your mouth. "Aigoo. Seung Hyun ahh, stop being so sweet. I'm jealous" Taeyang and Seung Hyun just laughed.

Recess ended and you wanted to go to the washroom and suddenly bumped into Jiyong. He was alone passing by you and he suddenly eye contact with you. You didn't know what else to do except smiled at him. He was a bit shock that you suddenly smiled. He grabbed your arm and asked "Do I know you?" "I don't know if you know me, but I know you. Seung Hyun oppa told me your name is Jiyong and you're always busy with things." You answered him. "Mworagu? Seung Hyun? How do you know him?" "He first met me when I was at the school park admiring the view. And he even asked me to eat with him on recess just now." "Why didn't I noticed you then?" Jiyong asked again. "Maybe you're busy and didn't even bother to notice me sitting next to Seung Hyun oppa." You ended your statement with a smile. You saw his expression changed when you smiled at him as if he was holding himself from blushing. 

"Hmmm Jiyong oppa is cute. And his hand was as warm as Seung Hyun oppa's." You talked with your own reflection as you were busy tying up your hair. "Yah! Did you just talked about my Jiyong oppa?" A girl suddenly came to you and pushed you against the wall. "Your Jiyong oppa?" you paused for awhile and thought 'I think she's Jiyong oppa's girlfreind.' "Yes! My Jiyong! You held his hand?!" She was pissed when she heard you said Jiyong's hand was warm. "No. He grabbed my hand." You tried to explain. She was getting more angry when you answered her. So she grabbed you so you'd not run away. She splashed you with water and you were all soaked up. She was so angry that she can't hold her anger. She left you there still full of anger. You were shivering because of that cold water.

You walked along the corridor, still shivering and you forgot that Seung Hyun's class was there. You heard tables in some classroom that was doing the "squeeky" sound but ignored it. It was actually Seung Hyun pushing whatever table that was in his way. "Yah! ____ ahh!" He went in front of you holding both of your shoulders. "What happened to you?" He asked. You didn't want to answer because you were afraid to tell him about Jiyong's girlfriend. And what made everything mor harder, Jiyong came out too. "OMO! kwencahana?" Jiyong asked you. You still didn't answer both. Seung Hyun quickly piggy backed you to the nurse. Jiyong saw you both and his expression changed. He let both of you leave and he rubbed his hair roughly. "Eish!" He kicked the wall. Without realizing, Jiyong's girlfriend was watching his reaction all along. She started to cry and left.

"Are you okay now?" Seung Hyun asked you. You were still wiping your hair with the dry towel. When you removed the towel from your face to answer his question, his face was so close to you and your whole body froze. He stared into your eyes as if he was going to kiss you but instead he took something out from your hair. "There was this on your hair." He said. "Oh. Thanks. I'm okay now. Thanks, oppa." You responded. He rubbed your hair for the second time and said, "Good to hear that" and smiled. Once again, you blushed and you can see him giggling a bit because seeing you responded like that.


Oh? Is Jiyong oppa jealous or he's just worried abouy you? And how cruel can her girlfriend be? Aigoo. Let's read more, shall we? ^^

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