Keep Calm and Find Key


This is what happens when Minho returns back to the dorm after leaving Idol Star Athletics Championship for the hospital.


Description above sums this oneshot all up. ^^

Author's Note: I always wanted to write about Minho's competitiveness and Kibum's reaction to it but the fact that it has been written so beautifully by other wonderful authors out there stopped me. So I managed to forget about it until I recently watched Minho on Running Man and it got me itching to write all over again but I didn't have the time (since i'm working on An Ambiguous Affair)... but then came Minho @ ISC, plus all the fan accounts just had my mind spinning non stop. which is what led to this. I'm truly afraid I may have written something similar to the works of other authors but I can vouch that any similarities are purely coincidental. this is my own take on minkey's relationship and i do hope you awesome readers will enjoy the story that you're about to read. keep in mind that i'm not at all happy that the inspiration to this story was Minho having to make a trip to the hospital but i'm looking at the bright side and praying that he's alright. :)


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Chapter 1: Reading your minkey stories in one go is really not healthy for me. Even i read them for the 2nd or 3rd times, they still give me butterflies. I cannot brain all the fluffiness. 🥰😍😘
Chapter 1: I LOVE YOU!!! :D seriously you and your beautiful stories they never fail to me squeal from happiness! <3
kim_park #3
Chapter 1: kibum surely know how to handle his grumpy boyfriend very well..hahaha..
the understanding kibum just for i right dear?hhe
anyway..happy to finnaly can read ur fic again after a very long and busy days..^^
Chapter 1: Waaaa.... Jinja, this story so cute.... I like how key tried to cheer minho... Nice story... ^^
OMG this is exactly what i was talking about on FB the other day. Key nagging at Hoho XD haha glad you wrote it!
kawaling #6
Chapter 1: Glad you chose to write your own version!!
Of course Key would nag Minho about his injury...
Let's just hope it's nothing serious and he recovers before the comeback!!
salome620 #7
Chapter 1: wow, so fast. i just found out about it today. hope Minho's injury isn't serious. i just saw this video and gosh, my heart stopped there for a while.;v=-1G6UJbU3ww
(Minho falls at 0:46)

i hope we hear from SHINee or from SM soon.

thanks for writing this, by the way. it's so fluffy. eases the worry in my heart.